My fiancé has a higher income then me, plus I’d rather give my kids a good male role model and STEM based homeschooling then work all day. So I decided to be a house husband.
I think it’s worth it to save America’s demographics. Am I cringe and bluepilled? Debate me
The rest is just the weak-minded kidding themselves
Ethan Fisher
So you think my wife and kids should be my property? No thanks man
Kevin Reed
the relationship between your mouth and a shotgun barrel sounds ideal
Aiden Stewart
Do you have kids right now or are you waiting until after you’re married?
Joshua King
the only viable relationship dynamic is as follows.
females typically mature sexually between the ages of 13-16. if left unsupervised they will become corrupt, damaged, used. because their natural instincts will compel them to seek out sex. they will undoubtably "fall in love" with the first male they become involved with, that relationship will undoubtably fail and thus, hypergamy will set in for the rest of the female's life as her ability to pair bond will be impaired
the only workaround for this is to ensure chastity and virginity in young girls, to supervise them, disallow them from being with young boys or even older men, alone, outside of the family. and to as a family, search out a viable, older male partner to succeed her father as her main source of provision and protection. obviously this male will have to be someone she "likes" so she can imprint on him and bond with him.
the family will then work on the bond between the two individuals until the girl is old enough and somewhat mature enough to bear children. then they should be married and begin to procreate on the evening of the ceremony. sex should not occur whatsever until marriage.
Christian Taylor
She’s pregnant
Brody Sullivan
Bring your LARP to Reddit
>house husband with STEM background
Jesus Christ, what kind of subhuman could ever believe it?
Levi Flores
Nice. As long as you’re not on your ass all day I think there is nothing wrong with being a house husbo.
Xavier Myers
>woman in the work force I'm not too keen on it but things could be worse and at least you are productive and raising the kids right, i guess good on you OP.
Elijah Bennett
you're in too deep already. all you can do is prepare for worst case scenario because worst case scenario is the likely scenario.
everything will change when she has the child if not before and she'll inevitably begin to want to rule over your entire life, if you don't appease her she'll leave with your child and even if you do she'll likely leave anyway because she won't respect you for being a stay at home dad (natural instinct), and even if you're not a stay at home dad the likelyhood is that she'll have an affair. because I'm going to assume that you're not childhood sweethearts and you're not the first time you've both been involved with people.
Jaxon Anderson
i've seen women talking about how "difficult" it is to be in a relationship where they have to take charge financial as opposed to the tradition of the man being the breadwinner. but i wish you all the best.
William Harris
>STEM based Don't screw your kids over, STEM fields are overcrowded as is today. 20 years from now it'll be worse.
everything is difficult for a woman but I see the point being made. women naturally want to defer authority and even autonomy to men.
this dude's spouse will leave him purely because him being submissive as he is will make her feel insecure.
he's mister right now, not mister right.
Ian Fisher
Them digits don’t lie
Benjamin Torres
Just going by the statistics, the more the wife earns with respect to the husband, the higher the odds of divorce. If the woman earns more, the marriage is pretty much doomed. If you decide to stay home and be the homemaker, she will see you as a homebody loser while she admires the "successful" "driven" men at work. This works on a subconscious level, so even if she's all for your arrangement, even if she honestly believes it's the [current year] and silly old stereotypes should into the trash go, it's not a matter of reason or logic.
how much money you make your job office or anything like that
Don't mean absolutely anything and has nothing to do with relationship dynamics. Who gives a fuck about how much each one of you makes dumbass? You're shallow as fuck.
Thomas Powell
because hypergamy dictates that if the man is of perceived lower value than the woman on any level she will always leave for a man of perceived higher value than both herself and himself. pretty simple rule that every man should see by now. it's evident. women never see men as equal to themselves either, only higher or lower.
Logan Rivera
she's using him as a sperm donor and a nanny. she wants the investment of a child but not the responsibility. he is fucked.
Nicholas Wood
im kinda in this situation too. I have taken the time home to educate my kids on critical thinking, psychology, nutrition and fitness, followed by creativity and art, healthcare and programming courses like HTML and javascript. When the weather is good we go to forest preserves and such to roam around, rock climb, observe nature, and talk about why things are the way they are. I always give them the science followed by the christian explanations. They can make their own mind up about god but I will give them the tools. they still go to a public school. it was funny when i told my daughter that half of "the diary of anne frank" is fake because it was written in ballpoint pen; her teacher changed the reading after my daughter pointed it out. There really is a lot of merit to it. I just hope i have prepared them enough for the coming hard times.
Tyler Perry
>good male role model >house husband Kys
Nathaniel Adams
the only way to look at a serious relationship, especially a marriage, is strategically
it takes strategy to make it, and if the husband and wife can both fully conceptualize the idea of strategy for what it's worth, she can earn six figures and you can raise the kids at home, or you work and she stays at home, or you both work but balance it out by raising the chillumz in parts equal, obviously
what matters is success, nothing else but success. if you didn't marry to win but to fill a hole you're a wook, you marry to win! if your wife isn't ride or die then you will never be able to enjoy a strategically advantageous marriage, nor will you if you can't understand that in the arena of strategy, that ego must be discarded and excellence embraced. after all, it's your children who will be looking up to you, give them something worth following
Anthony Gutierrez
Previous generations have had the male go out to work all day and the female stay at home and raise the kids.
It is a recent trend that kids are being feminised. It is a recent trend that husbands are staying at home to raise kids.
If you want to be part of the recent trends...go right ahead. My kids will enjoy bullying yours in school in a few years.
Nolan Wilson
100% based. Do look for passive income though.
good point, own land and produce own food.
good, try and find a way to not pay the $30k to the hospital Jew
Joseph Perez
if a man makes a woman equal in a relationship to the point where he strategises with her she won't respect him. he needs to be a virtuous monster / tyrant. he sets the rules. she follows them. if she isn't willing to do this. she's punished. if she does. she's rewarded. if there is any other dynamic than this she will act out and leave.
you can't treat a woman equal in a relationship if you want that relationship to last.
Christian Powell
It's not ideal but "is what is". If you've got the opportunity to be a persistent influence in your kids' lives and educate them properly, there's no reason to fight it. If your "job" is raising the kids, you better do a good fucking job. Still doesn't mean you can't be head of household. The trickier relationship is between you and your wife with endless propaganda trying to get her to disrespect you, "trade up", abandon her kids, etc. but that's going to be there whether you work or not.
Nigger, you are unironically retarded as shit. I've been married for 10 years. Her and I have been strategically making moves and career adjustments left and right. We've struggled together through the thick and the thin. As the user said, she's got to be "Ride or Die" if she isn't then she ain't the one, Mr. Worthingtonshire
Im a house husband atm cos back injury but im getting paid by insurance. Wife works from home but goes into the office for a day or 2 a week. I've been loving it for all the time I've spent with my 2 boys.
Andrew Peterson
I don't think this will increase chances of infidelity. If this were true, women would not be fucking the milk man when the husband was out at work. A lot of the men that think this will increase chances of infidelity are insecure. In reality, a woman will cheat regardless of how much money you pull in. If it weren't true, there wouldn't be the stereotype of the woman fucking the pool boy.
The children should be your first priority, full stop. If you think you can offer them a better education than public school, which you can, then do it. I would take my wife disrespecting me over my children being indoctrinated to love trannies. So I think you are making the right decision.
In reality, you cannot really control another person. People will cheat because they are cheaters. You can stave it off for some time, but do you really want every decision you make to have the option of "will this make her suck different dick?" Do what is best for the children. If she makes more money, let her make more money and raise kids.
Also, while you are stay at home dad, you have no excuse not to look like this, or as close to this as possible. This will be the main reason she will stay with you, being physically attracted to you.
this; OP is setting himself up for a life of suffering
Michael Stewart
she's just not had the opportunity to monkeybranch yet. she's already fucked other dudes though, it's just that none of them were viable long-term investments because they didn't offer her anything more than you did.
romanticism doesn't exist. a man and woman aren't a team. when a woman says "my husband and I are a team" what she means is he does what I want, whether he knows it or not, and I do what I want.
there is no such thing as a ride or die woman unless she thinks that without you, she will literally die because she will have no other means of protection and provision.
Sebastian Smith
This x1000
Kayden Ortiz
also you're a weak man if you need a woman to compensate for your lack of strategy with her own.
Luke Morales
They are your property. If you refuse to treat them as such, others will come and claim them as theirs. You’re on a very quick path to divorce
John Martinez
this. the west is literally collapsing because men see women as allies kek, and men are still going along with this like there's been no consequences come from it already.
there's a reason a culture that sees women as property is thriving and dominating the west while the west who sees women as partners / allies is in decline. it's all rooted in gender dynamics.
Charles Jackson
That is absolute horseshit. If you go for shallow, self-indulgent selfie whores, then you get exactly what you deserve. You need to find yourself a solid 6/10 quasi-cutie with a submissive attitude, decent home life, and an ego that's firmly in check. You're delusional if you think ALL women are out there scheming on their men. Real life is not a porno.
Well crap OP, I think you accidentally posted to Jow Forums. Look at all these fools.
I homeschool my two oldest and my wife is pregnant with the fourth. All boys. Shit is cash. (Actually it is a fuck load of work. But like hell if I’m going to let a woman or nanny state raise my boys to be women.) I’m not quite in your position since my wife acknowledges she is in fact my property, but have faith, you can still make it work.
Midwife will come to your house for a couple grand and not inject the baby with “vitamins”.
Julian Lewis
Homeschooling is the only way to ensure your kids dont become degenerate pieces of shit by the time they are 12. Don't ever let that little fucker integrate with consumer culture. No autotune 'rap', or shitty cartoons. Teach that kid to be active and shit. When he is old enough, teach him about the Hivemind and the nature of collective consciousness. This is the key to changing the world rather than simply being changed by it
I litererally never listen to my wife, cuss her out and force her to do the housechores in the nude yet she still says "I love you" every day now for 8 years. Remember, men, give an inch and they will take a mile. Sometimes she bitches at me but I straighten her out with a good dicking/beating.
>You're delusional if you think ALL women are out there scheming on their men. It's the same as women saying ALL men are rapists. These people are delusional. People don't realize that women have been in the work force for centuries. The West is still the best, and this idea that women were at home raising the children, and are the natural care givers, is some stupid bullshit that divorce lawyers thought of to screw men in custody battles.
They’ll have a better father figure because their father wasn’t out working all day
Elijah Hill
Also, if I may interject for a moment, if you earn decent money from home, that changes the calculation. But I didn't get the impression that applied to OP.
Anthony Howard
ever heard of topping from the bottom user?
submission isn't given, it's imposed upon. the absolute majority of "submissive" women are feigning submission because chumps like you lap it up due to fragile egos and wishful thinking. the only way you can have a woman submit is by forcing your values and principles on her through fear of repercussions. every single civilisation has recognised this for the most part and when they've departed from this they've collapsed.
these fake submissives implant suggestions and manipulate their men into doing their bidding but do it in ways which encourage certain modalities of behaviour that make the men feel as though they are in fact dominant when in reality they only appear to be on the surface and it is actually the submissive calling the shots under the radar. this is most relationships today, the dynamic is totally flipped.
and that is what's known as "topping from the bottom"
At least some people still help their kids grow up well.
John Jackson
Ideally the woman should be the stay at home parents and the man makes the money (or more money). They are naturally better suited for it. But I guess one stay at home dad is better than no stay at home parents.
Juan Sullivan
Women don't have moral principles in the same way men do, they're much more socially minded. So men really should be in charge of house direction and what to impart to kids. That becomes a hell of a lot harder to push when your wife is funding it all. I imagine it can be done but you'll have to withstand her wanting your kids to sleep around, have black partners etc.
Oliver Rodriguez
>the absolute majority of "submissive" women are feigning submission Where is your proof mr. Bong
Lucas Collins
you're on your way to divorce, and she is probably cheating on you already.
Colton Lee
>you'll have to withstand her wanting your kids to sleep around, have black partners etc. This is your brain on Jow Forums. There would be earlier red flags. Op is your wife a thot?
Isaac Young
I want a toke on whatever you're huffing today. By that logic, the middle east should be a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Alas. It is a hole of shit. Women must have some agency. I'm not saying they need a lot, but they are still human.
the proof is in the pudding, it's all around you. if you don't see it, it's because you don't to. even men with no knowledge of sub / dom dynamics should be able to see that women call the shots in every relationship because the fundamental root of every relationship today in the west is what benefits the woman, not what benefits the man or the family, but what benefits the woman alone.
Grayson Butler
Alexander Peterson
he's absolutely full of shit. if you're a fucking alpha dog your bitch is going to heel. you don't have to force shit. that is all. this cocksucker with a VPN pushing bullshit just has some serious mommy/daddy issues and needs attention. thus even replying to him/herself. the projection can be seen hundreds of miles away.
Landon Russell
On paper it’s fine but in practice she’ll most likely lose respect for you and cheat. Hypocrisy at its finest but an unfortunate reality.
Caleb Myers
no that's a gross over-simplication of an extremely complex set of dynamics. objective, islam is doing far better than us in terms of geographical dominance and it's because of how it's set up its foundation. the family unit having it's values imposed upon it by extremely dominant, masculine men.
granted, islam can't even compare with the west in regards to many advancements we have made. but regardless of those advancements, because of the aforementioned point, they will dominate the entirety of our grand civlisation in a few generations because they will have outbred us and cucked the remaining minorities. all because our familial bonds are weak, because our men are weak, too weak to impose individual regimes on their families as muslims do.
Isaiah Cooper
>two people who agree with each other must be samefagging
cognitive dissonance, look it up
Julian Flores
Samefagging, look it up. You have no power here jew.
Ryder Carter
I know what samfagging is you tit. I also know I'm not guilty of it, I don't even own a VPN. believe what you want though.
William Rivera
Notice you didn't deny being a jew, jew. Off with you. I'm sure you have other boards to attempt to destroy families on.
Kayden Lopez
Top tier posts, based and literally redpilled.
Jow Forums is incredibly blue pilled on real gender dynamics.
Jonathan Cruz
Women are always more concerned with conflict avoidance and everyone getting on and having fun. Without a risk aware and wary male influence women will always raise their kid to get on with everyone and have fun. Obviously the specifics were there for example rather than a mother saying "please get blacked".
the irony is you're the one behaving like a jew. you're supporting the flipping of the natural familial dynamics, women ruling over men and you're making baseless accusations in order to discredit the source.
that is literally how jews operate. they want to make women heads of the family because they know this destroys familie and whenever someone appears who contradicts a narrative they prefer they propel libel at them just like that to take the focus off the messages conveyed.
Jeremiah Watson
>women call the shots in every relationship because the fundamental root of every relationship today in the west is what benefits the woman, not what benefits the man Again 2 people can and often do arrange as a team to work on improving themselves, their status, wealth, etc. You view relationships as a power struggle between man and woman. All evidence points towards two people working as a team with the man at the helm. That doesnt mean the man does not ever consider a woman's input on the direction of the ship. You have no clue how successful relationships work.
Jeremiah Moore
This. Both men and women aren't nebulous souls occupying bodies, our thoughts are the function of our brains. These have very specific processes for men and women which we aren't immune to no matter what we think. Women may understand the choice that the man stays at home and raises the kids, she may even advocate in good faith for it, but in reality she'll come to lack respect for you, perceive you as low in social desirability and likely sleep with someone from work. Remember the men at work will also be putting you down to her.
I wish men could viably raise kids at home, it would solve a lot of problems, but it just isn't realistic.
Cooper Cox
still not denying your civilization destroying jewness... somebody just started an eternal jew thread from egypt. you should probably hop into it.
Levi Scott
Start internet businesses in secret
David Harris
you've never been with high class (read: old money white pussy and/or alpha female) women before.
Hudson Wilson
Looks like a neat sexdoll to me !
Austin King
Cash4Thots trade in your old broken down salaried wife for CASH NOW.
This is my parents situation. >teaching your sons zero work effort. >lack of mother being around constantly roibs them of emotional intelligence.
Enjoy your shitty kids so you can be a lazy fuck.
Nathan Williams
> only 4 posts by this id Yeah it's a spam thread then
Joseph Wilson
there is a big difference between seeking out a womans input and allowing her to have an input and taking it into consideration. most men do the former not the latter.
the latter is a given in any relationship but that's not what anyone here is talking about. they're talking about equality of responsibility whereby men and women are in an equal partnership and strategise together. if a woman has to compensate for your lack of individual capacity for strategy she will resent you for it. she doesn't want to have to. she wants to be able to defer all responsibility to you so she feels safe.
>women simply do not feel safe around men who they have to tell or suggest to, what to do.
the latter point is an absolute maxim of gender dynamics in relationships, and you tell me I have no idea how relationships work lol.
the basis of a relationship for a woman is safety. if as I said, a woman feels she has to work with you to safeguard the family, as in, tell you what to do, or suggest to you what to do. that means that she doesn't feel safe, she doesn't trust you, which means she resents you, she doesn't even want to be with you, and that is why most relationships fail, because most men are so cucked they don't even understand how to make their women feel safe. they are submissive.
Gavin Jenkins
Purpose: Leader and nurturer.
Juan Ramirez
If you can make it work, then go for it. Just need to make sure there's no doubts, especially from your wife who has a good chance to decide last minute to stay home. You also need to make sure you're able to raise a baby. From birth until about 3, they're pretty worthless as eating, crapping, crying machines. They aren't really "people" until about 5. You don't want to decide to smash the kids brains in. It's difficult raising a baby, and not everyone is cut out for it. Know yourself.
Lol wow your gay. Also youre just going to raise children with a bacjward mentality on gender dynamics. If u had any balls at all ud tell ur gf to take a pay cut and stay and home. Regardless tho, who the fuck cares this country is going to shit and ur probably not even a serious christian
Ryder Torres
there is no such thing as high class women. if a woman appears to be high class, this shows that her hypergamy is in full swing. women are naturally meek, quiet, subserviant. if a woman isn't this way it's because she's damaged. if she's projecting an air of "high class" it's because she's looking to seduce men of a certain caliber. women are more than adept at adopting personas in order to attract the kinds of men they want. you rarely see a woman's true face. both physically and figuratively.
miss me with that dominance hierarchy bullshit btw. you only said what you said because you wanted to make me feel less than you because you apparently fuck with high class women. you're no different than any other men though. you're submissive to them, you just don't know it.
Dominic Taylor
Lol ur retarded working or provided is exactly what a father is supposed to be doing.
Lucas Sanchez
Fuck this is my mother and father. Pretty sure my ma cucked my dad with my older brother too.
happened in my family too. my great aunt had 3 sons, two by the same dad. one by another man she had an affair with. the dad of the other 2 thinks the 3rd is also his son to this day. i only found out because her sister my grandmother let it slip out during a conversation and proceeded to shit herself right after.
it's far more common than most would want to believe.
also, talk about cliche. the father of the first two is one of the nicest dudes you could ever meet and apparently the father of the 3rd was always an absolute brute. his son takes after him too if this is the case. I remember seeing him literally kick young girls to the curb for no reason.
Austin Miller
i knew you would. i might be being pretty brutal but i'm honestly only saying what I'm saying because i want all of you dudes in here to take initiative and uncuck yourselves.
Nicholas Cox
no. older brother is a half brother. would make a lot of sense too.
yup. pic related. determinism is fucking terrifying.
I'm doing this right now desu. She's 14 and I'm 23. Spending time with her family (especialy her father) till she is of age for marriage. I really like them. His daughter would make a good wife too.
that's how it should be done. but it needs to be done right. with 100% family supervision and user. don't you dare touch her whatsoever unless you're married and you fully intended to stay with her for life. if you touch her you ruin her and propel her into a long life of suffering and self-destruction.
this is the greatest responsibility men have when it comes to women, we have to protect them from themselves.
Michael Cook
Eh I mostly implement that shit. My gf says she feels safe with me. I dont let her boss me around. But if she says the trash needs taken out, I'll do it if Im not busy.
Luis Perry
Fucking this for all you pleb cunts
Robert Lopez
Are you me?
Lincoln Murphy
I know user. I figure that if in two years time she shows interest then I should be okay and am going to ask her father for permission to marry her. She already gives me eyes and it's nice to see her flush when we speak. I have no intention of sullying her nor ruining her in any way. I want to protect her and the family she comes from. They welcomed me into their home and I have no intention of betraying that trust.