my mother recently came out as a lesbian at 46 years old. upon learning this, I immediately started having memories to back when I was a teen/pre-teen and we used to kiss playfully on the mouth, sometimes even with tongue. I had no malice and didn't know what I was doing really, but in any case I've been flooded with a ton of feelings about it
is this something I should really be connecting or worrying about?
Who the flying fuck kisses their kid with tongue??
Jonathan Morgan
this. wtf op.
Aaron Thompson
LGBT parents
Levi Nelson
>back when I was a teen/pre-teen and we used to kiss playfully on the mouth, sometimes even with tongue.
Your mother is not only a lesbian but a pedophile.
Charles Gutierrez
Yes, assuming your mom has always been a lesbian and this isn't her menopausal brain shutting down, that means she was forcing her sexuality on to you, and as a teen. I don't know your mom so i'm not gonna say she's evil or anything that bad, but that shit is pretty creepy. Maybe I'm in the minority, but my parents never kissed me on the mouth, and I felt because of that I never felt any Oedipal feelings toward my parents, so I went out into the world to find other girls. Don't super stress about it but know that kissing on the mouth is normal if not a little gross.
Joshua Moore
Well why don't you go back to kissing her to make her feel more comfortable with coming out?
Hunter Perry
it was legitimately innocent and funny to me, I saw my dad kissing her then ran to her and tried to do the same. only happened a few times.
Sebastian Roberts
Someone doesn't develop pedophilic feelings to their children as siblings don't develop sexual attraction to each other if they've always had a strong bond. Pedophilia inside a family usually comes from a stepfather, uncle, people who can get close but don't have that strong bond as a parent has.