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Gen X the greatest generation, we will fix this shit.
The millennial model will crash and the pieces will be ours.
We're the captain now
This movie took place in California. Look how all those kids are white. I think there were 2 spics and 1 nig on the team. In the 70’s people in California were still white.
Strange. I actually thought about starting a GXG a few days ago. Nicely done.
Fuck millennials and Zs.
Baseball is modeled after human sacrifice rituals. That's what you get for basing your life on Freemason homo-ball.
The hexagrams which must be censed deosil or counter clockwise become the bases which must be touched by the player, the spermatozoa is replaced with a bat, the egg with the ball. The triangle becomes the catcher which is to be evoked (or rather the crowd mesmerized) and standing behind the form, the formless force or voice as the “umpire” often astrally seen in evocation hiding behind the material image, and the pentagrams redirected as the fielders and shortstop. Research further you will note there have been some rather “strange occurrences” at some games…
It’s all about the ancient practice of human sacrifice. That’s what baseball is really about, killing for “sport.” The term “be a sport” means sacrifice something for the team, go along with it. The ignorant were told that gods wanted blood from them because they were bad, so he sent lightning down and so forth.
You’ll take one for the team because there are too many spectators and not enough people who know what the game is really about. It’s about human sacrifice. It goes back to the pyramids represented by the diamond, the mound, ancient symbols that are hidden before our eyes and too few really view them as they are meant to be viewed.
I like this thread. I'm gonna tape it so I can watch it again later.
It takes a lot stronger person to be conservative as a Millennial than to be conservative as an Xer. You had the majority backing you up. I was the Maverick and the controversial one. I pushed against the tide. You pushed with the tide.
>to be conservative
>begging for a title or club to be in
I always got a long with Tanners.
Every kid in California looked like that in the 70's. Every single one.
The English language has labels and words. That's how it works. Deal with it.
God it kills me to watch generation x movies now. Everyone was white, unapologetically so. Back in those days whites were the only race that mattered. Fuck this gay Earth.
gen x have a few smart guys, the women and the rest of them, dumb shit cunts
this sums them up more than nirvana and anything edgy and socially conscious
And you're begging for a label like a fucking dog.
No I'm taking the label for myself and keeping it. I'm conservative and proud of it.
gen x are underrated and much more prepared and skilled for the modern world than we give them credit for
Those are Boomers. They're dressed like my 60s born Boomer parents.
>Chad feels
This looks pretty good, going to watch this
>jackie earl haley is a boomer
get fucked
Was a teen in Encinitas in the early 80s, can confirm.
nig off nigger. Boomers aren't born any later than the early to mid 50's I don't care what anyone says. If you're parents were in their early 20's in the late 70's early 80's they're literal children
>I'm conservative and proud of it.
There's no such thing, kid.
Even John Wayne was a degenerate faggot.
That's not very nice.
naw man ... X and Z will unite -- our true enemies are the shit gens that came before us: boomers and millenials.
boomers and millenials are sensitive fags who take their systems and institutions super serious. the kind of nerds who like school and want to be hall monitors and serve on the student council and do collaborative projects and worship bill nye. they take their shitty music super seriously and think beyonce and bob dylan are important.
x and z together we can defeat those nerds.
He's around my parents age so he is. He's born in 1961. My dad is a Boomer born in 1962.
>My dad is a Boomer born in 1962.
You are legit stupid.
That awesome moment when you think you are queuing up Fast Times at Ridgemont High on the VHS and it's your friends parents home porn.
gen x has fuck loads of leftists, you just don't notice because they're not colossal faggots like gen y ones
Class of '88 reporting for duty
He's a Boomer. A late Boomer, but Gen X didn't start until 64, after the Kennedy Assassination
>tfw I had a Capagnolo cap in the 70's.
Bury my heart at the A&P.
true, but gen x leftism is a softer, reactionary leftism - as kids, gen x had to deal with the family values/religious right/parental advisory stuff, which was pretty aggressive and obnoxious and loosely labeled as "right" - and we mostly grew up wanting to be Not That... that lefties have largely taken over the thought policing, zoomers cool kids are being pushed to the "right," but I think more accurately the Not SJW Genderfluid Landwhale direction.
That's not nice man. I'm a millennial and I think you guys are ok
John Hughes was the master white director. Every film was in suburbia, all-white, relatable, no forced token minorities. Oddly enough PIP was the closest he came to making a serious political statement and that was class-based, not racial or gendered. Now look, even Molly the cooze pissed on his grave by saying Judd Nelson staring up her skirt in TBC was sexist. Fuckin bitch.
t. Xer who saw all JH movies in an actual movie theatre
Some of you kids are OK.
What's happening, hot stuff?
>even Molly the cooze pissed on his grave
molly (((ringwald)))
>even Molly the cooze pissed on his grave by saying Judd Nelson staring up her skirt in TBC was sexist
Enemy Millennial here. Generation is just this random time period my parents decided to fuck unprotected. Why would I listen to Beyonce or care about the pop charts? I have the internet. I can listen to anything.
I'm more used to offending people than you are. I'm used to people being angry at me. You had more people agreeing with you. It took courage to be like me and not be afraid of social rules. Society is a meme. Like Margaret Thatcher says it doesn't exist.
I don't care about student council or collaborative projects or being sensitive but I don't care about partying or being cool either. I'm too antisocial for either.
long duck dong is a major homo. look him up on wikipedia.
>California rock concert in 1977
What a fucking shame
you're fucking having a laff, eh?
>Generation is just this random time period my parents decided to fuck unprotected.
I like this kid.
We did it for Johnny, man!
How do you know? You weren't there. Stop talking authoritatively. We're not the msm so we really don't care what a Millennial thinks. Thanks.
>Gen X
what you dont like Lil Uzi VertPumpMcshiggydiggy?
>we might never have this again
IDGAF. Gedde Watanabe will always be the Donger. Forever the king.
I've never been so happy in my ho rife
Anyone notice we Gen Xers can't have shit without Millennials showing up and offering their unsolicited bullshit about shit they didn't see and don't know? They're Generation Leaf. Always butting in, and never worth a damn
Make that a "will"
yeah, but who Over the Edge here?
Move over, the millennial bad news bears are coming through!!!
Welcome to post-irony.
I know because Gen X offended in general than my generation. Saying the same thing to your generation gets them less shocked and offended than saying it to my generation.
I'm used to shocking and offending people to the point I just see it as something that just happens.
yeah, definitely.
Sorry, meant this vid:
That movie was cool
I just miss the generational belonging because your not part of it when It made its mark in the zeitgeist. Im so fucking sad that I cant live in 80s Canada/America in an all white town and hang out with my cool 80s friends and go see Twisted Sister or AC/DC live in concert and not think about white genocide and cultural marxist insanity and just be at total peace with myself and the world around me.
Nobody gives a shit about your shit fat comedian, bub.
I see it today. My generation gets way more easily offended than yours in today's era. I don't have to remember 1983 to know this.
I'll see your OTE and raise you a Tuff Turf, featuring lost goddess and now no doubt delicious MILF, Kim Richards.
I can't help it, the noirpill is too strong to ignore
I understand that. Personally I'm glad for the internet. I can opt out of the pop culture or zeitgeist when I don't like it. It can be completely horrible but I always have an alternative.
I refuse to believe that its over and nothing can be done. We can take our future back but we have to be willing to fight for it.
It’s all good, Charls will just kill you in your sleep XD
i wanted to fuck Tanner sooooo bad
This movie was awesome. Just an American city and all the trials and tribulations that go with them.
This is Jewish "culture"
Nigga, please.
Dont forget to cover the lock hole with sticky tape or you wont be able to tape anything.
>hang out with my cool 80s friends and go see Twisted Sister or AC/DC live in concert and not think about white genocide and cultural marxist insanity and just be at total peace with myself and the world around me
Can confirm. Saw both bands. I may have been a kid but I was perceptive. I knew the world was fucked in ways I didn't fully understand. However it always seemed far away. The internet fucked everything up. You guys have no clue what it was like to live in the pre-net era. It was literally the last kinda-Edenic era in history. Compared to today it was Eden.
Plus: Gretzky in his prime.
Generational identity doesn't make sense to me. Why would I listen to the pop charts when I have an entire internet? I don't even know what the top 40 is; it's that easy to ignore it. Why would I listen to some random people my age on social media online when I have Google books?
>gen x have a few smart guys, the women and the rest of them, dumb shit cunts
>this sums them up more than nirvana and anything edgy and socially conscious
grunge era was toatal shit that was pushed on Gen X by MTV. When it failed they just let rap take over, when that failed they quit playing music.
I've noticed a couple posts where people are unsure of the Boomer/Xer cutoff line, and its a bit blurry. So here is a simple test:
A. Approach test subject
B. Ask them to finish this song lyric "Our house..."
Boomers will answer " a very very very fine house"
Xers will answer " the middle of our street"
You're welcome
>tfw hardly any effeminate rangas out there with milky tits
kill me
>when I have Google books?
Jesus fuck...
>whites were the only race that mattered.
They still are.
The thing is that its past the internet at this point. Entire city is an immigrant zoo. Jew propaganda on every wall, billboard and TV commercial. Brainwashing taught in schools. I think thats why things accelerated so much in the 2010s. the early 2000s was the last era where you could more or less escape clownworld if you disengaged from the internet but now its unescapable.
I think now its actually a good thing we have the internet because without it, we would have no way of knowing there was a large community and movement of people out there who were also disgusted by this society and working to change it. Internet also gives us the biggest tool we have to combat the jew hold on society.
Gonna need one hell of a bloody revolution desu
If not for my heavy internet use I'd be listening to the trap rap, believing in 50 genders, be supportive of bisexual polyamory, worry about global warming, and not know the dangers of mass immigration. The internet gives me the freedom to opt out of any culture or values at the time I don't like.
Amen brother.
>Entire city is an immigrant zoo.
That's because you are on a rock spinning thru space, dipshit.
>muh jews ruined my sandwich
You are not informed properly. Where do you live? The cities are packed with browns.
nah grunge was sick
younger gen x'ers had 0 talent so couldn't take over, there's a reason they call them xillenials, first of the gen ys really, pretty faggy
rock music really did encourage degenerate behaviour though, i'm kind of glad for gen z that music is so contrived and clinical now
Best era ever.
>born 81
>" a very very very fine house" is my choice
now what
I used to think the tanner boyle, whose name is chris barnes was the original singer of cannibal corpse. that's how it was before the internet.
>You are not informed properly. Where do you live? The cities are packed with browns.
Son, I moved innawoods in 96.
You just now know what I already knew.
I still travel to LA when I need a paycheck.
Once whites reach less than half the pop of US and Canada I think they will wake up fast as society begins to fall apart. And I think its coming sooner in Europe. The amount of plebs needed for an actual armed revolution wont all wake up to the JQ, they will only be able to witness the nonwhites fucking everything up so when Whites actually fully develop racial conciousness and self preservation that disables their brainwashing blockers, its our job to cram the JQ down their throats so that this never happens again.
The UN migration pact is a massive accelerant for sure and we will likely see blood in Europe in the next 15 years, North America in the next 20 or 30.
>Internet also gives us the biggest tool we have to combat the jew hold on society.
dunno if you're X or not. There was probably nothing in my college's 5 libraries about (((them))), if I even knew to look for it. WIthout the internet. I'd probably *never* have known about (((them))). I don't know anybody IRL that does, or at least nobody that will admit it to me.
watch them piss away the money because they RAKE discipline.
Oakland. GIANT confederate flag.
They did I just wanted a nice steak and cheese but they added fucking fecal matter to it
Too true. Not only that, but they've coopted virtually every GenX movie, music, clothing style et al and regurgitated and bastardized it. They don't have the balls or the capability to come up with anything original.
class of '93