We are safe for now!!

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your fight is far from over user

How is your new government getting on italybro, not signing the compact is good but I've been trying to find news about other policies but it's all just reeeeing

Basically every time they try to do something europe spergs out and asks for edits in reforms content.
I think they are unironically afraid of this government.

who cares, did anyone expect you to sign it?


If so, w00t! Good on you Italy. The Sons of Rome stand strong against the forces of globalism and communism.
user is right the fight aint over but this is yet another victory for nationalism.
Avanti! Hail Duce Salvini!

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Congrats. Our orange man is trying to fight against these EU cucks

Sounds like they are fearing a Mussolini 2.0 because they know anyone who steps up to challenge their legitimacy to rule over sovereign nations is right and justified to do so. EU needs to put in check and destroyed.

sign it you fucking KEKS if you dont sign it this means Canada takes YOUR SHARE you rotten fuckers! fuck ITALY fuck fuck fuck i dont want 250 million somolian SHIT SKINS to come enrich my country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fuck off Trudeau Dog-Fucker Leaf.

Time for Levolution?

Oh right you don't have the balls like America had. You deserve to be cucked.

Canadian bois only exist to serve American dick

what can we do when our leadership is LITERALLY OWNED BY CHINA and the majority of our population are all indoctrinated LIBTARD faggots FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK seriously fuck this shit fuck you fuck italy fuck everything fuck trudeau fuck chinks fuck somolian SHIT SKINS fuck fuck fuck im goinna have a real melt down soon i cant atke it i have to leave this country ASAP

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Fuck off leaf. Your people chose this and voted for the autistic globalists that are facilitating it. We will not bleed our countries for the likes of you. If you hate 250 million Somalians then DO something about it. In the meantime I hope the Greater Caliphate of Canadia goes well.

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>They keep coming and breeding
>were gona be safe now :DDDD

your 250 million apes order has been already shipped. sorry...

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Well Salvini is waaaay more moderate than a mussolini type of guy but he shown that you dont need to automatically bend over and get assfucke every time EU asks for it. Europe now is afraid that more countries will take same path leading to a big loss of centralized european power.

Leaf him alone, he is very angry about his country.

Don't forget the Hondurans we will send your way biggot

A toast

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Why is Italy so fucking cool all of a sudden?

That's exactly why I said what I said. Now bent over to your overlord Chinchin.

There's a potential to get them out, and at least your government is telling EU to get fucked. Most Italian people are against the migrants. It won't take much more. Even Cosa Nostra is selling the migrants off to Albanians and Chinese.

Cause they finally realized that Mussolini did nothing wrong & that nationalism is correct.

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Dude, know how big Canada is? Who cares these losers will starve or freeze here. They won’t stay. + you can buy land north away from the city for next to nothing and live Somalia free.

Na, when they realize how cold and expensive it is here to live here they’ll caravan south to the jewunited states of Israel.

More people of us whites to exploit. + more work for us whites. No smart business owner will hire these losers.

We already forced a bunch of our migrants over the border though, hopping over with frostbite

In less than a year the number of boat people have passed from 120,000 to 20,000
Salvini has already cut welfare for those parasite.
Now we only need to put some hundred of million dollars on deportation and Italy will survive.

This situation is not meant to last, this is why they tried to speed up with the global compact.
Whites are refusing the process, and the clash of civilization is getting evident.

Once we have the first civil war the other white countries will learn from them, fear is the greatest medicine.

Nice on ya. If you manage it you can topple the whole house of cards.

It is Always important to celebrate victories user.

They keep us moving.
Salvini's Facebook account. He just declared

You guys are doing good, cheers

If Canada was under the direct rule of China you would probably have it easier, chinese are smart, autistic, but smart.
That traitor instead has turned the quietest, politest country in the world into a shelter for Somalians.

Don't worry, once here, they'll make their way south

Because the elected nationalists

Diversity is our strength, why does Italy want to be weak? You must sign.

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Refugees are like veggies, they may taste bitter but they're good for you and mommy Merkel is gonna make sure you eat your veggies.

I am just gonna sit here and see how diversity works before taking my decision.

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mommy merkel can put those black aubergines up her fat ass and then cucks form france and portugayl can suck on them all day long

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we always knew, we just kept it to ourselves

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>find news about other policies
If one does the robber knows he is doing a dangerous job.
Am I wrong ???
Defense is always legitimate!

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Stop smuggling people into Europe then.

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