>Donald Trump lies an above average amount Wow, with so many lies, surely you have an abundance of examples?
Hunter Reyes
Let's drop the fairy-tale bullshit for a second, we all know that CNN lies an above average amount. The people on Jow Forums are not stupid.
Jose Clark
A lying wrecking ball that doesn’t know what he is doing, is better then a controlled explosion (Hillary). But I do think it is important to check what he says, especially due to his position of power.
Anthony Perry
He bends the truth just as much as any other politician, do you honestly believe that's enough to turn Jow Forums against him when he has out best interests in mind?
Sage this fucking thread.
Angel Cruz
>The people on Jow Forums are not stupid. What are you talking about? The people here are literally retarded. They're dumber than spit. Jow Forums is so shitbrained, I don't even bother to troll here.
Leo Turner
what's really the point, when you'll make up some bullshit to justify every single one anyway?
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border." - Ignores proposals, laws, votes, facts
Says he didn't cancel a political rally because after Sept. 11, "the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day." - It took a week, not a day
"Reagan didn't win wisconsin, but I won wisconsin" - repeated 3 times. Reagan did win wisconsin
"Many presidents don’t get the chance to put a Supreme Court justice on." - All but one did in the past 150 years
"Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders, and it's a bill, it's called the ‘open borders bill.’" - Blatant misrepresentation
Says Republicans "just passed" the Veterans Choice program after 44 years of trying. "They've been trying to pass that one for many, many decades." - It's 4 years old
Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, "we lost millions of jobs." - That's number is way higher than reality
On investigating during the Supreme Court confirmation process, "The FBI doesn’t do that." - The FBI does
Says 3,000 people "did not die" in two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. That death toll estimate was "done by Democrats." - Not magic. It's science.
"We’re making (Medicare) stronger. We’re making Social Security stronger." - Both programs are financially weaker
Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich is "very unpopular." - Check the polls
"California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean." - California fire agency rejects claim
Error: Comment too long
Julian Sanders
He lies as much as the media, which liar do you want to support? At least The president has the best interest of America at heart.
"There's 500 known criminals in the caravan" - just made up
"Very minor form of tear gas" - there is no minor form of tear gas.
"U.S. Steel just announced that they are building six new steel mills." - Zero new plants
"Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan." - Polls in Lincoln's day? Nope
"The Electoral College is much more advantageous for Democrats." - If anything, it may lean to the GOP
"The servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC" are "missing." - No missing server
"Crime in Germany is way up." - Crime is lowest in 30 years
Philadelphia Eagles players stayed "in the Locker Room for the playing of our our National Anthem" or were "kneeling." - No, the Eagles didn't kneel
"We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of that scourge that’s taking over our country. And the numbers are way down." - Deaths are up
Speaking of immigration cases, says, "We have thousands of judges." - Fewer than 400 immigration judges
"In seven years that (nuclear) deal will have expired, and Iran is free to go ahead and create nuclear weapons." - Some changes, but key limits remain
The immigration visa lottery "randomly hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of American people." - Must be vetted, meet education or work requirements
John Ortiz
No wall. The dreamers are still here. Taxes on lower and middle class still suck. We have troops in Syria,Iraq, and Afghanistan. That being said he was still the better choice because all that shit would be the same or worse.
Jeremiah Robinson
come on dude, i'd rather have hillary than trump at the moment, at least hillary never sold the US to the Russians
Anthony Lopez
Get a job
Andrew Gonzalez
God lies to elements of Satan in the interest of saving lives
in other words go away you pompous ass
Connor Jenkins
Trumps lies are
"It's the highest quality hotel in the world" >actually ranks 6th Or "I am gonna build a wall and Mexico will pay" >actually means he will do everything possible to secure the border and leverage it over Mexico.
Hillarys lies are like "I am not a thief, I love this country and I will usher in a progressive paradise"
>but sells children from Haiti, stole from the White House, sold uranium to Russia, funded coups in Libya syria, and Ukraine, sold missile tech and CIA info to china
That's why, faggot
Asher Parker
Time to send in the Canadian army
Brayden Watson
No doubt the Russians own him but I think we would already be at war with Iran if Hilldog was in office.
Jonathan King
voting for =/= support
Robert Anderson
So.... nothing? Nice 8s though.
Robert Peterson
My vote for Trump was a combination of:
1. a manifestation of hypernormalization, using sardonic humor to take ownership of my disenfranchisement and willfully choosing resignation by substituting lulz for meaning and agency.
2. a genuine, but naive, almost obstinate, hope that America could be made great again and Western Civilization could be saved.
3. an opportunity to lob a Molotov cocktail at the system and burn the whole fucking thing to the ground, if all else fails.
As Trump said, "This is our last chance." We all know what he meant by this. We are at the crossroads of an existential and identity crisis for the America that once was and the America that will be.
Victory is all that matters at such a pivotal nexus. He may not be ideal in every way, but he is central to our success and must remain in office to accomplish as much as is humanly possible under these circumstances.
Truth is often the first casualty in war. This is apparent on ALL sides right now. Make no mistake, we are in a culture war that is, unfortunately, likely to turn violent within the next year. As long as Trump does and says what is necessary to win, I am satisfied. I can differentiate between hyperbole and facts myself. All other considerations are secondary to victory. America may already be unsalvageable after more than 50 years of leftist subversion, but we are not going to cede defeat. Expect a brutal fight. Things are likely to get very ugly, very shortly.
You people make the mistake of thinking that this is all about Trump or even mostly about Trump. It isn't. He is merely who we have at this time to fight this war. Everyone else in the mainstream had already conceded defeat.
That's a goddamn lie in itself. Fuck off stupid faggot.
>Glory years
GTFO newfag
Caleb Nelson
This is sarcasm right? Uranium1 never happened? You missed the whole reset button?
Lincoln Rogers
you claim to care about honesty and all you can muster up is some myopic gotcha bullshit from politifact? do you evaluate your preferred politician to the same hyperliteral standards as well?
>complains about lying president >all politicians lie the same or more
What's the difference? No one is without sin in politics, and you damn sure aren't going to find one anytime soon. Under the current circumstances of pure shitstorm happening all around you, idealism is impractical.
Brody Martinez
>has to state not a shill inb4 shilling
Hudson Green
>you're a deluded stupid moronic imbecile. Seriously. he's sayin it that's for sure but other then that his action prove otherwise too much fate can make you blind
Isaac Thompson
I'll be honest for a moment. In '16 I was an unironic Hilldawg. After the election I kept hearing all of my news sources call him literally Hitler and how disastrous what he was doing was. Eventually I looked up what he was saying and what he really did. Know what I found? He's basically JFK without the sophistication. And the things he was doing were never anything like what was claimed was happening. It's literally fake news exactly as President Trump says it is. This opened up a huge rabbit hole that I've been very hesitant to go down, but I don't want my worldview to be built on lies and propaganda like it was when I was, forgive the expression but, still on the plantation.
Nolan Brown
>Donald Trump lies an above average amount For normal people? No For a politician? He's actually a saint compared to basically all other politicians minus a handful.
William Phillips
Fuck yes
Aiden Murphy
>My question is simply, why do you keep supporting someone who lies on such a regular basis?
Hey Rabbi, I give your fallacy a 2/10. Are you even trying anymore or are you currently drunk on fermented goyim foreksins?
Jayden Butler
Lame Keep masturbating to your Obama Doll.
Another KKK democrat
Juan Rodriguez
You already stepped in the rabbit hole but you don't want to let go of the edge.
Matthew Morris
They all lie. Trump puts on a good show and is our last political option.
because he tells lies magatards want to hear. nothing more than the right wing version of obama
Jason Wood
Trump is a mother-fuckin bad-ass that does what everyone knows needs to be done, but they are too pussy to propose it never mind try it.
Carson Clark
>muh 5,000 lies Imagine the assblasted homo compiling a naughty list of irrelevant statements made by Drumph so his faggot friends can jerk off to it
Nicholas Cruz
The more chaos Trump introduces into the system, the better
Parker Barnes
LOL I voted for Obama and Trump you idiot
Cooper Nguyen
I don't support him memeflag but have you seen what the alternatives are?
Ian Kelly
Too much hate can blind just the same. As a leaf I dont expect you to understand what pride in ones country looks like. But trust us, he is doing what he feels is best for America. Obama was the same, but they have different opinions on what's best. Just because you dont agree doesn't mean it's ok to name call.
Carter Green
>Trump is a mother-fuckin bad-ass reality tv was a mistake the average ameridumb is totally completely disconnected from reality
Easton Foster
wtf I'm with Her now
Aaron Allen
>Jow Forums's glory years caring about truth cut your autistic larp memeflaggot, we always did retarded shit here and we are retarded unless by glory years you mean neo-storm fags sure you remember eggman?
Jace Gonzalez
Because most of the lies he tells are either irrelevant ones that I don't care about, or they are the same lies that I tell.
Juan Rodriguez
Donald Trump is the revenge we gave these anti-American asshole politicians and establishment for willfully, intentionally, and maliciously flooding our country with 3rd world violent animals and giving them billions of our hard earned income tax dollars so they stay here and breed out of control like the fucking cockroaches they are.
Because the American people got fed up and instead of causing an armed revolution to overthrow you traitors, we elected Donald Trump to the White House to do our dirty work for us.
Enjoy and I hope your spic pets were worth it!
Jeremiah Martinez
You mean completely disconnected from reality like the media. Remember when Trump had .03 chance at winning the presidency? That was pretty disconnected.
Brandon Fisher
Adam Ward
hillary is going down op and you are going with her as well as your owner david brock.
trump has not told a single lie, everything is distorted and cherry picked by the lying fake news and media which is controlled by clinton, soros, the reptilians and subterranean shadow people on the planet nibiru Z (behind niburu X, but only shows itself once every 100 years during celestial electromagnetic storms when their cloaking systems are down)
ya totally real ameridumb your society is really not in the process of collapsing under the weight of corruption not at all
Joseph Thomas
Here is a red pill >taking the moral high ground after proving you never gave a shit about morals in the first place is the exact same thing clinical narcissists do all the time
Evan Davis
You are triggered because Trumo is more effective that any blow-hard left wing politician in the last 50 years. Also, show your flag, pussy.
Evan Morales
Unemployment is 1.9% in my town and lowering. Eat a bag of dicks, leaf.
Jordan Cox
Less so than Il Leafo Mafioso. Crushed under the weight of corrupt food prices. Nothing is safe there.
Luke Cruz
nah ur just a bitch who hides flag go back t reddit pussy
Underemployment is pretty high for STEM folks. Everyone has a job but working at a warehouse with a masters in electrical engineering aint great buddy. Its not Trumps fault, its honestly Reagans but still
Adrian Gomez
> I'm an ex Jow Forumsack goys, honestly!
Not everyone here supports Trump, but I'm sure the ones that don't can come up with more than the copy/paste bullshit you just put up.
Brandon Wilson
>lying is wrong What kind of pussified grade-school tripe is this?
Nolan Brooks
>brit >I'd rather have Hillary than Trump You don't have Trump now, you complete faggot.
Juan Evans
Trump's lies. Many are immediately obvious and stupid. Rest of world is rolling about in derisive laughter. If an international crisis occurs, no one will take notice of Trump when making decisions about action. Bad effects on American standing in the world will last decades. Great job, America, you elected a goof, a conman. Now you are being conned out of your money and your country is being damaged.
Jordan King
You're a redditor and we hate you to the point we'd let ourselves get raped in the ass if it means you take even half the dicking.
Logan Walker
what kind of fucking retard doesnt lie
Landon Garcia
>why do you keep supporting Trump cuz it pisses you faggots off
Justin Walker
This is exactly why you and other leftists will never understand why people like Trump. Every one of those statements is an exaggeration of a real phenomenon or truth. You fall for his bait every time, screaming, “AHKTSHUALLY” and basically proving his point even if his specific facts are off. Leftists take Trump literally but not seriously.
Carter Rivera
>This country is fucking doomed even if Trump ousts the kikes and cleans house in our government. >There are people here who are unironically unaware that this presidency is just a nepotistic money grabbing vanity project...
Sebastian Sullivan
Those are definitely Trump lies. How anyone still supports him is beyond my comprehension.
>If you dont admit he has the best interest of america at heart you're a deluded stupid moronic imbecile. I guess I'm a deluded moronic imbecile then, because Trump only has his own interests at heart based on his performance and accomplishments these past two years.
Nathaniel Jackson
Could it possibly have to do with the fact that all of his supporters are rural and suburban retards who are easily fooled by people who don’t even speak in full sentences? Not to worry, Mueller is working overtime to save us from this orange turd.
>everyone of those statements is an exaggeration of a real phenomenon or truth
So stating the literal opposite of the truth is exaggeration now?
My god you trump semen slurpers will just go to any lengths to distort reality and lie to yourselves about him won't you. SAD!
Jonathan Anderson
>why do you support the guy who isn’t racist to white people
Gee I wonder why
Camden Moore
>hurrrrr durrrrr I’m a retard with a memeflag pretending to be honest even though I’m asking utterly retarded questions
Kayden Miller
Who the fuck cares, as long as he is doing what he is doing for the economy and triggering the enemies of America, the commies, to show themselves, who cares what he does? At least he doesn't have a body count like so, so many murderous commie bastard democrats.
Hunter Gray
Translation: I’m leftwing vermin and I don’t have any examples
>democrats oppose any effort to secure our border - ignores proposals, laws, votes, facts
Stereotypical leftwing vermin lying as per usual. No evidence for your obvious leftwing shill bullshit. Just repeat the talking points of cnn and hope, is that your strategy?
Jaxson Cook
>trump supporters are rural and suburban retards >Queen Hillary lost an election rigged in her favor Imagine being the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.