What will India do to get to superpower status?
Is India really going to be a superpower in 2025?
They will do the needful.
Did people wish Rakesh a happy birthday?
Absolutely not. They'll do a bit of a dead man bounce once the US economy goes into recession and sends the rest of the world into a tailspin, because hey, somebody's gotta go up. But once we're back on our feet they'll keep spiraling down into the pit they've trapped themselves in.
What happened to superpower by 2020?
>Happy Birthday, Rakesh.
They will start by powering their buildings with pooclear energy and their vehicles will use pootrol.
Poop on our streets
>What happened to superpower by 2020?
Rounding error. Happens every day in accounting.
India will never be a superpower because most of their population is retarded. Average IQ is 85, equivalent to American blacks.
Please do the needful.
with kind regards
this. poo in the loo will never have space toilets.
i dont know user, my dog shits outside, is he going to be a superpower anytime soon?
India was already a superpower in 1700, being the largest economy, passing Qing China.
IQ is Chink cope, Indian IQ has a much more varied distribution than Chinese IQ, which is why India and China despite having an IQ difference of at least 1 SD have nearly the same amount of Nobel prize winners. And Indian IQ is held back much more than African IQ in terms of nutritional and environmental aspects. IQ is 80% genetic at max, but 20% at minimum is based upon environment, that alone if accounted for could lift the average IQ to 90s.
And India also has a eugenics program, that sterlizes the low IQ population if they want to avail government benefits, which they do. India women have a sterlization rate of 50%.
>India was a superpower in 1700
That wasn’t Indians, that was the Persian and Turkic upper class Mughals who used you all as slaves.
>IQ variance
Point taken, but that also means that India has many more drooling retards and idiots than China
>Environment lifting IQ
Flynn effect is already pretty much maxed out. Fixing malnutrition will definitely help some, but honestly it’s putting the cart before the horse because you gotta be an intelligent and high trust society in order to keep everyone well nourished in the first place
Big if true. If you guys pull this off then maybe you have a shot at not being a shithole
Based abdul
Don't forget India has a vegetarian rate of 30%, meaning 30% of the population is B12 deficient. We need to change that and get people to eat meat to provide adequate nutrition, our obesity rate is lower than Africa ffs.
>India was already a superpower in 1700
That's why it got carved up between the English, Portuguese and French who conquered the entire subcontinent with a few hundred white guys.
>That wasn't Indians
You'd have to be retarded to think Indians did not form a part of the Mughal government. And by 1700, the Persians and Turks were heavily Indianized. And most of the output and trade was done by the Indian merchant castes anyway.
>Intelligent and high trust
Do you really believe this to be in the case of China? High trust? Their own government mass massacred them without any opposition. Here a police officer murdered a young kid who was throwing stones at the police in a firing and the entire media started criticizing the police and the government.
Those are facts mate. You're getting carved up and fucked by a few thousand Jews in your country.
It's not so simple though, you begged us in 1617 to give you some land, fucks sake Thomas Roe became a member of the Mughal Court, subordinate to the Mughal Emperor lmao. Of course, due to the Jewwy nature of the Anglokike we didn't expect you to build massive fortresses and strike us when internal rebellion in the Mughal government happened.
It carries onto this day, no foreigner is allowed to own property or become a citizen of India.
Yeah, you're being subverted and systematically exterminated by a bunch of Jews. Hate them from the bottom of my heart but I dislike Whites too. Also, it wasn't like your conquest of India was totally not funded by the Jews.
Hint: Rothschilds and Sasoons.
Indians are the worst race excluding blacks. They smell like shit. Their food is shit. They are the the ugliest race. All their tech companies are low quality or outright scams. I can’t think of one redeeming quality. I’m not even being facetious
Does he have a flag?
>their food is shit
Okay you’re just being an edgelord with this one
Our fault to not industrialize faster and trust Europeans at the same time. Could've dispatched a ship to Britain as an ambassador, we had plenty of transport ships at the time. Didn't have to invite them at our doorstep to help us build industries and then occupy once the Maratha revolution started, which was inevitable because Hindus and Muslims were polarized due to Aurangzeb's religious policies.
>Their food is shit.
Freudian slip. Top kek.
>Did people wish Rakesh a happy birthday?
Yes, just some mns ago. Am a polite Swiss. We like Indian tourists and want to sell them chokiladde. Huehuehue.
the poo powered rockets are coming
Just because its a shithole doesn't mean they can't be a superpower.
Look at America.
A super power where half the population don't have access to proper toilets. lmao