Gender isn't a social construct, it's dictated by your chromosomes, period

>Gender isn't a social construct, it's dictated by your chromosomes, period
>Also all these gender idealogues are dangerous because they're confusing kids into becoming the opposite gender

Well... Which is it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

All engineers know that gender is a real thing.

The answer is the rope

Who is this kid and where is he now? Think he offed himself?

A child’s development is very important, development is basically where you discover what reality is, what you are physically, and social behavior. Of course, if you teach a child (when they should be learning social skills that suit their physical reality) that gender doesn’t exist and it’s a spectrum or molest them, it will severely confuse the child to the point of gender disphoria. They will become mentally ill. “Gender” is not a made up word or a social construct, it is a word to describe how a persons physical sex manifests socially, 1% of the population is trans(mentally ill) and most kill themselves. Teaching a kid to be trans is basically prep for pedophelia and suicide. It is child abuse to tell a boy he can be a girl, and vice versa.

What I always say to shitlibs, even if gender was a social construct, who cares? Some social constructs are good. Laws are a social construct should we get rid of laws and just start killing and raping people again?

The concept of a social construct is itself socially constructed.

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Notice how kike magazines like Natgeo will only show a white child if its a fag or tranny

Only way you can become the opposite gender is if there's a way to biologically become it, which is impossible

its not tricking them into becoming the opposite gender.
Its tricking them to taking pills, cutting their dick off, and the suicide before the age of 30

That’s liking telling people with schizophrenia that there’s nothing wrong with them they are just different and see things differently

>Gender isn't a social construct, it's dictated by your chromosomes, period.
>Also all these gender ideologues are dangerous because they're confusing kids into thinking gender is a social construct, embracing mental illness and self-mutilation.

Gender is also a result of hormonally mediated brain organisition in utero. Sometimes an error occurs and the person literally thinks feels and acts different to their chromosomes. This is actual gender dysphoria. If you deny this you are an idiot.

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Primary source is God. Chromosomes are an intermediary.

I really dont care, at this point im set to inherit a large amount of money soon and when that happens im just going to be as openly anti trans as possible. THEY MADE ME DO THIS


Bankroll your own political movement, user. Be the you who believes in yourself!

the kid can never become the opposite gender you fucking mongoloid, the kid just ends becoming a suicidal freak of nature


And when the surviving children harmed by this promotion of transgendering figure out how they have been brainwashed and mutilated, who will they be able to hold responsible in lawsuits?
Every politician who voted for any law that promoted transgender promotion to normal boys and girls should be joined in the lawsuits.
Transgendering is a serious fixed delusion (unshiftable belief contrary to reality, a mental illness). The best way to treat/manage transgender people is not yet certain. However, attempts to help transgender people should not include brainwashing normal boys and girls. Very dangerous.

Hell sometimes fetuses develop entirely in contradiction to their chromosomes. There are men, fully developed men, with penises and body hair and testicles, and testosterone that have XX chromosomes, and fully developed women with XY.
Sometimes uteruses just mess up. It's more noticable in XX or XY syndrome patients, or intersex patients, and whether transgender people are some neurological form of an intersex disorder or not will be a matter of research in the coming years.

>1 post by this ID
>expecting me to take the time to explain why your strawmanning word game is retarded
Whatever, I'll do it anyways: trannies don't "become" the other gender, and nobody says so.

Put "sage" in the options field to avoid bumping such threads.

>God wants you to be a man

>meh i'll just flip off God lol XD XD
>i'm a goat now :D

It's just another attack to the Catholic church. Stupid fad like Black Metal and other satanic edgy shit.
Don't worry guys.

In the end this will pass on. Nothing ever lasts, except God himself. He's eternal.

Good answer. Based bong.

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2 posts

what now

I don't think schizophrenia exist (i.e. Not from God, Instead, a satanic construct). Not schizophrenia, but I've been diagnosed with at least 3 different psychiatric illnesses by 3 different providers (i.e. Agents of Global Finance). I'm just really confused, lack energy and frightened sometimes. It's entirely spiritual and involves dealing with so many of Satan's lies while seeking God/Jesus (i.e. Truth)

I know a MD in the US. She wanted to be a psychiatrist. She changed because she said they never get better.

I think psychiatry is completely evil (i.e. helps noone).

I think less than 1 percent of the American healthcare is good.

Every notice how everyone who believes in this bullshit owns cats which are always referred to with male/female pronouns only? How would they know which kitten is a boy or girl if they can only judge by genitalia that they think is meaningless? I guess animal conservation programs are pseudoscience as well

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Gender isn't real. You have biological sex and sexual orientation, the latter is a spectrum that is most likely influenced by a combination of genes, brain chemistry, psychology and observational learning, it can change at any given time for unknown reasons. Before you jump down my throat about the "gay gene" read this

Your genes can and will influence your behaviors and thoughts. Some genes are activated due to child abuse. Some genes are activated because your parents cuddled you too often. These genes make you more likely to end up in prison and commit certain crimes, like murder. Why? Because they reduce the amount of empathy you're able to feel. That's scientific proof that genes influence complex behavior.

This is what Diogenes said on homosexuality, although the term was coined in the 19th century.
>in his adolescence he drew away the husbands from their wives, and as a young man the wives from their husbands.
This is what Plutarch said on homosexuality.
>the noble lover of beauty engages in love wherever he sees excellence and splendid natural endowment without regard for any difference in physiological detail

Many historic figures that we learn about were actually pedophiles. Alexander the Great. It was common in Greece and some parts of Rome for a prepubescent boy to flirt with and have sex with an older man, but it wasn't like the homosexuals of today. There was a certain context to the relationship. For a Roman it was more about dominance but not totally. "pederasty" literally means "love of boys" and was coined in Ancient Greece. You also have to remember that during these times it was normal for a 12 year old girl to marry an older man. And you thought Muhammad was bad lol.

Why does it have to be a child.

I have a Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) and a Masters of Engineering (Software) and I disagree. I would link my thesis but I'd rather not get doxxed.

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>...and all trannies have this disorder, it's totally never just a fad among retarded brainwashed girls
>...and doing the things listed here is how we should solve this problem

Can you by virtue with genetic testing determine its gender? If not fuck off.

was two points at the time of my post, so my point stands

What you posted means nothing.

You posted it because you believe that you are "smart." If you do understand that this graph proves that God isn't real, then you would have to accept that you weren't smart. You are smart therefore God isn't real.

Truth: God is real. Knowledge of falsehoods does mean you are smart. Accepting them as truth, is diabolical. This is how you become more and more demonic.


you also have gender identity stuff that's set in the brain like your sexual orientation, see on the brain dependent difference between them, an article from nature magazine

your post is such a mess, stick to your computer science pls

would you like a few extra sheckles for that post

We have to defeat this

Gender identity does not exist.
You have biological sex: Male, female, and gender dysphoria which is a mental illness that should be treated, not encouraged. "Gender" does not exist.

Human rights are social construct leaf.
Deal with it.

Sex isn't a social construct, it's dictated by your chromosomes, period.

Gender Theory is metaphysical pseudoscience that has proven incredibly dangerous to certain vulnerable populations, particularly adolescents (awakening to their sexuality for the first time) and the otherwise mentally handicapped (who are easily swayed such cult movements generally).

"Gender" is not "sex", it is a term of art invented by a pedophile Mad Doctor straight out of a horror movie during his time in a 60s pedo cult. It is defined explicitly opposite of sex - 'all non-physical (metaphysical) components of sex', including broader societal considerations like traditional work divisions between males and females.

Gender Theory is as objectively correct as any other arbitrary metaphysical 'theory' you might ever feel like coming up with - it's all just definitions of terms. It's dead wrong as frequently applied to say 'sex is a spectrum', or to support 'born that way'/'gay by god' claims, or as part of any Marxist-Feminist issues.

I want you to enumerate and explain examples of observational learning. Also if the brain chemistry argument is valid why do they need hormones? If all those genders and pronouns are real explain why transition surgeries only produce one of two outcomes being male or female genitalia. Does this apply to dogs and cats too? Do they only have two genders?

Pushing this new gender spectrum and stuff on kids is just asking for problems. Bullying, confusion, mental issues, etc. The kid should rather chose to believe this stuff later in life rather than it be pushed onto them. Though even then at least for me it seems that even as an adult they still shouldn't believe any of this gender spectrum shit. Its a toxic ideology to follow and just causes problems for them and others.

Murder and rape are social constructs. Who's to say killing does and doesn't count as "muder"? Also, who's to say how much consent is needed for sex to not be considered "rape"? It's all very subjective you see, and [insert continuum fallacy here]. Who the fuck is to say what is and isn't "moral"? Morality is subjective, it means nothing.
Therefore rape and murder are actually okay, there's nothing wrong with doing either of them 'cuz it's they're both just subjective social constructs anyways.

Gender is genetic.
Mental illness is a social construct.

that's the premise for the whole belief system is that everything is a social construct. They've turned it into a religion because they are godless heathens

The leaf knows

Dressing up as a girl doesn't make you a girl, it's no more complicated than this. You can drug yourself, mutilate yourself and hate yourself every day for the rest of your life. You will be just as much of a boy as you were yesterday.

>Who's to say killing does and doesn't count as "muder"?
*>Who's to say what kinds of killing do or don't count as "murder"?

Then again, maybe bad writing suits that post.

Gender is real it’s simply what you are (man/woman) mentally.
many kids aren’t transgender who start identifying as trans because of trends. They rarley actually want to transition and don’t really display many trans attributes so you would think any therapist acting in good conscience would help them see it for what it was. but a lot of therapists blindly drink sjw koolaid and apply that dogma to everything even if they have no idea what they’re talking about.

this nigga gets it

That’s the plan. Full exto of whites. You know that right?

Let me make it easy for y’all.

You are born a boy or girl. Fact!
Blue or Pink

Female or male. No matter what you do or call yourself, boy or girl.

If you think or create a fake gender, you should be ina mental ward or suicided.

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It seems to me that the whole gender/homosexuality thing are just simple brain functions malfunctioning.

The body/mind registers things that it shouldn't to satisfy the sex craving.
The same nature of a mental dysfunction as someone who hungers chalk, paper, sand, pebbles, or glass.
>Pica is a psychological disorder characterized by an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive, such as ice (pagophagia); hair (trichophagia); paper (xylophagia);[1] drywall or paint; metal (metallophagia); stones (lithophagia) or soil (geophagia); glass (hyalophagia); feces (coprophagia); and chalk.[2]

Sexual fetishes and preferences have been relabeled as gender sciences. This is sheer lunacy.

Pic: thinly veiled homosexual propaganda under the guise of counterculture 2.0

Sorry about the missed get. Also, are you off your meds again?

Das reichts

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>because they're confusing kids into believing they are the opposite gender
Fixed that for you.

There's a big difference between scientifically provable reality, and what you BELIEVE.

How do genderqueers even try to refute this?


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But they are incapable of seeing this because truth will always sound false to them.