Did you know that Nassim Haramein has solved the unified field theory?
Who here investigates Merkaba?
Other urls found in this thread:
Meh... autocad can find a centroid in two clicks
merkaba is achieved differently for men and women.
to access light vehicle as a man
>no fornication or ejaculation ever. Semen retention is necessary
>prayer and daily merkaba manifesting trance
>proper diet and fasting routine
you need to max out your semen retention and fasting in order to achieve a light vehicle. most are incapable due to lifestyle
Did Hitlers nazis use flower of life symbolism explicitly anywhere?
None of his stuff is applicable.
Stop wasting your time and just read the New Testament and follow Christ's teachings.
Trust me.
what about wamen? That kinda sucks for dudes.
>no fornication or ejaculation ever. Semen retention is necessary
not true but abstinence while not in a relationship is ideal. Not banging your girl is harmful to both Merkabas
>prayer and daily merkaba manifesting trance
the hardest part
>proper diet and fasting routine
been scared of snake diet but gonna sack up and do it
pic related by DaVinci
nigger you are not a real christian. I dont trust any one from england
This is the most autistic pic I have seen
found this red pill on eating the sun. Heard about it years ago and didnt understand the body can do it
dont mislabel
I take it back. This is.
>thinks he can build up enough prana to manifest a light vehicle after ejaculating with his gf
my last ltr lasted five years and we both tried to activate merkaba for years and it never worked until we broke up and I went monk mode.
Having at least a 60 day semen retention streak is the only time I’ve ever accessed true merkaba.
You simply don’t have enough power if your lifestyle involves frequent ejaculation.
Taoists knew this, this is why they practiced frantic sex: fucking women but never ejaculating.
but wwwwwhhhhhhyyyyyyy.
Its a trap!
What is the ultimate benefit of such aim, other than spiritual masturbation?
you know that Pices is the celestial period that Jesus was born in? Ends around 2150 and enter age of Aquarius
i don't need to investigate the merkaba
i'm protected by it directly, it surrounds
my spirit at all times. when i'm attacked
i see six sided stars as a chain link
fence in my vision and when the attack
stops, the merkaba winds down.
why the one post? Whats the red pill on Drunvalo? I dont like some of his claims, like the Thoth communion stuff
Who here can do this? I didnt try long enough because i only had it on my phone. Gonna try when i go to sleep
Is there a swastika in this gif?
Age of Aquarius was meant to begin in 2012. Before that, it was meant to begin in 2000. Before that, it was meant to begin in the 70s
some ching chong brain gook made this to stun the normies
Have you ever listened to this?
>According to different astrologers' calculations, approximate dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from AD 1447 (Terry MacKinnell) to AD 3597 (John Addey).
Easy. Just put your eyes out of focus as if you were looking through the screen.
No the age of aquarius is a part of a cycle of time where the dominant celestial body is that sector of the sky.
something about celestial equators of the galactic sun
i keep going cross eyed and the instructions are wack
That hardly means anything at all. It just fancy word salad.
I only listened to two of his talks. Has anyone else heard about the 2012 thing being about our sun/planet entering the "photon belt" of the black hole?
lemme explain it better.
>the reason why earth has seasons is because of the orientation of its tilt during the year changing
>not because of distance between the earth and sun changing.
>the age of pices means not the short one month cycle, but a 2000+ year cycle where pices is the dominant celestial sign of the entire year.
>think fractals
Listen to that one, it’s one of his best ones.
That's what (((they))) want you to think.
What does it physically mean for a constellation to be a dominant celestial sign?
hope you watched it.
everyone should be paying this dude attention
It means that our sun is at a specific region in its orbit around the galactic black hole. The normal month to month stuff has to do with earths tilt. Theres a larger 12 cycle thing going on. and another on top of that one. and another and another and another
You'll be properly on edge, your senses become supernatural.
After a week of relentless blueballing you will feel like you're getting used to it, but the senses remain. And they get stronger. Constantly.
It's high energy, no memes. Pure high energy.
What makes dividing the sun's orbit around the galactic center to 12 portions anything other than arbitrary? How is a certain constellation associated with a certain part of the orbital movement?
whats the difference between january and july?
I wonder what I did wrong on my 90 day nofap to miss such benefits.
Depends on the context.
Only way it works for me is if I take my glasses off, but then all I see is that one dot in the middle and the two spheres. Vaguely.
this stuff is still kind of new to me and im not even a novice at the information. ive been sharing links that most likely have disinfo in them because alot of the source stuff is from my IRL friend explaining passively
This stuff absolutely fascinates me to no end yet, I understand fucking none of it.
the correct answer is climate. There is a galactic climate as well
you should marathon Nassim Haramein. Drunvalo can be off putting. I much rather prefer Nassim
It's easy. Just draw a cool looking pattern and then makeup a story for it. You can get idiots to believe anything.
Here. Just skip to 25:00. Feel free to watch the whole thing if you need context.
there is function gay boy
That's called mental masturbation.
>mental masturbation
You mean philosophy?
In most parts of the world, there is not much difference in climate or weather between any two or three consecutive months, which is why a 12 month system is kind of redundant in terms of illustrating the crucial yearly changes in climate. This points that the main purpose of using a 12 month system in particular lies somewhere else. Surely the same applies to the galactic calendar you are talking about?
>solve a theory
no just no
You didn't fap.
You will recover, but the high energy comes from inducing blue balls.
I recently edged every day for 22 days, never cumming.
It's incredible what that does to your body's muscles, they get all tingly and grow.
My insight improved, my social skills skyrocketed, I was thinking way more than usual, almost too much.
The trick to this is converting the frustration that builds up from edging every day for 3 weeks into something constructive.
You will be on edge, absolutely loaded with energy and if it doesn't go anywhere you will get angrier and angrier.
The biggest challenge by far is maintaining focus.
I became unstoppable. I suspect others will too.
>tfw edging to test and construct discipline leads to epiphany
Listen to this video I posted. You can just play it in the background while you’re on here
Effective science is a balanced fusion of logic and intuition. I feel like these themes lean too heavily on the side of intuition
January the furthest from the galactic core, July closest?
The position of the earth on its orbit also changes which constellations are visible from each hemisphere
seent it. Good video. But it gets really fucky when this Drunfucko starts talking about 144 dimensions. He says that even Lucifer is stuck in the 144 and hes trying to escape.
I edged a lot during the period, but I did use porn though, if that matters. How much were you edging per day?
stop being such a fucking Hylic and learn about yourself.
>The biggest challenge by far is maintaining focus.
I agree about this though. Going on longer streaks feels like you are driving a car that is too powerful for you to handle. It just goes forward and you have to exert tremendous effort to steer it where you want it to go.
You don't need to insult me just becuause we have hit the limit of your current understanding. It was bound to happen eventually. I was just interested in what you had to share. I don't need you to be omniscient.
Yep, been researching ancient sacred geometry online.
Turns out the pharaohs were white, heheh imagine that.
Why is "Natural Law" in capitals here? Is this snake-oil woo being promulgated by the "Natural Law" organization that pretends they can fly, and swindled the naive ex-Beatle George Harrison out of a shitload of cash?
Its winter vs summer. 1/12 cycle vs 6/12 cycle.
theres a grander cycle other than earths tilt to the sun. as in pic
I went through the thread and read all your posts before I hurled the insult. The true system is systems of 12. the systems of 10 are satanic as fuck. It has to do with hiding something in particular, and it has to do with the relation ship between Jews and ancient egypt.
Base 10 is a scheme. it truly base 12
The word Natural has been damaged greatly by darwinfags. Universal spiritual laws of creation is the more explanatory term
oy vey, jesus isnt the real messiah!
>Base 10 is a scheme. it truly base 12
What are the main points that make you conclude this?
Yeah, whatever... I'm referring to these faggots:
This vaguely-defined new-age shite looks like their work, and I'm willing to bet you never made those images yourself and are just blindly reposting them to appear like some deeply profound sage-philosopher.
Every day until I almost came, which could take 45 minutes on day 1-3 and took 2 minutes on day 21.
That feeling is why I had to throw in the towel.
Now I'm on another streak though. Less edging.
Like some user said. Very interesting stuff you look more into but you dont really understand (anything really)what its all about and more questions arises the more you look. Also i do know that earth has this 26000 long "big year" (prosession of the equinoxes)thats just hard fact. But how does this 26000y year mean anything concrete
that is exactly how it is
follow the clue. What is the difference between Egyptian occultism and kaballah??? The flower of life is the key to unlock it.
>literal kike with horrible posture teaching judaism lite at a kindergarten level to grown men and they eat it up
wow, cool
8 captchas to post this
the 26000 year cycle is important because it is a cyclical change in cosmological climate. It has to do with subtle energy that is emanating from the galactic sun. Accelerated spiritual evolution.
The lizard niggers want us to forsake our emotional brain in our evolution instead of remaining in balance. The claim that others make is that Merkaba is a biological space/time ship
Hes actually Persian (Iranian) meaning he is the ancient enemy of the Jew.
The answers you got to your question are bullshit. The real answer has to do with the "procession of the equinox" which is that the north-to-south axis line we have through the planet slowly rotates (I think it's like 28,000 years per revolution) and where it points in the distance changes, revolving through the constellations. Like how the "age of aquarius" was it pointing over to aquarius instead of pisces (and why there was so much fish symbolism and still is all over everything spiritual)
Nexus magazine.
>alternative medicine; future science; the unexplained, including UFOs; Big Brother; and historical revisionism.
or hes a racemixed kike, which he is
this is all interesting, but you're really shooting yourself in the sac by listening to these fucking clowns.
just look at the geometric figures and learn as best you can from that. Anything else is likely to lead you down a very wrong path.
literally fucking 16 captchas required to make this post.
Google is censoring us to death. If some one doesn't start murdering its employees soon we are all fucking dead.
This one is about ancient/sacred geometry in city layouts. Long but good.
>Hes actually Persian (Iranian) meaning he is the ancient enemy of the Jew.
You sure about that?
I know that feel dude. I keep arguing with my only woke friend about that aspect. Hes new age and doesnt even know it.
How the fuck can we start a militia? Dont diss Nassim btw dummy, you have no clue how powerful his information is.
you can google it for the facebook post. I keep getting spam filtered.
Yeah, but what does it mean for us?
Speaking of schizophrenic...
it's not HIS information, dumbass
he's a gatekeeper. do not bind your knowledge to his language. Be independent.
yay only 8 captchas required for this one. Yay google, I bet everyone has to do 8 fucking captchas and not just problem goys like me