>United Kingdom
>Czech Republic
>United States

Attached: 1543192218509.jpg (800x600, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.12.47 PM.png (1156x908, 241K)

Death to Ukraine and Death to Israel.


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Straya cunt

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.13.45 PM.png (1156x728, 189K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.13.58 PM.png (1152x792, 211K)


Austria is seriously concerned

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.07.04 PM.png (1154x738, 197K)

No help from the EU.
Germany and the old Eastern Bloc should be concerned.

Attached: deeplygoncerned.jpg (935x1308, 396K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.07.22 PM.png (1162x846, 219K)

Lithuania strongly condemns

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.08.02 PM.png (1154x842, 221K)

Turkey was worried

Attached: turkey worried.jpg (804x123, 23K)

Canada condemns

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.08.50 PM.png (1156x788, 220K)

EU condemns use of force

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.09.08 PM.png (1158x848, 216K)

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The Dutch are concerned

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.09.29 PM.png (1156x846, 228K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.10.40 PM.png (1154x730, 184K)

Deeply concerning Sweden

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.10.59 PM.png (1154x786, 210K)

Oops, sorry France you can post here too

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.11.45 PM.png (1004x1300, 554K)

Trump has deep concern

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 2.12.27 PM.png (1160x1186, 743K)

I don't give a fuck about ukraine.
I want it partitioned.
those animals wanted to destroy the danube delta and threatened to occupy bucharest in 24 hours with their rusty soviet junk.

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Bazat si mucenicipilled

why is Norway left out?

What’s Norway? Is that some sort of new MGTOW?

Carpathian ruthenia doesnt belong to ukraine

Crimea belongs to Greece desu
>conflict solved, ww3 avoided
Send the Nobel peace prize to Radu Bogdanescu

Attached: Lipman-A-Museum-Survives-in-Crimea.jpg (727x495, 108K)


Fuck you and your shitty thread I dont need your permission to shitpost wherever the fuck I want

who here /deeply goncerned/?

Ironically enough Slovene you can post here with permission

Just give Ukraine to Russia, Russia doesnt have to make sense. It wont even lets the chechens and dagis leave

Attached: E9EHO5l.gif (374x333, 79K)

NO! Please.

Poland has an immigrant crisis now. The Ukrainians in Poland are equivalent to Mexicans in America.

>Crimea belongs to Greece

Attached: demografie.png (1585x488, 67K)

Glad you didn't count me in.
Ukraine can go lick Chernobyl's wall, as far as I'm concerned.

Fucking Ukraine at it again.
With help from UK it would seam.
Prepare for regime change, as every 5 years.

Poles are the Mexicans of Europe. The slavs are just niggers with the wrong skin color

Forgot to include you in the list

Löl fuck "Ukraine", fuck EU, fuck ZOG. Team Russia all the way!


We are the only reason Muslims are still too scared to invade Europe, you faggot.

Ukraine thinking NATO supports them.
When they're not a stable country.
Please don't, I'll let Russia invade in the next few days because of your post. Even though it doesn't help them with anything.

Our fuckwads for politicians don't speak for the rset of us.

Orthodox Russia > fake nazi Jews.

>Muslims are still too scared to invade Europe
WTF are you talking about they already did. I visted Somalia last summer aka(sweden)

You have to admit for a CIA/State Department larp, Ukraine is tops. It not only pissed off Russia, but ensured Europoors would have to pay for years to come while the Biden and McCain kids will make a mint.

Attached: Joe-Biden-John-McCain-Marcy-Kaptur.jpg (1024x1001, 90K)

Death to (((Kurz))) and the Hohols

>implying anyone gives a fuck about UKRAINE
Amerifats so delusional, it is just for show, the only army that could fuck with the Russian one is USA and maybe China. The others are talking shit just to look like they matter.

Ah yes, Barbara Nuland, married to Robert Kagan, one of the founders of PNAC. If you guys never heard of PNAC, google it, it's quite a rabbit hole. And then think for moment about how it was even possible that she got that job under Obama/Clinton.


I don't give a fuck, if the russkies send their tanks to the west we just have to nuke germany to get ourself a Nice Maginot nuclear wasteland between them and Paris


Can someone put all of these into one collage

ukraine can go to hell for all I care, but at the very least they could have the common courtesy to bomb us aswell, but noooo...