Post Liberal celebrity tweets and statements

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Holy $64000 dollar words, Batman, has he ever read any book that wasn't the Thesaurus? He just went to town with every polysyllable in reach.

No one who puts that much effort into sounding smart is actually smart.

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Reeeehanna can take her ass on back to the Caribbean

>frames their myopia as virtue

Exactly. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it properly.

On that note, good luck on your new career in climate change, Mr. John Podesta. Looking forward to many counter observations :)


He didn't graduate high school

How can something be retrogressive and unprecedented? If it’s retrogressive, doesn’t that mean it’s happened before so there’s precedent for it?


I guess he means unprecedented in modern times. Unless he's just using big words for the sake of using them.

That based first comment though. He just tore the tweet apart in half a sentence.

>when you use for your “LARP as an intellectual” tweets

Oh shit that's kanye.

Based nigger

There’s no WAY he’s doing that!

this person clearly thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is

His kike homewrecker girlfriend probably tweets for him. The sentiment is feminine.

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Celebrities are puppets on strings everyone should know that

He really is that emotional and dumb. I think he's gay. His brother is gay.

Literally who?

Kinda like what you just did.

Yeah. Yeah, I'd fuck a white Rihanna. Those features help a lot.

punching bag

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