Why is nobody talking about the happening in Haiti right now?

Just a week ago there were threads about a coup, 50 people assassinated in 48 hours, and government troops killing peaceful protestors in Haiti. US troops had secured the Port Au Prince Airport, and nobody in the media was talking about it. Here we are, two days later, and everything is scrubbed. Is Jow Forums now having a blackout on this story imposed? Why are there no more threads on this? I can't imagine it cleared up overnight.

>>BREAKING: Massive anti-government protests continue in Haiti. Reporters on the ground say there’s a lot of chaos. US Troops are reportedly on the ground and are currently guarding at Port-au-Prince Airport. Several protesters were shot and killed by police



This was the main Twitter feed reporting on the shit, and pic related is one of their latest tweets. They are literally (((shutting it down))). I think it's clearly Clinton Foundation related, and could blow open bullshit for world leaders worldwide. It's no coincidence that the news is suddenly saying the House GOP is going to talk to the DOJ about CF investigation.

>inb4 nobody cares about niggers
>inb4 coups happen every week in haiti
>inb4 voodoo lol

If you want to "lock her up", you better be paying fucking attention, cucks.

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Nobody cares about your niggers

because why would i care about nignogs offing themselves over dustcakes?

user you're doing a racism

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Fuck Haiti. Haitians are descended from slaves that violently revolted and killed everybody. Death to all of them. I would welcome the killing of all Haitians.

Political unrest in a nigger country? Im shocked

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Nobody cares about your shithole.

Bump for interest



Hillary razed Haiti and people here are asking why care about what's happening in Haiti, really gets your noggin joggin

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somebody redpill me on why the airport is so important that it's literally the only thing being protected.
just for future access? assuming for humanitarian aid? or is it the valuable aircraft? fly them out.

Hillary and crew just needed to clear out any evidence of kiddy diddling in voodoo land

maybe they're pissed because that source of income isn't there anymore.

You've been talking about it for like three days now. Now one cares about that shithole

If you don't like it, feel free to go back to your WMAF threads and your Blacked threads and your SlavsAren'tWhite threads, you fucking cancer that is killing Jow Forums.

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Because they ate niggers.

This thread is getting shilled hard by shitty loser trolls.

You might be onto something OP. Any idea what faction is behind this?

Will it mean more refugees?

Show me some dead Haitians.

D) All of the above.

All those words and you forgot to explain why I should care about nigger island.

ah, the old strategic value. got it

Niggers don't matter.

Seriously, give us protest and violence sauce to get the ball rolling.

Shouldn't the fact that someone with enough juice to enforce a blanket meia blackout doesn't want us to know about the situation mean you should want to know about it?

Maybe it's a coinkydink, but isn't this happening right after HRC was ordered to testify?
Do the Clintons have that much pull that they could have a whole island sperg out just to destroy evidence of their child trafficking in Haiti?

While that may be cancer, this isn't not-cancer.

Maybe it's a coinkydink, but isn't this happening right after HRC was ordered to testify?
Do the Clintons have that much pull that they could have a whole island sperg out just to destroy evidence of their child trafficking in Haiti?

Maybe it's not be reported because the news editors don't want their kids killed?

>political implications
>related to American political scandals

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Why is nobody talking about it? Because no one cares and it doesn't fucking matter to anyone.

for one, this happens regularly so that dampens interest. for two, asking if the country is abused by corrupt people? yes, everyone knows this.

Between Assange, Mississippi senate election, Haiti, Ukraine and Hillary's upcoming testimony there are a lot of happenings going on. Thanks for keeping Jow Forums relevant, OP.

Any photos or video?

>real tear gas
Not the fake shit they used on the Mexican boarder. Also, this is a real humanitarian crisis for which you would seek asylum. Any y'all mother fuckers even reading this article?

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