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>doesn’t know what tyranny of the majority is

democrats had more seats up for reelection, most sitting republicans didnt even have to campaign

The US is a republic.

>united STATES
>as in union of more than one state

I agree. (((Democracy))) is a jewish scam. Why do you try to cower and hide your nose behind your memeflag and still fail? Is Jewish IQ really a meme?

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Funny coming from a flag that represents the most undemocratic part of the western world.

>no R allowed on the CA ballot for senate
>2 Ds if you can believe it
>lets count popular vote


You understand that in the senate, every state, regardless of population, gets 2 seats, right? So if a single senator wins in California, they will have won by millions of more votes than a senator in West Virginia and a different senator in Utah combined, almost regardless of what the actual percentages were.

there are 50 state govs

If you want a "Democracy" then don't live in a fucking Republic you stupid nigger, go move to some shithole.

>demos = folk
>cracy = rule
>folk rule
>still ruled over by feudal robber barons
>attacking your fellow common folk because the robber barons benefit from the constant divide and conquer

Don't waste your time. They'll never understand that the individual states are sovereign. That this sovereignty allowed them to tell Trump to fuck off when he wanted to review their voting data from 2016 to discover any voter fraud.

The founders hated democracy.

They set up this system specifically so that rural peoples would have more influence, because they held urban peoples in such contempt.

Time has only proven them correct in their assessments.

17 million dead and or illegal voters.

Too bad the United States is a Union, because that destroys your argument.

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Only the house was supposed to be a democracy. Senate was supposed to be somewhat of an aristocracy and the president supposed to be a dictator. Founders knew that each type of government has its strengths.

Direct election of senators was a fucking sham and we never should have ratified that amendment.

it says republic on the tin

and 10.5 million of those democrat votes came from California where your choice for Senate was between D- Feinstein and D- de Leon (((democracy)))

>Founders knew that each type of government has its strengths.
The Founders built their government based on the British system, replacing the hereditary king with an elected president, and the House of Lords with the Senate (and the nobility with state legislatures).

how the fuck is that adding up to 110 senate spots when there are 50 states x 2 = 100 max

Democracy doesn't mean the most numerous opinion automatically wins. It means power to the people. Demos is people, cracy is power. Democracy involves rules that gives power to the people, lots of rules which makes the situation more complex than giving automatic victory to the most numerous opinion. All democracies have these rules. Ancient athens is credited with inventing democracy and it also had these rules. It had a big chart of who goes where and who does what, which involved subgroups, subvotes, inherited functions, very conditional citizenship, and some public offices allocated by DRAWING A RANDOM BALLOT. Yes, the legendary democracy of athen had fucking luck of the draw involved. The electoral college is nothing compared to this shit. The electoral college does not make the US any less of a democracy, and contrary to popular misconceptions, there is no such thing as true democracy and democracy/republic are not opposite terms.

>american education

> eurocuck cant stand a republic
> how dare you elect your representatives????
> representatives should be appointed by assholes who were appointed by assholes who barely got enough votes to form a "coalition government"
> still calls it a parliament
> regulates how curvy or bendy a banana can be
> have to get special permission to drink a pint
> invites all of africa and asia minor to invade every country in europe
> any country that declines their rapefugees gets threatened with invasion by the US army (not even kidding, seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?)
> US army aint gonna invade poland or hungary because you faggots wanna make them Blacked
> time for formation of EU army.
> what could go wrong with that?
eat a sack of dicks.

reminder to beta orbiters and NPCs this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/containment/bait threads so it does not bump them

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Oregon would be red though. Likely Washington and the Great State of Jefferson too

> be australian
> try to translate greek
sorry mungo, youre retarded.
Demos: free, male greeks who had to be land owners.
not "folk" you dumb emu fucker. slaves, peasants, prostitutes (like yourself) and shoe shine boys couldnt vote, not even in athens.

Is it when white people draw arbitrary geographical borders to disenfranchise minorities?

No you idiot, it's a Constitutional Republic.

You dumb fuck.

Repeat after me. Representative Republic. Now go look that up.

do the math again retard.
47 + 53 = ?
count on your fingers if you have to.






You dumb kids are so easily manipulated. Sage

>doesn't know how our elections work and why

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The system is honestly what is saving the GOP. House is generally more Democrat friendly because it is population based. Senate is more Republican friendly because it is state based. In the Senate, the 500,000 in Wyoming has just as much say as the 38 million in California.

the only correct answer comes from fucking canada
you all disgust me

By the way, I honest to God don't know if the GOP will get the House again during Trump's presidency. Gerrymandering was a huge blessing for the GOP, but it only saves so much. The Latinos are all growing up and voting now, as we saw in the Beto-Cruz race.

>European retard thinks the USA is a democracy
The absolute state of European education, everyone.

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They were also pedophile boylovers, so you are definitely in good company, burger.

Its fine most minorities aren't educated or smart enough enough to know whats best for them anyway

The founders of democracy didn't want women to vote.

They wouldn't have let niggers vote either.

Why don't the minorities just move?

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>arbitrary geographical borders
You must be a nigger if that’s your shitty retarded argument

Yeah except not really because at the founding the federal level wasn’t nearly as relevant as it is today. State legislatures were the big swinging dicks and the federal level was just some bullshit side gig.

Democrat vs Democrat race in California

go to cry somewhere else fagot

Naw, we just don't want to share the magic soils. We can sell it to you and you can fix your countries but we only accept payment in gold or precious metals.

Lmao burger education

The US is not a dempcracy you dip. It's a constitutional republic. You should retake gradeschool.

For a memeflag like that I can’t believe you don’t understand this.
We are the United States of America. 50 states, united. Each gets two senate seats.
>but there’s a bajillion people vs a gorillion
Every state in the union is equally represented in the senate. We don’t give highly populated states more power than others based only on that fact, at least in the senate. We are not a direct democracy and never have been. Read it twice.

I bet you faggot have never complained about this when whites were the vast majority, yet shitskins still had a say due to the electoral college. Ungrateful, backstabbing subhumans, death is too good for what you really deserve.

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Worry not, as these numbers grow slowly we’ll eventually negate the electoral college that was set just to give these moron country tards a voice they don’t deserve.

>1 post by this id

In the options field

We in a republic, niggah. Learn to play by the rules, faggot.

What a mountain of horse shit.

yeah, it's bullshit. dumbasses here on Jow Forums will only defend it because their party is the one "winning"

More like the handlers who control all of the colored people infesting this country don't want to count non citizens and illegals in the census. Because it would severely reduce the number of districts in urban areas and give more control to real Americans.