What if islam was exported to middle east from ancient europeans?
What if islam was exported to middle east from ancient europeans?
Then we would live in an alternative time line.
if this is true then john mcafee will eat his own dick
You claimed the ancient euros were Muslim and posted the same image. Get outta here
That's always a possibilty. Everyday we wake up, we start from zero
Demons are trying to confuse you
Don't be so bloody stupid. If Islam was from ancient Europe then Europe's history would be riddled with degenerate pig fucking vermin - not the Renaissance, Age of Reason and the Industrial Revolution.
Each ethnicity uses a religions like they want
Age of reason was literally intellectual atheism
yeah, ok, but it wasn't.
Is it always a possibility, or is that just what you want?
Dude, it's an abrahamic religion...
It's impossible for it to have come form ancient Europeans.
Very Anglo-Semitic
Islam was created by the Vatican but the Vatican lost control of it
need some proof for that
t. diaspora bosniak
Vatican Archives. Go apply for privileged access and see for yourself. They have records of all the arms they sold him, the bishops they sent to teach him since he was young, and even the letters from the pope at the time claiming they needed a warlord to cull the Christians in Middle East who didn’t submit to the Vatican pope.
Vatican having good relation and selling arms to Ottoman empire doesn't mean they invented isalm
it's your fantasy, you extrapolate it.
how bout this: What would the middle east be like if it were conquered by vikings?
They would be a bounch of emasculated fags
Very British-Israeli
like a viral disease? with the goal of making them inhumane and easily controlled by their emotions and violence? i like it user
I’m glad europe has had many terror attacks and the white race is becoming extinct due to the arab muslims