They seem kind of dangerous to be fighting along side US troops. They could start playing with grenades and shit.
What do we do about the IDF Tards in Combat?
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Shahaf Privates.
dont tell me they put him in memtsadik , those blue berets are all basically down syndrome already
>What do we do
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?
He looks so happy, why do you want to ruin his fun? his salute looks genuine and he seems really proud of what he achieved.
I would give him a high-five in a heartbeat and congratulate him.
>He looks so happy
Tards always look happy.
shame you will never be as happy, user
There is no such thing as a non-tard soldier in this day and age user. He is as capable as any other mil-tard expendable flesh pile.
Would you be happy to fight side by side with him in battle? Americans soldiers need to be warned of this.
Imagine being such a degenerate shithole of a country that you conscript even the mentally retarded citizens.