The danish national television just talked about Jow Forums and if it was possible to persecute danish users of Jow Forums.
The danish intelligence service has apparently researched in the website and found out that Jow Forums approximately had 170000 visits a month from Denmark.
Nice! I wonder how many Danes are regularly on here?
Bentley Carter
Mate you need 4 threads of this? What more is there to say mate On the other hand it's better than slide threads I guess
Jeremiah Bell
If they also break US laws they can get the IP from Jow Forums.
Julian Robinson
Jacob Peterson
Indeed. I noticed they are the less noticable among Scandinavian users: Sweden: either a cuck or a non-swede with a proxy who roleplay as a cuck >Finland: autism juggernaught >Iceland: R A R E >Denmark: ???
Noah Clark
We don't have a federal police cause we aren't a federation you bloody emu-vassal
Benjamin Reed
Fuck i falied the greentext
Owen Lee
is that dan bilzerian sucking dick?
Ayden Turner
Don't be blondanon
Jace Wilson
They say that there is a "core" of about a 100 danefags.
Leo King
Mason Nelson
Nolan Cooper
Let’s laugh at DR since they had to fire half of their “journalists”
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
>100 Danes >170,000 visits a month Those 100 are probably the most autistic among you. Truly the elite.
Matthew Peterson
Jow Forums is a magical place for any idea or any race.
Kayden Cox
i would LOVE to her prosecutors and judges quoting Jow Forums shit posts KEK
Caleb Ward
Hopefully it's much more
Luis Howard
imagine sitting in a Danish court room listening to your $1000 dollar a day Lawyer tell the judge that you were only "shitposting" and Then have him explain to a $3000 doller a day judge what shitposting actually is.
Nathaniel Martinez
Compared to other scandis danes post the least on Jow Forums relative to population.
Haha i agree, finns are my favourite country on this board just from the fucking retarted shit they come out with
Jason Bailey
>170000 visits a month from Denmark But they didn't get IP adresses. They did it the autist way and had someone monitor each bread and simply count danish flags (not even ID's in each bread) So it's 170K posts with Dannebrog, including proxy fags. Oh, and on that note. They'll panic if there's suddenly a drastic increase of Danish flags. [innocent whistle]
Nathan Collins
fet juel mant celt bteel meams
Easton Williams
but mostly White Power 1488 and we’re still more of an open platform than faceberg
Justin Rogers
every dane should start posting 9 1 1 memes and we can listen to them in court
Owen Brown
>muh accelerationigger
Levi Rodriguez
This is accurate, but icelandics have a tendency to be Boomer tier because theire so sheltered from the outside world.
Jacob Phillips
That's because people can casually vent their racism here for the most part. In terms of public discourse we aren't nearly as suppressed as Swedes and Norwegians, so no reason to seek refuge on Jow Forums. Fuck, even my liberal friends say bad words about minorities behind closed doors, one lad even made a Hitler salute just for the hell of it. It just isn't bad enough here as of right now.
Liam Reyes
The Finns are a special kind of autist, glad to have their autism on /our/ side.
Carter Price
>have flag literally gifted upon your people from God himself >selflessley exucate the world on law and order through DANELAW >massive overrepresentation in scientific and artistic archievement >banned off of 4chinz cause a few dozen guys said nigger and mudslime
how the mighty have fallen
Jonathan Perry
see >icelandics have a tendency to be Boomer tier because theire so sheltered from the outside world. This. Icelanders are the mega-cucks, they're even worse than Svenne - they just haven't had the opportunity to shoot themselves in the foot yet because they are so remote as you point out.
Luke Allen
>First rule of 4chanclub
Michael Ward
have you seen the Hydraulic Press channel dude? That man has hardcore autism and I think he's the most sociable of the people that appears on his videos. Are all Finns like that?
Colton Moore
It's not even like that, tho. I read the article just as it came out and it basically amounts to something you can just wave your hand at. The only edgy part was them consulting with a salty judge who was like >Yeah maybe we can go after some of them because some users' posts are more of a call to action speech (threats) than mere expressions
Dylan Stewart
I wonder how many Swedes are and how often they visit t. jeb poster
Anthony Cook
>People call american user homophobic bigot >American user puts on panties and lipstick and sucks black cock >"Hehe you cant call me bigot anymore!"
Gavin Evans
1. vi må ikke sludre. om klubben 2. vi får damer altid altid
can you imagine your lawyer trying to educate a boomer judge what "shit posting" is...
we're all doomed
Nathaniel Jenkins
This was to be expected sooner or later. Eventually they will come for us all. As it was in the Soviet Union so will it be in the European one.
Lucas Nelson
at which point the public snaps and fires up the ovens right user? right...? we dont all cuck out and accept our (((commie))) hell do we? ...
Matthew Evans
race war, gas the danes NOW!
Joseph Scott
Nicholas Flores
Who the fuck proxies as a Dane?
Justin Baker
Michael Gonzalez
>170000 Time to claim the land in the name of kek.
Camden Bailey
some guys sinply can’t respond in Danish so its know to be true. I’ve seen it a few times
Owen Perry
They have the best trolls.
Aiden Bell
or they are immigrants posibly, but I almost can’t even imagine that
Jordan Anderson
They won't snap, they will conform as they always do. The difference between SU and EU is that people still think that the latter is good, they are more likely to defend it than otherwise.
Jacob Hall
>They did it the autist way and had someone monitor each bread and simply count danish flags > (not even ID's in each bread) (((media))) Trix to sensationalize something Every.Single.Time.
Landon Roberts
>Just tell the police to fuck off >simple yeah, has anybody officially said to fuck off and kill yourself because im not sure if it's legal from here on in?
Easton Evans
Guys we know that not all people here takes Jow Forums as satire. We know there are really sick people here. Even the ones that takes most of it as satire, like me, have been influenced by it making us more racist and far right. Maybe they are right and this website is bad for society. Maybe we are the bad guys. I just want to be a good person and that nobody see me like a weirdo, I just want to fit in society.
Colton Evans
>I just want to fit in society act like you have no idea what Jow Forums or Jow Forums is and think back to when you weren't an edgelord and you're 90% of the way there
This. Danes can shitpost IRL, det kan jeg godt lide.
Jayden Adams
>I just want to fit in society. It is leftists who don't fit in society. Don't fall for their illusions (delusions). Why do you think they're always trying to change society? Because they're incompatible with it.
Dear danish press Here is a photo of some Australian perverts sexual activity related mutilated balls he posted here in case you misssd it. WELCOME TO Jow Forums
>100 >Visiting 1,700 each >In a 30 day period >57 times every 24 hours
Would seem there's a lot more than just that, say and this is a low estimate they average visit is 10 times every single day well that's gonna be at least 600 or so.
Julian Watson
Yeah super lefty Danes I met university I drunkenly revealed the entirety of my true power level drunkenly and had a rant stating "Denmark with a Danish minority wouldn't be Denmark" etc. and once I did that they started to be open about how they avoid migrant areas they called "ghettos" and weren't fully on board with progressism but didn't think it would be okay to say here kek.
Ayden Long
known ranges, kike faggot. this site cannot keep up with all the unknown ranges vpn companies use.
Nathan Stewart
>The danish intelligence service has apparently researched in the website and found out that Jow Forums approximately had 170000 visits a month from Denmark. > researched they went through the bulk amounts of data harvested from every danish ISP user.
im pretty sure if they've "researched", they already know who is who going by metadata records. arresting people will be made easy as they already know the targets. they're just looking for the legal means to do so.
Jonathan Nelson
Way too many Danehating faggots paint a picture of Denmark as if we are Sweden 2.0
Danes are a little bit like Aussies in the sense we don't give a fuck, and like mentioned we can vent and say whatever the fuck we want IRL.
Theres "No sandniggers allowed" spraypainted on several appartment complexes in my city just for reference.
Brayden Hernandez
There are more Estonian posters per capita
Austin Miller
Benjamin Evans
I've seen some Anti-Muslim graffiti around the city. 10/10 city would live there
Kevin Cruz
No, but nice to hear a city with one of the worst sandnigger ghettos got that.
I live in a pretty rural city. I'll never move to any major city, rural cities is where it's at.
Seen some Nordfront stickers here too.
Camden Lewis
Per every 1 poster from Estonia you need 5 posters from Denmark. (over 300 posters from USA, 80 from Germany etc.) We're essentially a chan country without our own chan (they all die before they are born)
Rural Denmark is cozy. Well the whole country is. I wish I could go back and stay forever ;_;
Hunter Lewis
So get a work visa, apply for education and then apply for citizenship
Since you are white and European it shouldnt be that hard.
Blake Thompson
Since there's like only 1 million people in Estonia how many posters roughly do you think there are and what percentage of general Eesti population is it?