California and Texas

How do Texans and Californian feel knowing their state was an independent nation at one point?

Attached: texas-vs-california.jpg (800x600, 64K)

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Best country now best state. Still telling gubment to fuck off. Based and redpilled.

I'm assuming you're a Texan, how popular is the Texas succession movement and is there any possibility it happens?

Based and texpilled

No it’s not likely. Texans are proud Americans and proud Texans. Session is more of a joke among Texans than real desire.

Texas is closer to joining mexico than being a free republic.

I know Texas was independant, but California will just have a short-lived independence in the future before annexed by Caesar

No. Good, patriotic, generally virtuous people. They bite back though, so I wouldn't try to fuck with them. Military installations up the ass.

Lot of military come from Texas. 90 percent of Texans in the military would up and leave the and fight for Texas if they ever did secede though.

Dont forget, despite the amount of not so based people, there are pockets of German and Korean communities everywhere. New Braunfels is a white/German majority by a large margin. Very kind and civil people, lot of suburbs but also lots of open space, ranches and such.

so were a lot of other states, this isn't new to us

as a Californian i hope we get out of the union, it would be really cool to see this state become a world power

Agreed- it a culture here. Secession might be possible in extreme circumstance here, but overall, not much overall interest right now. But, despite the meme reputation, it's really not a good idea to fuck with us. Antifa was going to trash the Sam Houston statue, and it would've started a war. The only thing worse than that would be to go after the Alamo itself, and if that happened, not one fucking liberal in the whole state would be left alive.

World power huh? Do you have any clue how much federal aid California receives? Despite taxing everything and everyone up the ass for shitty programs, California still requires an obscene amount of money from the tax dollars of the rest of the country just to remain in the sorry state that it's currently in.

Texas on the other hand pays more in federal taxes than it receives. Now I'm not saying Texas would be better off as a whole, however, from a purely economic standpoint, Texas would be even better (I know hard to believe we could be better) without the union.

Feels good as a memory.
But DJT needs to finish that wall in a hurry and get some more funding to go around the California border with the Union. There are too many Califags moving here to spread their communism, hence the Beto phenomenon.

there is no doubt that California would fail as a country but it would still be cool to see the spectacular failure it would be

Antifa is so illiterate... maybe the rest of Texas, too. Sam Houston opposed Texas secession from the Union and was recalled from office because of this. To this day, he is the only man that has ever been recalled from the governorship of Texas. I think that the name Houston got popular when the carpetbaggers took over during the Reconstruction Era.

Yes. It boggles my mind whenever I see it, particularly in Austin.

Here we have Texas, a great and well functioning state, created by the voting decisions of the people there.

California, a welfare shit hole created by the voting decisions of the people there.

California becomes crazy expensive and borderline unlivable, but these Californicators just cant be without tacos or something. So they move to Texas for livable pay, shelter, land, and good people. And instead of thinking "man, know what? These people have the right idea", they think "boy sure wish this place was more like California, the place I left because it sucks so bad."

Fucking parasites.

Just need to completely 'evacuate' Austin, San Antonio, Houston, DFW and a few others from our living space, and it'll improve.

Yes it would be amusing. But, as much of a liability that they are with us, they are even more of a liability as an independent nation.

After their welfare country fails when they run out of other peoples money, they'll get desperate and practically beg foreign powers to come set up camp, putting them in an extremely strategic foothold on the continent should they ever decide to attack the US. Unfortunately, we're stuck with them.

Just this morning, I saw a car with a Beto sticker on it... in Orange County CA... fuck this state

I feel like teaching literacy is a more humane solution... if that fails, I know where to find you.

Negative. These are strong economic cities (maybe not so much houston) and San Antonio is military city USA. Cant lose em. The viruses need to be cured, parasites removed, and bacteria cleansed from these areas.

Are Californians even aware they separated from Mexico and got invaded by the US?

Attached: o23.jpg (800x600, 18K)

Breh, Houston is like the economic powerhouse of Texas.
If it goes, there goes a major energy hub and a major medical facility that beats the rest of the world.
Honestly, if Houston gets fucked. So does the rest of Texas.

That was kind of the idea, maybe a bit strongly worded. Just occurred to me that El Paso needs a scrubbing too, but aside from Ft. Bliss, it might be a lost cause.

Texas constitution requires a positive budget, we don't put up with any of that budget deficit bullshit. There's also a ton of funds chock full from the oil industry. They just sit there as emergency funds so we never have to go into the negative.

Texans have assimilated into American which is retarded.

Nah. I think we'd be better off if Houston, at least the portion of it that commits the most disproportionate amount of crimes, just sort of goes away.

Only kind of retarded. It comes from a place of "let's not be assholes to the country we're hosting that's slightly bigger than us. Let's actually pull some weight and be productive with our neighbors".

It may seem like it, but we cant let illegals creep in on that border forever. Gotta fight back to keep that land. Even if we have to burn it to the ground.


After prop 187 was blocked by the democrats it was all over.

This isn't even remotely true you fucking faggot. CA is a "donor" state, meaning we pay more in Federal tax than we use.

Go fuck your cousin you inbred hick faggot.


Attached: LAO donor state.jpg (587x884, 101K)

Cool a "per capita" chart comparing the most populated state to lesser populated states. IE meaningless to the argument. Now what are the raw numbers for total federal taxes paid vs total federal taxes consumed?

Now where is your penis you fucking faggot. You made the false claims not me

Too Bad Texas.. Commifornians are flooding in from the San Francisco Bay Area.. sorry.

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