While you sucked Drumpf's cock, Putin locked 400 kilometers of Hohol coastline

While you sucked Drumpf's cock, Putin locked 400 kilometers of Hohol coastline.

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Death to Ukraine and Death to Israel. Kys kike.

Lel Ukraine and Moldova are DOA.

The Russian bear is back on NATO’s doorstep

Yeah, good.

and while you have to use a memeflag to hide that Amerimutt, Russian, or Hohol flag, I will keep my US flag

This thread is not about flags, you fat, paranoid, non white jew servant.

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nobody even literally even cares


Putin can have ukraine for all I care, no more begging the EU

And while the rest of the world sucked the Barack-cock Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea.

Who cares? Sick of playing world police.

Crimea River JewFlag

the us is under siege. this is either a clever takeover plan or full-blown retardation

Can we pay him a few bucks to secure our border? Asking for a friend.

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This. Not our fucking problem.

Sucks to be some Europunk


Fuck off nigger. Russia is weak and Putin is a fucking pussy.

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Europe is not relevant. Fuck off and die.

There are more CIA operatives in Ukraine than in Langley. You are deep into this shit for years now.

Go lick a tree juice or whatever you do up there.

Trumpfags have done nothing but suck his cock 24/7 since elected. I don't think I've ever once seen a Trumpfag on Jow Forums criticize their daddy, they simply don't care. He bows to the Saudis, they don't care. He bows to Israel, they don't care. He bows to Putin, they praise him because the manlet is seen as "alpha" and "strong" to the little trumptards despite him being a devious shit. They're so fucking stupid, probably the most retarded political "awoovement" in history.

Donbass is Russian clay now.

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Nice meme though, it's hilarious how Amerisharts try to trivialize any objective criticism of their daddy with shitty memes instead of addressing the criticisms. You're simply incapable of doing so, all you can do is project what you really see in yourself, that you're programmed into a cult of personality around Trump.

>that you're programmed into a cult of personality against Trump.

Guess what?
I don't give a fuck
And you can't make me!
Suck it faggot!

Fuck off Five Eyes your day is coming soon

>U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged "full assistance, including military assistance" to Ukraine.

>You are deep into this shit for years now

The CIA is. I'm not. Fuck the CIA.

I honestly hope Russia just takes over all of Europe at this point.

That's not how it works Sonny. You might be soon deployed to the Eastern Front and die in frozen mud if your faggy draft dodger Zognald decide to do it. Because you can count that his gay sons will have bone spurs 24/7.

Russia needs Ukraine as a buffer to the West whereas the West only needs it to exploit it and make it worse. Putin likely won't allow it to fall under complete Western domination and it would likely be better or at least more stable under Russian influence like it was before the elected President was ousted just before the next election was to be held anyway.

One draft will never fly, two I'm too old to draft.

Absolutely BASED ZOG servant Trump and BASED Putin with his multi-racial army constituted of BASED Central Asian Muslims DESTROYING the NWO by attacking ACTUAL NATIONAL SOCIALISTS in Azov Battalion to ensure Ukraine is TOTALLY SUBJUGATED to BASED RUSSIA

You want to play the game of overthrowing Govt's? Then fine, we all get to play the game as well.

New here.

Where's the upvoted button?

While you cried about Trump, no one cared.