End Universal Suffrage

If universal suffrage would be ended, so that only netto tax payers may vote, the left, welfare leeches, a good chunk of the female polulation and other (((progressive))) groups would loose most of their political power and this human civilisation can thereby still be saved.

> in order to implement this:

>1.) spread the political ideas to:

- introduce a basic income coupled/ negative income tax combinition system ( placed as bait, is more "sensible" then just ubi and apeases the left )


- Letting only ( netto ) taxpayers vote ( this point should be glossed according to the believes of the influenced group/person)

- add some thought up other stuff too win people over ( doesn't matter what)

>2.) short term results

- if this system is implemented in any way, the first political cycle with it would be bad, because some dipshit implemented it with extra stuff

- in the second political cycle ( so the first voting after the implementation) the voter selection would start, therefor the system will purge its unnescessary additions

>3.) long term effect

- smaller gouvernment
- politics of the free working peoples
- more true right wing politics

> dangers too implementation

- the (((establishement))) and state would loose influence, therefor it will fight the systems implementation

- the left and others may see behind the system and fight it

- without the shrinking of gouverment, a corporate oligarchy may officialy begin

- if only the ubi or the voting sytem is implemented at once, there will be riots.

> please inform me of thought errors to improve on this system and/or spread this idea

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here are some giant low res tits to compensate for the long ass text

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>bumping your own threads is similar to dirty talk during masturbation.

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Sounds good, and may be the only way to implement democracy well.

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End suffrage period.
Call me when a blue eyed Kaiser with a magestic beard and 50cm biceps shove a 12 gauge up merkel’s ass and pulls the trigger on live television.

>Inb4 it’s not by chance that Merkel rhymes with ((Sheckle))

Democracy is unironically mob rule.

and the mob is stupid.
fortunately the best indicator for economic success ( excluding neoptism ) is intelligence.

so the described system would create a more intelligent mob rule.

>low rest tits
>well-thought political post
I like you, krautbro

You are being an imanentist.
I’m not about to throw away my principles for pragmatism.
Mob rule is unethical, even if it works momentarily, it’s not only bound to fail, but it corrupts the national geist.

The tradition german, or should I say, the teaditional European way, is monarchy.

i am not apealing to a higher power

and a monarchy is just a smaller mob of random people. in a monarchy the idiocy of a single person can run even more rampant than in other systems.

a parlamentary monarchy may work, it could be implemented along the proposed base system

an ill informed monarch, willhelm II. who disolved Bismarcks pacts, destroyed the first reich.

>If universal suffrage would be ended
No need.
Suffering is good and everybody needs it.
If you eliminate suffering you eliminate reflection, repentance and probably the most beneficial part of human behaviour thus far.
Ending suffering will empower retards and/or degenerates to further push their bullshit and will diminish the power of righteous people to inflict suffering upon themselves for the greater good.
Los schwuchtel Negger!

but those political finesses are not essential to the base idea.
my only concern is the re-empowerement of people responsible for their society.

the rest will fall in place to the will of these people. whatever that may be.

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Universal Sufferage: the right for every adult to vote

this is not necessarily conected to suffering.

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You should read Plato on why monarchy is better than democracy.
I’m at work and I can’t get the link rn.
But look it up of you have the time.

Aristocracy by merit is the most based form of government.

How do you expect to ever roll back suffrage. The leftists and their sheep would violently oppose any effort to disenfranchise anyone. Merit based voting would be unfair cuz muh disadvtaged minorities.

>the right for every adult to vote
Well i dont give two shits about voting since its rigged and always has been so i'll just fuck right off.
>this is not necessarily conected to suffering.
Sure is because left/right or (((voting))) is all a scam and its designed to keep you in a perpetual state of debate/discourse and endless babblings and oppositions.
Anyway if you can't figure this out by yourself i won't suffer you anymore.

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liquid democracy.

the way to revoke universal suffrage is by givining the child another name.

it should seem like a small addition to a larger list of political ideas. and, because of the "only netto taxpayers may vote" wording it can be rhetoricaly bend to fall in line with peoples political agendas.

additional huge tits

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and the minorities are kept happy with the basic income


as i need to wörk tomorow, i may not answer to this thread for 10 hours.
i would enjoy this thread to survive until then.

eine gesegnete nachtruhe, werte fettsäcke

last bump effort