British Kids Waterboard Syrian Refugee

Blue checkmarks go apeshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

there's been 2 threads on it already

All so tiresome.
> White kid suicides due to racist bullying
> Mass rape of children with police complicit
> Dozens of children blown up by an arab
> One immigrant kid gets bullied
Media outrage, police clamp down, politicians comment

whats really fucking sickening part is
the fact that snowflake motherfucker have raised £75,000(and rising) for the "poor" boy and his family
on fucking crowdfunding pish

cunts can now fuck off back to their shitehole and live like fucking sheiks

Before he did it he said "what you saying now then?"
Can't help but think there's more to this story.
Also, that's not waterboarding. Where's the rag? He's just pouring a bottle of water on his face

Yep it really is fucking tiresome

There is always more to it.
Maybe the broke arm kid was a shit? or maybe he was just being bullied?
The bigger kid's life is ruined whatever now.

they don't care about the rapist thing today though

Just call him a coloniser it really gets them going.

Your exactly right user

Say Kriss Donald, get the answer, who?


Look at the size difference you fucking mong do you really think the syrian kid is doing anything to the mayo

Does it ever end?

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spot on. expect new "hate" laws and less free speech


little syrian boy was saying earlier how he was going to kill the bongs family

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Nigger detected
Fuck off back to your warzone achmed

>"just fight to protect your homelands"
>a single shitskin is bullied
>the media, the police, the government immediately close ranks as if they've been waiting for it to happen


What is this expression trying to convey?

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you paki cunts and niggers talk alot of shit behind closed doors.
whites come out in the open man to man to shut your face.
thats how it works

Waterboarding sounds like total Chad shit.
>We're going waterboarding this weekend, brah!

Holy shit that's based.
That's how you deal with fucking Muslim scum in your teens. Later you move on to pic related.
There might be hope for Europe after all.

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A second holocaust is literally the only answer at this point.

whats that thing that detects emotions? do that on him

Remind me again who's who on that picture? Can't tell the difference between analbanians and serboturks.


oh wow, oh no, whatever will happen if more people know that shitskins deserve to die?

Anyone got the webm of the kid getting bullied by the chad?

I was dragged on the ground so that my clothes ripped up and I got gravel in my back as a kid. Where's my media outrage and gofundme?

there would have to have been a first one user

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Remind me of the van attack guy who rammed into a mosque in the UK. Any news of him brits ?

He saying "say it now then" to the kid when he merks him. Im guessing the little shitskin bastard was talking shit at him and they were in class or somewhere the brit kid couldnt give him a lesson in manners. So he waited till after class when the cunt teacher wouldnt be able to jump in and charge him with 50 hate crimes which is why hes saying "say it now then"

Don't worry your little head over it.

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bwahaha, you lived under the boots of OTTOMAN BULLS for 500 years, and now you finally gathered the courage to attack unarmed Muslim citizens.

>let me explain to you the affairs of the Balkans

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Hurts, doesn't it?

And a terrorist is born
Kill them pajeet
Kill them all
The only good person is a dead person

T. Eternal anglo

The media cherry picks certain incidents and uses it to create a moral panic, just like in Gamergate time. The end result is a conditioned fake culture - people's world views and decision making is informed by these "false" memories derived from propaganda.

Further reading: MK Ultra.

We're all so fucked. Even if any of us tried to do something more drastic than this piece of nothing (ie actually fight back) it would be used to pass even more Orwellian legislature and further our slide into total ethnic replacement and the destruction of our culture and history.

No, your delusions really don't hurt me.
In fact, muh500years is a compliment to me. If the Dutch lived under Islamic oppression for 500 years, there would be no trace left of your civilization and culture. I mean, you cucks up there only need 5% of your population being Muslim for you to start giving up on your identity. Imagine 500 years of subjugation under an Islamic empire. Luckily, future generations will be able to observe this in real time, so they'll see I'm right.

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>this is a realtime instance of crippling depression brought about by lack of sunlight and a jaded society

in other words you're beyond retarded and don't work right

a factory defect

go back to your maker and ask to be fixed


>he has never seen some little mouthy rat that can only talk shit and run

Too bad they didn't hang the sandnigger.

In what way did that video send that message retard? It only some showed nig-tier chimpout on the bully’s part, ruined his own life, and made the shitskin rich. Get real, almost nobody outside of Jow Forums is going to watch this video and think the cripple manlet is the one that’s the piece of shit between the two, at least from the footage alone.

they were trying to find out his real age

The frog gets it.
Chaste & Blackpilled.

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How the fuck is that waterboarding? I was expecting a kid to hold a towel over the kids face

>Imagine 500 years of subjugation under an Islamic empire
I just realized Serbs are like Jews, eternally whining over something in their past and looking for ways to undo it. Does this butthurt stem from the painful truth that all that Islamic oppression (see: no different than what pagans had to endure under Christians until there was no such thing as pagan) resulted in you having some Turk DNA? Because why else would you be genociding Europeans just because they are the same religion as those who once buttfucked your ancestors?
Maybe if you took the Jew cock out of your mouth you'd be able to see the bigger picture.

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Any blue checkmarks outraged over the rape and murder of a young Polish girl?

>gets a little splash of water to the face

Are you actually fucking retarded? I'm not whining at all, quite the contrary.
Consider necking yourself.

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>insert loicense joke here
Based British kids. Hold on. Are they real Brits or other "Asians" who did this?

>writes about how Turks fucked up Serbs under their rule (true, not saying they didn't)
>talks about how the Dutch would become nothing if the same thing happened to them
>posts picture of dead European Muslims that Serbs killed as some sort of revenge against Turks
That's not whining? That's not butthurt? Is it just a genetic feature that Serbs are illogical or am I missing something?

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based AF

Comrade, I was bragging, more than anything else, and I was presuming that the Dutch wouldn't have the spine to endure. You yourself just admitted that the Turks fucked us up, so what even is your argument?
I'm not crying over it, I'm saying it's just a testament to the resilience of the Serbian thing.
Furthermore, the pic I posted is a pic of cops mopping up the scene after neutralizing KLA fighters. So again, are you actually retarded?
And why do you keep posting memes against Abrahamic religions while talking to me? You're not triggering me or anything. I'm not even a Christian.
Also, Serbs most likely have no more than 2% admixture of Turkish genes. Look it up. You're thinking of Bosnian Muslims.

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He wasnt whining, the user from the netherlands brought it up so he provided a counter argument


In fact, I'd bet some dollars on there being more Serbian genes in Turks than vice versa.
After all, the ancestors of the majority of present-day Serbs either took to the hills or endured through the jizya and other imposed measures. On the other hand, it was the Turks who stole our infant sons and raised them to be Turk jannisaries. (Note that Mehmed Pasha was a Serb, and quite a powerful one at that in Ottoman hierarchy) So it follows that they Serb'd themselves to some degree.
Turks are also heavily mutted by Albanians, of which there may be hundreds of thousands in Turkey right now.

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Short asses are usually the ones who talk the most shit

I got my back hit with a plank wrapped with barbed wire, stones thrown at me, fireworks thrown at me, face stamped on and thrown in to a hedge (seperate occassions) for going to a protestant school when I was a wee boy. Where's mine?

lmao at all the white girls and jews congratulating themselves

Next time fellas remember - they can't call it waterboarding of you use petrol.

Yeah how can you see that comment section and not hope for the US to lose to Russia.

Virtually no Turks have Turkic ancestry. A small Turkic group established political control in one part of Anatolia and within a few years the entire ruling class was Turkish-speaking but ethnically Greek. The majority population remained Christian and Helleno-Balkan in culture and the Muslim ruling class were happy to allow it because they paid more tax - they only started converting en masse when the Ottoman economy began to collapse to avoid paying taxes. The modern unified Turkish ‘culture’ is basically 100% fabricated by Ataturk and is more or less a mirror of the modern Greek whining that everyone else ‘stole’ their culture. Except several hundred thousand times more annoying and with more Islamic radicalism.

That's a weak-ass waterboarding.

So, what did this small Turkic group have that was so powerful and so hypnotic that it spread like wildfire among the (I believe)traditionally ultra-Christian Greeks?
Also czech'd

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didn't know pouring a water bottle on someone face in high school is now waterboarding lmfao

>Italian says something

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Same thing as the Huns and other annoying horse folk throughout history. Mobility, no fixed abode, luck. They managed to take control of one area in a time of crisis. The smarter local leaders realised the way that the wind was blowing and they married in. Within a generation or so, the ruling ‘turkish’ class was actually composed of majority ethnic Greeks. They then proceeded to outmanoeuvre the byzantines over a long period, and it did take centuries lest we forget. They were also smart enough to not force the issue on conversion, realising that happy Christian subjects would help keep their own living standards high and an all out war would basically destroy their brand new empire. They were generally much cleverer about this than the Arabs ever were - they’d have some stupid sectarian conflict once every 10 years which would either lead to the caliphate collapsing or half the Fucking thing going up in flames.

Should have been nipped in the damn bud.
God damn incompetent Byzantines.

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>comes from a warzone
>gets btfo by little wh*Toid weak cuck whose gf fucks BLACK BVLLS

My sister's 11 year old white son got punched for no reason by a 15 year old 'asian' boy and his gang at high school.

The incident was caught on the school's CCTV and was dealt with by teachers only - no Police, no local media, no national media, no politicians stepped in - funny that!

Annoying horse folk are still better than agrarian serfs bound to soil.

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>look at these pictures of beheaded s*rb soldiers and devout muslims
s*rbians are literal niggers without principles or morals, yugoslav wars was biggest cuckold/incel uprising ever since s*Rbfags finally let out years of humiliation and sexual frustration by BLACK OTTOMAN BVLLS against innocent hrvats and bosniaks

Do the right thing, take your nephew to a Dojo or gym and have him learn some martial arts.

Throwing a punch is the most basic rudimentary form of fighting, a person trained in Aikido can usually dispatch anyone who relies strictly on striking.

>splash water in face = waterboarding

Oh fuck off Congoman. Quit using the white mans technology.

Careful, your larp is crossing a line user.

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show your flag s*rb
serbian film is peak of serbian culture since it represents it, serbian people deserve genocide for their crimes

The goal is white genocide. This is part of the plan as these incidents become more common.

As expected.

>m-m-muh feelings
have you seen pictures of s*rb soldiers (mostly criminal degenerates led by faggots like arkan) kicking women on the floor, raping girls, bullying civilians?
so brave, much kebab remover
meanwhile when they face an actual army like ottomans they get btfo and let their wives get fucked by them
i'm not even baiting, this is all true and s*rbs need to die

White Liberals deserve the guillotine more than anyone else.


Feed me.

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Always the same in our self-hating jew controlled societies.

switch that flag to kosovo flag lol
s*rbrats literally chimped out in their own capital after kosovos declare their freedom

>The fire rises

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Not a Serb. But as someone of partial Russian descent I consider all Slavic peoples to be my brethren.

This is as good as posting a flag, as it represents what I represent.

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If only they were like this when "isolated incidents" happened.

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And many times prior to and after that, famlam. God willing, we'll truly chimp out soon.

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lol ofc its a fucking rusfag sticking up for his fellow mongrel "slavic" brother
s*rbian gypsies and r*ssian mongols belong together
you do share a lot in common though: mass degeneracy, whore women, corrupt totalitarian governments, depression, history of abusing innocents