I’m a disgusted Mississippian. I voted against her twice this month. What a shame. What an embarrassment this woman is

I’m a disgusted Mississippian. I voted against her twice this month. What a shame. What an embarrassment this woman is.

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go mississippi go hang the niggers tight and low

she could say whatever the fuck she wanted (like she did) and still win because of the R next to her name
i voted against her both times as well but thinking that MS will never be not red is a joke

>highest black population
well then you're not very good at it

Mississippi Is proof blacks just don't care about voting. Like it's a mostly black state and always wins right wing.

You know the whites there gotta be sick of all the nigger BS.

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>that picture
O I am laffin

The woman who saved Christmas in Mississippi

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Go north carpetbagger.

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oh i wish I was in dixie,
away away,

in dixie land i'll take my stand
to live and die
in dixie

Guess what? I wasn't racist, but I am now.

As a TN user how is Mississippi? Never been there

Endemic poverty and feral niggers. Think of it like Memphis but 100% swampland.

You're alright leaf.

I'll spare you of the rake when the time comes.

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>broward county
Those "White" liberals are jews

Fuck these goddamn pig fucker skinheads.

Why can't the new House just throw out the fucking election results and seat Espy in the Senate?

Skinheads should be counted as 1/5 of a vote like they did with black people a hundred years ago.

Fuck deep red pigfucker states. We WILL have the infrastructure and the numbers soon to drag you kicking and screaming into the 21st century, sweetie.

You...you did see how beautifully blue Georgia and Texas got this time...right? A few more percentage points and we literally would have turned them both in Cuba and Venezuela.

Just try and stop us in another election cycle. Try! :)

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must suck to be you.

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Why do you hate women user?

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I was in Nashville last year and it was beautiful, trump stickers everywhere, even more than my state of Texas, the downtown was lit, the people were great, everything great.

... then we stopped at Memphis for 2 days.

>black people always glaring from every car you can see them in
>every gas station had a nigger with a fake story about needing money for gas and he was stuck
>outside of fast food joints there was always random blacks without shirts just standing around outside

And get this, I stopped at a hotel and it was gross and I went on local news on TV and the same fucking hotel was on the news for having a fentynal problem with the floors hurting people because niggers spilling it and people getting contact in their room from the toilet seat

I never want to visit a black city again.

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anyone that practices identity politics on the right or left is...

Nashville is alright. Lots of out of state far left hipsters and violent ghettos, but it's a better city than most major cities in America imo. Memphis is probably the biggest shithole citg in this country

whiskey river take my cirno

>implying you can end identity politics
almost as bad as being a libertarian


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Can you please tell me what is wrong with being racist? The blacks are racist, the jews are racist, the spics are racist. No one bats an eyelash, so why can't I be racist?

Mississippian here what do you want to know?

We probably stay red cause of the Voter ID laws. The rest of the fucking country needs them.
Went to vote...
>your full name
>date of birth
>photo ID

my preferance

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Stay the fuck out of Atlanta then. Seriously. East ATL is at least 5x worse than N. Memphis.

Mississippi anons, please redpill me. Is your state really this based? Do you enjoy living there? Be honest.

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>I voted against her twice this month
Guess you should have voted in the runoff too.

>Think of it like Memphis but 100% swampland.

==>Detroit with alligators.

Kill yourself beta faggot

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I guess South Texas it's become some spics started to identify as white

fuck off shareblue faggot

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Why are you so sexist?

I enjoy it, but I live in the country. In a town with maybe 1,500 people. I can even send my son to the public school, it's not kiked and they don't push any SJW bullshit. I think if they did the parents would be over there raising hell. I work for a defense contractor, make decent money.

Lol imagine living in Memphis for five years guys heh...

That'd be pretty dumb huh.

You definitely wouldn't see any murders.

That's why Democrats are trying so hard to import Mexicans - they're slightly more involved in voting.

i'd like to see you try, faggot.

East Atlanta is gentrified as fuck. It's the west you need to worry about.

Cope harder, you sniveling media prick.

East Atlanta? Fuck the whole city. I’ve been a Georgia boy my whole life and my family has been in Georgia since 1812 and Atlanta has been a pox on the state ever since we gave it to niggers after the war. Sherman was a monster, but I would bring that crazy bastard back to life if he would burn modern Atlanta down to the ground.


I'm disgusted with the quality of this post faggot.

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limp wristed libtard faggots like OP use the term "embarrassed" or "embarrassment" so much because everything they value is based on what others think. It's very illustrative.

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nah that looks like austin, aka the san francisco of texas

its all white hipster fags

>fairfax and north virginia voting for clinton

Huh. I live in fairfax and im surprised its only 57% clinton. I've still gotta get out of this shithole ASAP.

will someone change my diaper please