Why can't you just admit that Donald Trump is a failure? His book is an example...

Why can't you just admit that Donald Trump is a failure? His book is an example. He will be indicted by Robert Mueller in matter of days. He fails all the time. He has destroyed the economy. Immigration. Gas prices. Everything.

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He was a failed real estate developer, for sure. And when that didn't work, he turned to reality tv. And in the hyper-polarized climate, he ran for president as the character he portrayed on television.

doesnt count when your charity org buys all the copies user....

Implying these mass market paperback instances of vanity publishing aren't written for retards and that all these numbers demonstrate is there is no shortage of retards.

I think Art of the Deal sold better than that? It was one of those books everyone seemed to have even if they never read it

>failed real estate developer
>literally made over a 500 million on real estate
I think our views of failure are backwards.

I thought he inherited that money

I bet 50 Shades sold ten times as many as both of those, and 50 Shades is absolutely degenerate

I thought it was the magical goblins from dimension 34 who bought all the copies.. or am I screwing up all the retarded conspiracies?

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not donald trump is a failure, you, your people and your nation is
at least you're a good goi

i think around 30 million copies of that were sold last i heard

Would expect this kind of shit coming from a nog lover

>ones a book about business that only the astute the will buy
>the other is a book about being a nigger that only retards will buy

go figure

You're still talking about The Art of the Deal, 32 years later, but I doubt anyone is going to talk about Becoming, 32 weeks from now.

All this shit is written by ghost writers anyway.

Literally runs for president and wins. Does Brock make you fags piss in milk jugs or are you allowed to go to the restroom throughout your shift? Can you see your dick through your fat Jewish man-muff bush? Neck yourself, homo

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Low-effort b8, faggot, please put in a bit more work.

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>normies like famous chicks diary more than financial advice
hply shit!!! really?!!!!

Tranny confirmed

I get a kick out of the fact that you guys who used to hate Walk Street and the multi-national corporations now take your marching orders from Walk Street and the multi-national corporations. Of course, it's always been like that, but you're kinda dumb, and can't recognize your puppetmaster.

The Art of the Deal spent 51 weeks on the NY Times Best seller list and the 1 million copies number is from hardcover alone

I don't know why I am even bothering to say this because I think Trump is just a sad old man in way over his head

trumptards are delusional fuckwits

Of course a book about transitioning from male to female will sell more than a book about making deals. Being a degenerate is chic

she's a dumb transvestite monkey

Donald Trump's father gave him $38.6billion dollars. Trump has actually LOST money. He's now a Russian agent on the take with MASSIVE shares of Gazprom given to the Trump Organization.


Can someone actually tell me what Michelle Obama has actually done besides being a former first lady?


More than fake titties in the White House now

are you really this fucking stupid?

Oh look it's another NPC from Reddit.

She successfully turned a generation of young people into transexuals.

You will be dead soon.

So one guy's book outsold another guy's book? Gosh. Truly BTFO...

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>actual book vs book featured on oprah

reminder to normies and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/bait/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them

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Sold 1.4 million books

>1.4 million sold

the buying power of cat ladies and wine aunts

Look, the fact is that they are now positioning """"""""her"""""" to run for President. Similar to how the Clinton Foundation became a slush fund to gain access to a future President, organizations and governments will find any way they can to funnel money to Mr. Obama.

Some of her own people purchased most of her book back to make it look like she sold a bunch of them.


this meme is stupid.

NPC meme is stupid
Orange man is bad
Obomba did nothing wrong

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>Becoming Michelle Obama

am i the only one that sees some tranny undertones in this book title? i mean holy fucking shit i might have to read thjis just to make sure he isnt coming out as a tranny. does anyone know if the whole tranny confirmation is in this book?> seems like a complete tranny title

I sometimes wonder the person behind these post, talking so arrogantly about a man of his calibur.
I don't even think you'd be allowed in the same room as him.

>orange man bad!

fake news

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Yeah, Tranny non-fiction is pretty popular these days

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>He will be indicted by Robert Mueller in matter of days.
I've read this ten thousand times over the last two years. When do you see your psychiatrist? Weekly? Daily?


even snopes says this isn't true
>However, we have to note from the beginning that accurate book sales figures are often difficult to determine, especially given the wide variety of retail outlets and publishing formats that comprise today’s literary marketplace. Moreover, as Electric Literature noted, sales figures can refer to any one of several metrics:
>One of the things that makes the conversation about book sales so confusing is that there are several different numbers thrown around, and often even people in the publishing industry completely confuse them.
>These numbers can all be wildly different. It’s not uncommon at all for a publisher to, say, print 5,000 copies, but only sell 3,000 copies to bookstores/other markets, of which, 2,000 copies are actually sold to customers. Meanwhile, BookScan shows 600 copies sold. And we haven’t even gotten into ebooks yet.
>What’s the actual number of books sold? Well … basically a combo of 2 and 3, plus ebook and audiobook sales. A publisher sells books to retailers like bookstores, but also to some institutions like libraries. However, retailers normally (though not always) have the right to return unsold copies. So some copies that are “sold” will eventually be unsold.

then they note the faulty comparison

>In 1987 Donald Trump was hardly an unknown, but he was still far from the national figure he would become in later years, or the national figure that Michelle Obama was in 2018 after having served eight years in the public eye as the country’s First Lady.
>Some nineteen different books have been published under Donald Trump’s name, yet only the oldest one is counted here. And all of those books were written before Trump reached the pinnacle of his success by becoming President of the United States.
>This tally doesn’t include sales figures for books written about these two personalities, a factor (presumably) related to whatever aspect of popularity is being measured here.

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>Why can't you just admit that Donald Trump is a failure? His book is an example. He will be indicted by Robert Mueller in matter of days. He fails all the time. He has destroyed the economy. Immigration. Gas prices. Everything.

Find one person that read that book. 1.4 million doesn't count if the DNC bought all of them.

Regardless of Trumps politics he is a great revelation that American and most of civilization is not run by leaders qualified to lead but actors that excel at seducing the population

I only read "going from michael to michelle"

hawley is so based...

Remember when 50 Cent got caught buying like a million copies of his own video game? Probably a similar thing here, I don't think 1.4 million people actually still read books. It's probably closer to 100,000

100,000 people that still read books, I mean.

>this post of political insight brought to you by the same people who voted in a substitute drama teacher who wears colorful socks and legalized dog fucking.

let me guess
money laundering friends bought all the copies
this trash book is already discounted

truth hurts doesn't it, you had to snap back with the ol' ad hominem

>becoming Michelle Obama
Freudian slip?

People don't buy the Michelle book to read.
The books are bought in bulk by institutions like schools by lib administrators.

wait until his post-presidency book faggot

>One book is written for the up and coming white man starting or managing a business
>Other book written by a she boon about being a she boon for other sheboons and liberal faggots to virtue signal about owning which they will never really read.

Wow I wonder why one sold so much more

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The Backstreet Boys albums sold better than Pink Floyd does that make them a better band?

Selling inane drivel to idiots isn't an accomplishment.

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>Gas prices. Everything.
I dont live in the USA, so idk about your gas-prices there but the cheapest gas prices ever recorded were in germany in 1938-1944

Fuck off. Nobody is going to vote for a nigger tranny, you can quit pushing her.

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Fiction has generally outsold most published mediums

>ad hominem
its a good counter point, canadians think they can talk shit on trump when they got the biggest fag in the 1st world running their country.

>destroyed the economy

Yeah it sold more than that. Plus that doesn't count the millions sold in used book stores and checked out from libraries. OP is just some skank that can't keep a man.

It's going to be pretty funny when the opposite of that happens.

>matter of days

his tax bill is a fucking disaster,
ending the property tax deduction, lowering taxes for corporations, and an effective tax raise on the working class.

amen to that
Let me get this straight Jow Forums. you let ppl post threads about actual murders but when I wanna link my new song about building a wall, you ban me within minutes? aight, if you wanna play like that.


It's really shocking that they couldn't get a better picture of Michelle Obama for a book cover. She's so ugly it's really mind-blowing.

michelle is a man


Your image is just proof that niggers are fucking retarded.

Effective how?

Lol, what a false dichotomy

>guy primarily famous in NY for most of his life
>former First Lady of the US

are you legit implying that Trump’s post-presidential book won’t entirely blow hers the fuck out?

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because you cant deduct your fucking property taxes anymore beyond a point

its a tax raise for working class people

I wonder how many people actually read the Obamba book. The people who read Trump's book are looking to better themselves, the same people who want to be up there with the kikes, but that's better than being up there with the Kardashians.

NPC's bought her books. Who gives a fuck? It's not like the monkey gave them anything useful.

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blue state faggots rekt and bankrupt kek

i read the art of the deal. theres nothing to learn from it. its just trump rambling about his hostile takeovers and lawsuits

we destroyed the economy! xD
libtards OWNED XD

"One time i golfed a round with Warren Buffet and Michael Jordan. It was a great day. We talked about limos and where to find a good lobster. To know your opponent's weakness is like an ace in the pocket. Great stuff."


"I brushed my stubbly face across Barry's thigh. OHHH Mike lord please mike he moaned in farsi. ALALALALALA he shreiked as our balls smacked together, i wish they were pussys instead."

>taxes are good
>wtf I can't deduct them now I'm ruined

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>walmart gets a corporate tax cut
>walmart workers get a tax raise
yeah this is exactly what we want

the workers don't get tax raises at all though you lying kike


Didn't he get a shit load of NYC real estate from his dad? I remember reading somewhere he'd be just as rich if he safely invested.

Wrong cover

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home owners and walmart employees is not a very large cross section of people you dumb fuck

its a fucking example of what happened to the economy

holy fuck how are you this bad at critical thinking? no wonder you idiots believe in trickle down and other fantasies

It was her turn

how come walmart never shilled Trump's book?

I got a tax cut, everyone else can get fucked for all I care. Stay gay

>posting a "TRUMP IS FINISHED" article
>from a year and a half ago
Stay mad (((shill)))

366 days ago...

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The bait thread from some sjw is Jew lvl about the best prez America ever had

Pic related sold over 5 million copies by 1939 and more than 10 million by the end of the war

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