How to die

how to get myselve killed with CO2?
i can get fatal ammounts of CO2 but the rate at which it is inhaled at i slow, i need some way to improving the delivery method or preventing myselve from instinctuall behaviour. i was thinking sleeping pills but the OTC stuff is weak.

Attached: discovery Chanel.jpg (650x501, 45K)

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Run a generator inside a confined place such as a car or apartment (tape along door gaps, windows, etc). Stay up for 2-3 days straight before you fire it up, go to bed and never wake up. Good-bye user.

get a helium mask, it's much safer and will put you to sleep in no time.

Get helium instead.

Attached: painless-fast-suicide-fun-fact-helium-is-not-poisonous-helium-24774924.png (500x387, 91K)

seems that Lord KeK has spoken

OP, KeK is with you, you have his blessing with these digits

If you don't die by igniting the civil war are you even trying?

it would be called "fake and gay" or "false flag"

lol do it anyway

I thought this doesn't work anymore because they mix that helium with a bunch of other shit for safety reasons.

Get CO instead.

Get a washing machine tube, put one end on the exhaust tube of a car and the other into the salon though a crack in the window. Then take a nap. You will be dead within a few hours.


the jews won again

also this


i know an electrician that killed himself with 240V power....sounds brutal

>how to kill yourself with CO2?

Have you tried swallowing your resentment in low does over an extended period of time? I guarantee you, eventually it will kill you

You're already dead spiritually, why the rush to split hell wide open?

But some fent

If you're gonna kill yourself, do us all a favor and take a tech CEO along with you.

this has nothing to do with politics mate

OP failures continue

Attached: 1531401494402.png (248x600, 132K)

traditional american suicide

eat yourself to death watching nascar

Breathing high concentrations of CO2 is extremely painful. Only a retard would choose that as a suicide method.

Try Argon
It's better then CO2.
I as a welder know this gas good enough..

>preventing myselve from instinctuall behaviour.
I'm no doctor but from what I understand this is easily avoidable.
The feeling of suffocation is caused not by a lack of oxygen but by the accumulation of CO2, so as long as you're breathing anything (other then air of mostly CO2) you shouldn't feel like you're suffocating, even if the air actually has no oxygen in it.
So if you created an environment with an airtight seal and kept breathing until you depleted the oxygen, you'd faint and die without ever experiencing pain or any kind of choking sensation.
The accumulation of CO2 in the air caused by your breathing might be an issue tho. Ideally you'd want to be breathing pure, room-temperature nitrogen. Strongly suggest you watch this:

A dude i used to know taped one end of a stripped cable to its chest and the other end was plugged in one of those extension bricks with a power button. Painful way to go electrocuted with 230v.

CO2 is garbage... it is CO you are looking for
but... don't do it, user