The south was actually the kikes. The southern cross was used because a traditional cross offended the Jewish population of the south. Civil war was yet another case of the Empathy of the White man coming back to bite him in the ass
>these are the people who call southen secessionists who fought for their home states “traitors”
I’m so tired of jews
the north was white supremacist too?
Tim Wise is Jewish
This is the man Tim Wise wishes committed democide against his people.
>every evil act done by a white person was actually committed by Jews
Will you guys just fuck off and die already
Imagine if the North did that, we would have split the country in two and left Yhe south to the blacks by 1900. We would be living above Haiti-Liberia.
What is this, a new Jewish lie? It's not enough to claim to be (((fellow white people))), they have to claim to be (((fellow southerners)))?
(( jacob wise))
((Wise= wiseman))
>(((Fellow Southerners)))
I didn't know that. According to Wikipedia he is only a quarter Jewish biologically as well, but he attended synagogue as a child and I presume was or is religiously Jewish.
>hello fellow southerners
*rubs hands*
fuck off, jew
fuck off, yankee.
he barely has any Jewish ancestry at all!
>His paternal grandfather was Jewish (of Russian origin), while the rest of his ancestry is northern European, including some Scottish.[4][5]
so he’s literally not Jewish
>Wise has said that when he was about 12 years old his synagogue was attacked by white supremacists.[6]
I hate this guy the most
A textbook example of Jewish trickery
>Look at how evil and racist you are
>The solution is communism, that will atone for your sins
pretty sure it had more to do with the amount of scots in the south than with them being jews, clearly lincoln worked with jews his crackdown was very soviet
Tim wise can just fuck right off
You are right, and Happy Hanukkah to you to!
Let's look history in the face. Pic related was a Jewish slaveholder and secretary of state of the confederacy. His monument still stands in New Orleans. Why aren't Jews proud of their confederate heritage?
Happy Chanukah
This thread got more replies than his twitter, he's gotten irrelevant.