Why Didn't Trump Do This?

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Because Fuck You ! Thats why

Why bother even having a border at that point?

Because social workers won't do shit except "manage" all the cases for decades and nothing will get done.

Now sending the social workers to the homelands of these refugees? Now there's a half decent idea. They have to pay for it of course.

>1 post

We have homeless in CA, yet this dumb bitch wants more demand on the limited housing?


> 5k caseworkers.

WOW, she's a fucking Moron.

How is it she is this fucking stupid? How? She supposedly has a college degree.

Did anyone on that Twitter timeline ask this stupid BITCH what we should do if 50,000 people storm the border?

Unleash our FIFTY THOUSAND "caseworkers"??

She's one of the dumbest cunts I've ever seen.

Stand in line and wait. Use words, not rocks. Moral crisis averted. All the camera-crews and helpers couldn't tell them not to rush the border?

social workers suck at building defensive barriers, its like you dont understand what the corps of engineers are