What is the historical effect to cause so many English women to be ugly?
If you look at almost every country, there are beautiful women. Whether it’s America, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, even spic and African nations. Why are English women so deformed?
IMO English women are beautiful, I have no does where the meme of them being ugly comes from.
Charles Long
There are physically attractive women in England it's just that every time they open their stupid cunt mouths it's enough to shrivel even the largest dick into a cold tiny raisin. Yes, I realize our US women aren't any better. Just sayin
Nathan Rogers
To be fair, the quality of gash in my town has gone downhill recently.
Eli Mitchell
it's our working class subhumans going on holiday and getting shitfaced and gaining notoriety everywhere. the modelling industry and hollywood is filled with beautiful brits
They are more beautiful than non-white women from other nations. Gotta love that you posted a Grandma. Truth is UK degraded themselves by embracing multiculturalism.
the further you get from scandinavia, the uglier people get.
Parker Carter
Idk, I see a lot of nice looking ones when I go. The biggest problem are the chavish dero rat girls. They would look hot as fuck if they looked after themselves and weren't drunk chav whores. London just fucks women up.
Australia has those types of women but they're in the minority. I mean, a lot still drink but they aren't that grubby rat type mostly.
Ian Torres
Nice strawman, you fucking dickhead. I didn't say the norse never existed, I said: >Didn't happen, faggot. In response to your comment of: >The nords took their best women Funny how there's no evidence of this. Don't bother sending me a Varg video either, I know you're a fan of his.
Kayden Nelson
Are you an ugly nigger with skin the same colour as shit by any chance? Or just some retard who knows that white people will betray each other st the drop of a hat? Or perhaps you’re so genuinely retarded you think that there aren’t any attractive english women
all of the countries you mentioned also have "the women are ugly" stereotype attached to them american women are fat and rednecks/white trash russian women have big moles on their faces and are drunks italian women have smelly vaginas and ugly frizzy hair and sweat a lot of olive oil out their porous bungholes french women reek of garlic and have hairy armpits german women have huge biceps and moustaches spics and africans - son are you kidding? and bonger women are drunks with weak chins and have oddly shaped bodies all of these are horseshit, obviously. women are cute and little and we all know the majority of men want to fuck every woman they see.
If I had to guess: >over the course of several centuries, English Chads either died while exploring or sailed to the Americas >many young English men died in wars >that leaves a bunch of rich folk, peasants, and a shrinking middle-class >rich folk only breed with the best and are largely outside the public eye >but of course, there's only so much of "the best" before you're forced to marry cousins or the non-English >English peasants are ugly enough as it is, which isn't helped by them fucking their siblings in dirty alleyways and producing even uglier offspring >what you're left with is an island of inbreds
Britain hasn’t never really had any type of eugenics plan ever
Noah Ross
My mother is full anglo and is a beautiful woman. Though she did end up marrying a foreigner (caucasoid, not negroid) because hot damn are the local genes on this island fucking untermensch tier for the most part.
No evidence of this. Don't post up meme pictures either.
Gabriel Carter
Actually there's plenty, inbreeding trends in characteristic traits including weak jaws in man an man jaws in women. The best looking whites are the ones that are mixed whites, some of the better ones being polish/irish, dutch/scottish.
Lincoln Clark
Inflammation increases testosterone
Bad life choices = haggard nasty old almost masculine bitches
Luke Rodriguez
Pretty Welsh girls are my favourite by far.
William Howard
Yet you didn't provide any evidence.
Nicholas King
The genetics aren't spread around the islands correctly. The top tier english men and women are better looking than any other european group IMO, but their average is a lot uglier than other countries average.
Xavier Cook
>The top tier english men and women are better looking than any other european group IMO, but their average is a lot uglier than other countries average. I disagree with that, don't think there's much difference t b h.
women love handsome anglo men, they have more angular facial features. At least over here. Almost all of our hollywood male stars that women go crazy over are majority english/scottish/irish
I wasn't talking about her, she looks a bit plain to me.
Andrew Moore
Inbreeding primarily
Jaxson Martin
fuck off paki loving cunt. and she married a nigger
Christian Baker
I don't think Catherine Zeta-Jones is part Italian.
Thomas Moore
Make up and big cities inbreeding through ages, rural area ones are pretty af
Gabriel Cruz
I was only saying, this is how they can get Catherine Zeta Jones to play a spick in "zorro" - real welsh woman couldn't.
Lincoln Richardson
endemic alcoholism, mostly it explains a lot of why britbongs look like they do (see maisie williams, for instance) and also why they'll go for the most revulsing beast, provided it has the biggest tits
Lincoln Campbell
>I don't think Catherine Zeta-Jones is part Italian. She is, lots of Italians immigrated to Wales in the 19th century to do mining work.
Asher Fisher
When did stating the obvious become an insult? The whole world knows that British women are shit looking. Accept it or go and jerk off your bruvs in the shire
As a non-white british person, the fact that most english people are so ugly is strangely reassuring, i feel less intimidated by them. Also looks don't matter, its the quality of your character that counts
Austin Carter
Are poles even human?
Nah, just kidding. Nearly all of your are Descendants from Germans and Russia, since your people got raped so often
Joshua Gray
you just stated how looks matter
Ryder Sanders
>Non white >British
Lol you have to go back
Carter Smith
Im more British than you Mohammed
Dylan Bennett
from about the year 1000 onwards they spent about 500-600 years fighting each other, heaps of civil wars etc, then another 300 making the west
that's gotta take a toll
most of the hot ones are upper-middle to upper class it seems
id feel sorry for them but weve got their descendants here, and they are fucking morons, all that work just to piss it away to chang and panjeet, fuck me, at the end of the day they are militantly selfish
Christian Stewart
how you holding up there in new zealand, did you get skin cancer yet?
>big cities inbreeding through ages This doesn't really make much sense, seeing as the cities drew in lots of different people from all over the country and places like Scotland and Wales too.
Apparently she is at least part Irish. Doesn't seem to be Italian.
You called us inbred and niggers, wasn't that intended as an insult?
>The whole world knows that British women are shit looking. Doesn't make it true.
>Accept it or go and jerk off your bruvs in the shire What a strange comment.
>As a non-white british person Non whites aren't British, so fuck off.
>the fact that most english people are so ugly Still less ugly than you muds.
I can't talk about Britain, but I found girls in Ireland to be hideous. After days I finally saw a decent chick. She started speaking spanish.
Isaac Mitchell
Why do women have boy hairstyles like this?
Dylan Fisher
No, it's like lets say you are from Chelsea, back to 1900s, most of families have at least 8 or 9 kids. Lot of people in that zones, you MUST have close inbreed blood, one way or the other affect people. It's curious thing, I've travelled to Hampshire area, it's not far from London and Hampshire girls are lovely angels, then go to London and I'm sorry to say this but girls there (or at least a huge %) are orcs. Go to Manchester go Liverpool and all are the same. We in Benidorm ask uk girls and the "ugly and slutty" ones are from big citties while lovely calm girls are from rural areas.
John Lewis
Don't know, I think it became popular in the 1950's with Disneys Tinker Bell.
What town are you in m8? I used to be in Cambridge and most of the younger ones went all liberal, short hair, vegan tattoey. Some were still fit but it's the pig rings in the nose I can't stand. You can't look them properly in the face without some level of repulsion. Damn near puts me off my pint sometimes.