Apply for job

>apply for job
>pass competency test
>pass aptitude test
>online interview 1
>online interview 2
>assessment centre
>fly out for in person interview
>site tour
>second in person interview
>"sorry you weren't the successful candidate for the job"

Do boomers get off on schadenfreude?

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Story of my life m8

You didn't give a firm enough handshake. Seriously, though, this is the sad reality when employers can afford to be picky. I know how it feels. Better luck next time, bro.

Tuck in your shirt, comb your hair, and stop being a limp wristed faggot.

Jesus Christ, all of this just for a job. The only way that could be justified is if it paid 250k or more.

Our generation is absolutely fucked what a mess.

you posted this on Jow Forums 20mn ago mate...

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4 interviews for a job? This is the problem of having and HR departament,thbey have nothing better to do,if your supervisor was the one doing interviews it wouldnt be such a waste of time.Did you look at your employer in the eye and gave him a firm handshake?

>Do boomers get off on schadenfreude?
This happened to me numerous times now. They even fuck with you during this entire process and don't give a damn if they fuck around because they won't get their shit pushed in for being incompetent.
Then comes around some faggot ass nigger talking about how there's NEETs and all.
Fat dykes and boomers alike should get the rope first.
Fuck this gay shit.

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They probably had access to your SM and Jow Forums posting history.

Looks like the job was yours to lose. You had enough qualifications to get through all of the process except the last part which was the “fit” with the company. Basically they just have you meet the team to see if they like you or not. I’ve been turned down 3 times like this before with Big4 companies, at the end I ended up working for a smaller company and making 50% more. It’s a numbers game so keep trying.

Epic Systems?

Just walk in there and demand to see the CEO. Look him in the eye and tell him he’s giving you the job.

A bot could have stolen the post.
They've been doing that recently.

He would not have made it past the first interview if they were displeased with his social media history.

Then give the CEO a firm handshake.

Make sure you have a fresh haircut and shined shoes as well.

Canadian expat here. Done this multiple times over the past 10 years for government jobs. Top scores on aptitude tests, graduate degree, military reserve service, good physical condition, but always turned down. I'm a White, heterosexual male. Something tells me if I were gay, black, aboriginal, Muslim or female that I'd have any job that I wanted in Canada.

>employers can afford to be picky
I was just told on the news last night that there are more job openings than unemployed people. If the economy is really booming it should be a job seekers market and not the other way around.

>They even fuck with you during this entire process and don't give a damn if they fuck around because they won't get their shit pushed in for being incompetent.
I also observed this kind of "Fuck you, I got mine" attitude from Boomers. Also, women were always the ones doing the interviewing in most of the jobs that I applied for, even in traditionally male careers like military and policing. These H.R. recruiting units are full of women. THat's how fucked up shit is now. Women hiring men in traditionally male careers. It makes me so fucking angry.

More likely, the gaggle of crones in HR didn't like him

those job openings are for minimum wage fruit picking and nigland retail jobs. coding is full; karlie does all y'all's jobs.

that's why I just collect neetbux.

>These H.R. recruiting units are full of women.
I always get one cute roastie starting the interview which is all going great and then some fat fucking dyke comes along to chop my head off just because.
Fuck HR niggers indeed. Wymyn rights and all that shit was a yuuuge

H.R is the cancer of all companies,I dont understand why they have HR doing the hiring instead of the supervisors,since they are the ones that know what the job is about and are able to have a relevant interview.

Last year I was up for a promotion internally at the company I work (insurance and khakis). I applied in July, two in person interview, one in a different city, and 6 months later I am denied with them just saying I wasn’t the best “fit.”

No feedback, no “this is what you can do,” no reason at all. Just not a good fit. It was fucking maddening.

>Just walk in, tell the manager you want a job, and give him a firm handshake!
also boomers
>You're a dog walker? Show me 12 references, your degree in veterinary medicine, and proof of 5 years experience guarding the smith Chulainn's house as a substitute dog

those job openings are for niggers and spics you dummy


Yes. Sometimes they allow people who've they discounted at the beginning fo the process to go through all of it. The purpose may be to have a 'calibration candidate' or some other bureaucratic or nefarious purpose.

It's really that easy. I did this and the CEO hired me on the spot and fired all my interviewers.

Waiting staff or bar staff job?

It doesn't matter if the economy is really booming. Trump is importing record numbers of pajeets and mexicans who can do the same job, nominally at least, while paying them less money, and no need to abide by safety regulations, etc.

There are plenty of deadend jobs that don't pay well looking for people. If you want a standard of living above lower middle class there's going to be strict competition, especially if it's a field where women want to work in. There are exceptions, like some trades in certain regions.

Remember kids, if you lived in Nazi Germany you would be guaranteed a job

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That's unfortunately true user. And it keeps getting worse. I hope Japan is treating you well!

Sue the shit out of them

>That's unfortunately true user. And it keeps getting worse. I hope Japan is treating you well!
Thank you. I left about 10 years ago, and I have no intention of ever returning to Canada. I've since obtained a European passport through one of my grandparents and have a good job in Japan. But I'm never going back to Canada.

I was never even asked a question about the job at my interview. We talked about deer hunting and fishing. I’m an industrial controls tech I made almost 80k my first year.

They knew you were qualified then, that was one of these mysterious “good fit” interviews.

I ain’t flying shit unless they’re paying for the trip.

>European passport
>Job in Japan.

Say what my nigga?

>apply for job
>pass phone interview
>do an in person interview
>drive home
>get a call
>you are hired
At a major engineering firm

Ive interviewed people and a board of people comes together and talks about your technical expertise as well as your personality.
If a single person thinks you are a shitty person, we dont hire you.

>WT muh hunting state
>incompetent boss
>"Almost" 80k
PhD in EE and 15 yrs exp in robotics?

Japan is an EU member state. They joined after Turkey.

I was just about the ask if he looked em in the eye, probably too autistic to meet someone gaze.

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Give the firm handshake a CEO


yes, they do.