Jow Forums, what’s your idea of an afterlife? Do you believe in something like a Christian heaven, pagan afterlife...

Jow Forums, what’s your idea of an afterlife? Do you believe in something like a Christian heaven, pagan afterlife, or something else?

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Idk, but I'll probably be even more confused than I am down here. Maybe I live in the special room with my tulpa forever or maybe I go to hell for daydreaming about sucking dicks. I just know whatever it is probably won't make a lot of sense.

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Lol well I hope everything works out for you!

You will live your everyday life as usual and won't even notice you've died. If you're about to die you're taken to an alternate reality where you don't die.

After having been put under during surgery, I can attest to the fact that we are biological machines with no soul. Without the brain's activity there is no awareness, there is no"you"

I've gone under too. I didn't disappear. I just skipped to when I woke up. You will always skip to whenever you're conscious. Annihilationism just doesn't work because you will end up wherever and whenever your consciousness decides to settle.

well that’s fucked. oh well I guess

very similar to what it was like before you were born

Why do you immediately believe his assertion?

I don’t really believe in that but if there is something I would want it to be going back my childhood in the summertime and staying there for eternity

I imagine dying is like melting away. Only you don't melt away, but everything else does, revealing the true form of Truth. Suddenly everything makes sense. Deep, infinite love washes over your awareness. You are home. Perhaps that is all you will ever know, or perhaps you will be able to move on to the next stage of existence and continue growing.

I smashed a cockroach that was in my bathroom earlier today. Where did he go?

There is absolutely nothing outside of wishful thinking to suggest that you are anything more than the result of your brain activity. "You" disappear the moment your neurons stop firing.

I imagine dying is different than being unconscious. When you are unconscious but your heart is beating, you remain within your body. It's only when the body stops functioning that people have NDE out of body events like meeting god or seeing light in the end of the tunnel.

>There is absolutely nothing outside of wishful thinking to suggest that you are anything more than the result of your brain activity. "You" disappear the moment your neurons stop firing.

I disagree. To me it's obvious that while my thoughts, sensations and emotions occurr within the brain, the canvas onto which they are painted is located outside of my body. It's something passive, large and hard to define.

The funny thing is that the level of conviction we both present our point of views is completely unfounded. You could be painfully deluded. So could I.

There's no afterlife. Judaism is correct on this point. It's just a kike trick to keep other people from achieving all they can with their short life.

no thanks

you obviously go to heaven

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So judaism is just atheism + talmud dlc

I don't know how anyone could know that for sure. For anyone who 100% believes what they believe, how do you know for certain?

I believed when I was a kid that "heaven" when you died was your fantasy land where you could live your utmost fantasies. Now as I'm turning 20 next month. I have a hard time beliving a place after this, but I can say I believe in god. I just hope that one day I can look up and see all the great heroes of the past and hail them for what they tried to acomplish or do.

And if there is no afterlife. I die and I don't exist. Oh well, I won't feel a thing anyway.

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Judaism is pretty much the only major religion that doesn't believe in some form of afterlife. Do you find it surprising that soulless beings can't fathom anything beyond material existence?

if you learn to enter heaven on earth you live forever, if you don't you die and are reborn with endlessly until you save yourself

sip shit, chaim

Anyone saying there is nothing after has never encountered ghosts. Not trying to convince anyone, but I know from experience. So there is something.

What is your situation?

Any cool ghost stories to share?

Got a ghost story for us?

Really? my childhood sucked and it was relatively normal. I can’t imagine wanting to repeat any of it

You think you're getting off this ride? LOL

Same. When I yas younger I believed in some sort of afterlife and I still believe in God. I don’t know man, I lost all my will and joy and all that.

The strangest was walking across a lawn to get to my then girlfriend's house and hearing a little dog running up behind me. As I heard it get maybe a foot away it started to bark. I turned to stare it down and there was nothing there.

Remembered that earlier that month a small dog got ripped to shit by a bigger dog in the neighborhood. It was a weird experience out of the blue and on a clear day.

how much weed did you smoke?

Not a drug-head, just occasionally drink. Sober at the time.

here, let me explain this for you because we are at the point that understanding of the afterlife needs to be trivialized

>the astral is anything and everything, physical reality projects into being from the fabric of the astral - all forms of religion, faith, culture, and society spring from one single thing
>there are three wavelengths you can ride on while a part of the afterlife, Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory
>your actions in life as well as the afterlife determine where you end up, for better or worse

the evil spirit that told the abusive retard to shoot and kill his girlfriend and then himself spoke to the abuser as a powerful emotion and thought. the abuser goes to Hell, likely to be tortured by the very evil spirit that got him to pull the trigger, and the girlfriend let's say simply dies and goes to Heaven where all becomes clear.

good and evil are in a perpetual war with one another on the other side, it never ends and never will end either for that matter. Valhalla as it is known is really just Heaven, and angels that do battle on the other side for the Lord do run the risk of "dying," but only for a day. they come back to life when a natural day passes and then they resume business as usual, as spirits cannot be exactly killed, just redistributed throughout the universe (as matter cannot be created or destroyed)

when an evil spirit "dies" they aren't exactly killed either, but are spirited to Hell where they immediately begin paying penance under Remphan's sadistic watch, Hell is a torture farm and people who do wrong are stuck there until they serve an amount of suffering that karmically matches the amount of suffering they themselves produced before getting caught

this is a humble start in the right direction for anyone trying to simply grasp what really happens in the afterlife. it isn't scary, it isn't weird, it isn't beyond understanding, but it only works a certain way, and religions have been designed by evil to mislead on purpose

That’s crazy lmao

Body dies, mind is freed. Seeks light, can also spectate on earth. Enter light, trauma is washed away. Post mortem debriefing with other attendees in life-sim. Identify key challenges, experience good and bad conduct in previous life through the POV of affected.

Identify purpose/improvement areas and potential new life trajectories. Soul then choose new body from a set of alternatives. Spawn for more lessons. Induce amnesia to QA test mission, respawn

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I don't know why that one freaked me out the most. Other than that I've heard voices in empty rooms, furniture being moved around without anyone else there, and seen a white/clear shape pass through a room...but that dog encounter sticks with me most.

You either die and there’s nothing, or die and there’s everything. That’s it, one or the other. Each one it equally as possible in my eyes.

Where did this "believing in heaven stops you from achieving on earth" meme even come from? Christians achieve on earth because wasting your life away is a sin and an affront to God. What success looks like changes, but Christians do something on earth because the afterlife depends on it.

At the very least, they get married and have children and work hard to provide for them. That is literally all I hear the pagans and atheists say is the goal of life. Except for prayer, fasting, church, you seem to operate as you would otherwise so it seems like a poor trick.

Sure, you avoid sin. You don't have sex before marriage and ideally do not watch porn. You put off what I guess some consider earthly pleasures. But what I never understood is that people on this board tend to consider that shit all Jewish tricks to destroy western civilisation. So what is it? You fuck around and live a life of faggotry and you are falling for the Jewish tricks. You eschew all the degeneracy in favour of a good life and a better afterlife, you apparently still fall for Jewish tricks.

all evangelicals are crypto-jews

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imagine the smell

Interesting. This doesn't really constitute as a ghost story but the previous tenant of the apartment I'm renting died here (of old age I presume). I've noticed that things seem to fall off a table when I'm in another room, an empty can may be toppled spontaneously. Could be just my clumsiness talking.

5 min of contemplating on that single word is more than enough for a normal person to figure it all out

Its just ends. Everything just stops.
Doesn't mean God isn't real though.

Fuckin’ commie.

Look into Orthodox conceptions of heaven. I think the problem is that heaven has been sold as a fantasy and that ian't really what it is. Also, once Christ comes back, the resurrection of the earth happens. So probably we will just live as on earth, but minus things like procreation and sin.

Living good just for heaven is idolatry anyway. I always think it doesn't really matter. It is generally pretty good advice on how to live even if it never resukts in anything.

Yeah I try to rationalize a lot, and some could be called into question but that sound was right next to me and unmistakable ...maybe that's why it sticks with me most, how close it was to me.

Do you view this process as a closed loop? When you have paid your karmic debt, what's next?

I hope we get to create our own paradise so I can finally be with my 2d waifu in their world because fuck creating a paradise modeled after this world.

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Are you suggesting that the term contradicts itself?

I want to play yu-gi-oh with Danny and Ryan and Matt again. I want to play with LEGO and walk into town real early to buy booster packs once more.


death is absence of life and vice versa

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Yo my name is Danny and I used to have friends named Ryan, Matt, and Chris. We did the exact same thing. Chris is that you?

This post best post

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Yet it doesn't have to be an absence of experience.

Christian heaven all the way, OP

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Makes sense why they worship the material world - sex, money, politics etc

the Observer is dead...

How would you know?

This was my post, but to expand on what my theory is based on this...

Ghosts are very often described by the clothing they appear in. I don't believe that clothing has a soul/spirit so therefore the ghost "creates" the clothing it wears/wore in life in it's appearance.

Since their energy can't exist the same on this plane of the physical, they are limited in what they can "create" or how they appear. If they "cross over" to the state of energy plane perhaps universal driven or divine but a place of energy they can interact with better, they then have a huge load of energy with which to create...well anything for themselves. Landscapes, homes, people, loved ones, anything they can think of...therefore a form of "Heaven".

Anyway that's my theory.

My dad told me a story.

Several hours after my dad was told my grandfather had died, he saw my grandfather step out of some kind of portal.

Claims he saw into it, some kind of long hall way with many doors. The old man stepped out of it, crossing some kind of "barrier", he could see when he stepped out, the sun started shining on him, as if he stepped out from under a shadow.

He said my grandfather looked around and saw him, pointed at him in surprise, as if he was just as flabbergasted about seeing my dad as my dad was to see him.

He was interacting with an invisible being, and within a few seconds of stepping out, he turned around and stepped back in and was gone.

We buried his body a few days later.

i'm a humble initiate
and i wish it for everyone who is willing to do the spiritual work to be able to reach the end goal. The guides are always with you, just need to ask

If there is an afterlife I would like to think it’s like merging with the universe and you get to know all and be all and all the people you love are all there. It’s an experience that transcends anyway of articulating or understanding it

More than any idea of heaven, I'd like to first discover that god does indeed exist and finally meet him face to face. And before I even begin to ask one of the millions of questions racing around in my mind, I'd like to hear him genuinely say, "It's okay. I understand."

What do you think motivates a ghost to stay on this plane of existence? Are some trapped? Do others stay voluntarily? Sounds kind of lame to be stuck performing mildly spooky tricks in a small apartnment while watching a neet in his late twenties shitpost on Jow Forums all day long.

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I was raised Catholic, so I believe there is a heaven and all that. But I also like to think that when we die, the real fun begins. I feel like there is something more to the afterlife. Something that we're not seeing or not being shown. It'll be interesting to see, assuming it exists.

Consciousness is a byproduct of the brain functions. Without brain functions you don't exist

There's nothingness and we don't live on and we just die.

Interesting story user, how did you explain it to yourself? How did your father? Do you both believe in what he saw?

the masters come to you in altered states of consciousness
deny yourself(ego) fill your heart with love, find balance in your brain, and study the Word(s)

True knowledge of the Self is true knowledge of the Creator

All my frens from Jow Forums who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will be there and we will dwink heavenly gwape juice and eat tendies forever

I think maybe fear of the unknown, clinging to something or someone...maybe afraid to be "punished" for wrongs they did. Since I came up with my theory I haven't run into any ghosts but if I did I'd point out how cool things would be for them if they cross over.....assuming my logic will convince them. I only hope I'm correct.

Memories are formed and accessed in the brain via physical pathways and neurons. If they did leave the body, how did the brain develop memories of it? There is no soul.

No friend, but we are the same non the less. Maybe we can pay yu-gi in the next life and laugh at all this madness. I’ve just had enough, it’s all to much man I can’t bare it anymore I just want one more day of what was


That’s really interesting.

>The guides are always with you, just need to ask

Could you elaborate on this? Are you saying that deep down we know what we have to do in order to grow? I think spiritual growth is the highest priority in life, I just don't know what it should mean in practice.

I don't know, really. My dad actually passed away himself a few months ago and it was one of the last things we talked about.

My dad was not the kind of man to make shit up, and it was a story he only shared with close family because he didn't want anyone else to think he was a nut.

I just wish I could experience something like that.

>the masters come to you in altered states of consciousness

This sounds like it could potentially expose yourself to negative entities. How do you know what to put your trust in?

Nothing. When I die I want to stay dead.

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I believe there is an afterlife and I don't want to go. Hope God lets my soul die for good or I get sent to purgatory

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None of you retards are going to Heaven

go to to find out why

>There is no soul.

You can't answer an open ended question with a mere premise. I don't have an answer for you either, but view soul memory as a possible explanation.

Thanks for the laugh fren. I needed it.

99.99% of ppl's souls are destroyed, purgatory doesnt exist

its going to be like the Catholic Heaven depicted in The Simpsons.

yes, return to the heart
at-one-ment = at one mind

you become a "master of reality" thus can perform miracles knowing the universal secret. you are here for no other reason than to complete your Temple

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Sorry for your loss, user.

There are no negative entities, we create the negatives when we do not exorcise our internal demons, we see them in our external environment

There is no soul memory, or else full amnesia would be impossible. Memories, skills and experiences are made and accessed in the brain. Consciousness accesses those memories to form personality. If you could rearrange all of your brain cells to be exactly the same as someone else's brain you would become that person, just like copying a hard drive.

Humor this: if you were a god and created life that grows and learns; would you be upset that your creation questions your existence? If anything, I would be proud.

I was reading that site and found it compelling then I saw that it was created by church of satan so I felt wrong to read it.

good to know

Like how much grape juice we talking?

you are here to learn to be a "creator"
you create your reality whether you realize it or not, most of the people on these boards accidentally are using chaos magic.

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Thanks. It's been super fucking sad, but deep down, I just have this feeling that he's fine, wherever he is.

I wonder if a living being could help stuck ghosts to cross over and find peace by completing some unfinished earthly business of theirs.

Have you performed miracles?

That is very reductionist point of view. I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong, because it fundamentally makes sense. I just find it hard to accept that it is the whole picture.

Then what are the masters you speak of?