
First of all, we have an AK47 on our flag, second of all my country just plain sucks. Very little political significance in this part of the world.
Anyone who wants proof feel free to ask, you'll just get bushes and mud roads. I live outside Maputo

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but.... How much do you have to pay for sex lol?

Nothin. I do just fine at clubs and praia do tofo

Stop raping our women

implying your women are worth saving

How do you not acquire aids?

How many bald men have you killed for gold?

Also are you an actual native?

Who's chained to who in pic related?

Attached: 151319523248.jpg (700x700, 132K)

I wish I lived in a country with an AK47 on the flag

The best flag with guns

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Tamil_Eelam.svg.png (2000x1200, 274K)


You mean lourenco marques

>OP disappears after 2 posts


What do you do for work? What's your standard of living? I've heard life in the coastal cities can be extremely expensive.

Claro que nao

>coastal africa is expensive

Damn so it's like urban america- jobs suck and everything costs too much and niggers are everywhere.

How does it feel that BR, Portugal and Angola are all best friends but mozambique is the forgotten part of the lusophone world?

I work in a hospital in maputo. Taking a taxi every day. I just live with my family in a basic concrete house. Beach places you can get lots of tourism money but theres so many awful people that go there to beg.

Haha, holy shit. I know a guy working in the Northern part of your country for the peace corps. How much do you think he can do to improve the plight of your poor and destitute?

How present is western degeneracy in Mozambique?

Do you know these two fags - (i imagine white expat community is pretty small in mozambique).

Also hows internet? In 2013 it was fairly horribru even by 3rd world standards, but I hear Africa is now getting romania tier with all the chink capital flowing in?

I worked in Fortaleza BR and every african was from guinea bissau

Mozambique has a jewish central bank, so there's your first target.

Internet is fine for me I use mobile and it works good. I dont know why im so special but im okay with it.

How do you feel about the fact that Cabo Verde doesn't want to be considered part of Africa and wants to try and join the EU instead?

Thanks for the PSA, user.

How is the quality of life? How'd you find this place?

Attached: 1542764532447.jpg (1298x1600, 420K)

Someone is sharing the site in our whatsapp group for the NGO that is with our hospital. I don't know who, it could be one of you l, I would expect it actually

shoe on head

what do you think of us

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How can I overthrow your nation?

The small ape to the larger one

Attached: Fuccking up white nations as always.png (749x970, 156K)

Canada was literally the first Western nation to denounce Apartheid and demand multiculturalism back when Trudeau's dad was Prime Minister. Canada and Sweden- the two biggest critics of "white Africa".

Do you post on NAIRALAND usually? I heard it was like Nigeria's version of the chans.

Are you white or a nigger?

Goddamn she is cute af

Attached: 8825FCA2-EDBF-4EA5-B1B8-657F7FECF7A9.png (490x412, 78K)

Nothing. Gorillas give it for free

pedos get the rope

Attached: KYSF.jpg (751x418, 49K)

Claire from Gloryhole Swallow?

>small breasts=pedo

Fuck off cowtitsfag

if someone is from mozambique, what do you call them? other than a nigger of course.

Lel I worked in Tofo for 4 months last year. Mozambiqueanos are based af. Still keep in contact with my black bros there.

Had one mate there who came from some poor ass village but fucked white backpackers and they all send him money and pay for him to come visit them in europe several times a year.

Maybe its me

Nah i havent visited europe yet

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be an RPK

Don't you guys have a shitload of landmines?

There's internet in Mozambique?

Are the rents in Maputo high? How's the economy going? What about taxes?

That's Mbappe's Dad.