Rate me boys :*
Rate me boys :*
My glutes
Bullimia stage 4
don't abuse roids
Needs more fat, but nice commitment
Legitimately the most disgusting thing I've seen all week
Is dick chopped off or it will be attached?
Just go to church and do spiritual exercises instead.
your belly botton looks like an anus
ur bigger than me
Hell is for ever!
jeez, please stop lady, I mean I am the most desperate guy there is but tone it down you really need more meat on your bones.
Id date her but only as a bottom
Negative infinity/10
Kellyanne Conway on steroids
Infinity gad-zogoogle one ker-billion/10
>Chad dumped ME? AGAIN?
>enough is enough
*injects steroids and hits the gym
women emulate the men they wish would commit to them, because they spend their entire lives getting sex so easily they never even manage to learn to do more than project their own sexual desires of men on to men, in order to learn to attract a mate
by the time they hit the wall and have to change to attract a mate, their brains are old and incapable of learning or genuinely changing their views
this is why wall women think they're super hot for being tall, or strong, or independent, etc
>Wall women
I respect your athleticism but do not find you sexually attractive in your current state.
fuckin gross brah
>Rape me boys
Fixed your typo, and no. I don't want to get wrestlefucked by a strip of beef jerky in a sportsbra that isn't supporting anything.
im not a sodomite
mental illness with steroids/10
holy samoly i bet her fart could blow your eyelids inside out.
same. women can fatten up fast though.
i miss going to a gym that had those all-metal dumbbells. i miss that PING, nah mean?
Kellyanne Conway looks like THAT
Stop it Kellyanne.
Lmao. She’s a “butter-top”
let the state softball pitching record holder give me a handy once, was fucking intense. i'd give it a go as long as you dont rip it off.
Need to work on your traps & legs. Very obvious this woman doesn’t deadlift enough.
But I’d fuck her anyway even with her imperfections.
Fit Birkenau/Nein
Sickening glutes.
You will be after I am done with you, faggot
at least it's not fat
That muscle is literally worthless. You have wasted your time and for what? Your body dysphoria? Only the most fucked in the head onions chugging retard would find you attractive, and he’d still be stronger than you. Hope you had fun ruining your body though.
0.05/10 good face but I’m not gay
Literally a centaur. Show me a side view you're a centaur
i was wondering why no one is asking about tits
then i realized
it doesn't have any tits her chest is probably manlier than mine
I bet her clit is longer than the average penis.
Wood. I love hard bodied women. Marathon sex machines
I'm not saying you look bad, but I like soft ass bouncing when I fuck
Do you even uterus?
Tits or GTFO bitch, you know the rules around here!
but 30 years ago, maybe.
>respectfully expressed balanced opinion
Now that is rare on the fourchinz.
>tits or gtfo
just google a bodybuilders chest they all look the same
Heels at the gym for massive gains
Q isn't playing
A level 10 skeleton
>doesn't look like a female anymore
>dick soft
Can't make a baby/10
i'd let you poop in my mouth babe no joke u hot
What mixtures of test do you use ?
Nasty as fuck. Stay out of the gym and spend more time in the kitchen woman.
Tap / Rack / Bang !
Draugr champion. Glad I’m rolling Wood Elf Stealth Archer
Would travel apocolypse wastlelands with
I would love to pump some iron with you
>eef you know wut I mean
Right is ideal female body.
Roids can be a blessing or a curse.
You just have to have some self control.
Women can't have fun doing boy stuff. They only do boy stuff to pretend they like it for chad cock.
fucking retard.
In Norway women have xy and men have yy-chromosomes
Blonde Shield Maiden. Your body is not so femenine but I like you. A 10/10
hit her with a crowbar?
The original was better. Correcting typos is low test.
Women and fake test don’t mix. If you were natty and had 10% more bodyfat you’d probably look great but you’ve ruined it with drugs.