The right to bear arms

Ausfag here

If Americans have the right to bear arms. Why do criminals have this right taken away? QUOTE "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I don't know much about American politics and just starting to gain an interest in them.
Also, the 2nd amendment can be changed, just like they did with the 18th amendment (Prohibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within the United States) and made it the 21st amendment (Repeals the 18th Amendment and makes it a federal offense to transport or import intoxicating liquors into U.S. states and territories where such transport or importation is prohibited by the laws of those states and territories)

Am I missing something?

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Felons have been deemed untrustable and when arrested and convicted by a jury of peers, loose freedom(jail), and in some cases right to life(death penalty) after they are given freedom again(released) they still don’t have right to bear arms and right to vote. Losing your right to bear arms means commiting a felony and being proven guilty and convicted by a jury(every us citizen has the right to a fair trial)

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Idk how things work down under but in America we have state laws and federal laws, federal laws (felony)covering things like violent crimes, drug trafficking, etc
Misdemeanors are smaller crimes, theft, drunk, etc



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Criminals are, by default, not "the people" while they are acting in crimes, and they are not given the Liberties a nation is designed to protect, when they are serving their time/being punished.
I will agree, however, that former criminals who are released into the public after doing their time should be restored to full status.
Anyone who cannot be safely restored to full status should be dead.
I can kill plenty of people with a Truck.

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Me again
Australia is stuffed up, we need a licence for fucken paintball gun it is time-consuming to get. Also If you are in public and have a razor blade on you or any knife you're fucked, 2-year max in goal (prison)

Attached: australia-where-the-second-lowest-fire-danger-is-high-fire-28678300.png (500x462, 120K)

Because they're criminals. Ideally you take their life instead of their rights. At least with capital punishment you got a genetic pacification effect by eliminating whatever genetic component was causing that behavior from the gene pool entirely. Less fucked up people each generation. We're going backwards now by coddling criminals with "rehabilitation". This comes straight from the "it's the environment" bullshit that shitlibs use as an argument for black crime and brown people in general being violent. "It's the environment they grow up in, so all they need is rehabilitation, and they will become doctors and lawyers".

>If Americans have the right to bear arms. Why do criminals have this right taken away?
They shouldn't be. It's an infringement of the second amendment and basic human rights. All gun control is unconstitutional and should be repealed.
>Also, the 2nd amendment can be changed, just like they did with the 18th amendment
It could be, but never will be, mostly because there would never be enough support, but also because those who would are rightly terrified of what people would do if they even tried.

If you want what the US Founders were thinking, read up on English Common Law history prior to the East and West India companies, and then read John Locke.
Literally nothing we did was new. The 2nd is basically a mimic of an old English law that required all males to have a bow, and all of them to target practice train on the square every Sunday.

CIA fag here IP address is on my Happy holiday's list. "Australian". See you at Uncle Sams fag.

It's not like they didn't try to change it. There is a way to change it (something like 2/3 of congress and States' agreement, serach yourself). But there wasn't enough support and historically attempts to amend the Constitution have failed several times so no surprise there.

In America, people rule the government.

Government doesn't just "change" or make up its rule to oppress people.

Oh wait that sounds like America.

>Am I missing something?
You're forgetting that Muricans are actually retarded, especially when it comes to any kind of rational thinking about guns.

Attached: Murican toddlers with guns.jpg (610x394, 50K)

>Australia is stuffed up, we need a licence for fucken paintball gun it is time-consuming to get. Also If you are in public and have a razor blade on you or any knife you're fucked, 2-year max in goal (prison)
Bro, life is dangerous. You know that already. Thank goodness people are working hard to save you from yourself.

Attached: Australia peaceful day under oppressive gun control regime.png (976x930, 918K)

>If Americans have the right to bear arms.
>Why do criminals have this right taken away?
>Am I missing something?
yes, a brain

Attached: Eric-Swalwell.jpg (448x342, 53K)

This post is dangerous. The more and more user''s think about it and don't have a peace pipe. Are you trying to hurt people?
This is hate speech and you will be ban.

Goal: separating the Americans from the domestic & foreign terrorists, as defined in the Constitution

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I in all truth might hurt myself in the duration and sincerity of the salute or other physical means the most sacred of my vital organs. My heart. God bless this mad shithole.

>"So help me God.”
so u rly are a brother in arms...
...what the fuck?

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>wrong reply? You might find a glow nigger that will do it on here.

nope; i take no sides; i think both the left & the right r faggots who betrayed the Constitution

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absolute unit

Either way, you fall the second seems pretty needed. They covered they ass, my friend.

i want to make love to pic related

i see a pretty clear objective pattern vs a subjective one; i wonder which side the Law will side with tho? idk personally

Attached: eric-holder.jpg (720x529, 94K)

this guy did the most that anyone of you could

Can anyone explain why toddlers are so often armed with guns in Murica? It seems quite unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Is this the result of a genetic fault?

Attached: Toddlers with guns.jpg (960x684, 104K)

So often? If anything 18 kids is good news, but it's parents at fault anyways, just like when one falls from a tree and I don't see you screeching to ban parks and trees.

Don't commit a felony and you can buy guns.
Thougg btw felonies should only be for violent crimes. Once you are convicted as a violent criminal then too bad, you can't possess guns anymore because you already demonstrated unjustifiable violence.