I was raised Catholic and became an atheist when I was young. I've tried to believe again but its hard. Drop some Catholic pills on me. NO PROTESTANTS ALLOWED!!!

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Other urls found in this thread: 15:21-28&version=ESV

bumping for interest. in the same boat

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>no Protestants
You can burn in hell with all the popes and the rest of the child molesters Faggot.

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jesus most likely never existed and god is a lie

>Hey I want to believe in God but I need a big Daddy to deliver my message to God
May as well stay atheist mate

Worship Pope then worship Mary.
And... was there something else to worship? Nah.

If you think Jesus Christ gave his life so that a religious organization claiming the leader is the vicor of Christ can say it’s okay to be gay and push socialist propaganda, you’re fucking nuts. It is a political organization full of child sex fiends, and always has been. Open up your eyes. They killed Protestants just like communists in the 20th century. Evil.from the beginning.

i hate the pope he is not catholic


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imagine living a life in which you inherently have no value of being, no objective morality or ethics, nothing to live by and/or for. must feel lonely being an athiest huh

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>not wanting retarded schizos and proddies on your thread
lol good luck the iq around here is room temperature. and it is cold

Listen user, if you're one of those faggots who thinks that it's a good idea to pursue Christian morality because it's good for society, that's great, you can go to church, not really believe in God and practice Christian morality without really believing. You can totally do that.
However, if you're really interested in God, then you should disregard what people say, think, or do, you should disregard how people behave in the name of God, or of religion, or of Catholicism. I am a Catholic myself, and I believe in God, and the reason I believe the way I do is because I have found Catholicism to be the most theologically accurate Christian doctrine/dogma.
So if you want to pursue that, you need to know a few things.

The first question I will ask you is simply this: Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit?

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>“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Truly Rabbi Yeshua is your greatest ally. 15:21-28&version=ESV

Catholicism is Phariseeism 2.0 brother. Make the study of God's Word your mission and He will reveal Himself to you. I'll pray for you as well.

not that i remember

Listen to Dr. Taylor Marshall on youtube or any podcast service. Read Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle. Listen to E. Micheal Jones. Learn about virtue, vice, and true freedom. Good luck user.

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Catholic pill:
It's the only truly universal religion

My question for protestants: how do you know your interpretation is the right one ?

I can't do that for you, that's up to the holy spirit.

but take a look at this

Okay, a lot of people have not. Do you seek God? Or do you simply like the morality and culture?

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Look up E Michael Jones on youtube

Either you have a brain that can think logically or you're a catholic. Should be en easy choice

Authority is needed. What if we disagree about homosexuality as a sin? Maybe God "revealed" to me that it's not a sin. This is why the pope is a necessary figure. As immoral as popes can be, none have changed the doctrine to allow themselves freedom, where all other christian churches proceed by vote on what God says (and nearly all others now allow birth control)

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

If you quit during the 00s "New Atheism" fad, you should at least realize that it was an entirely sociological phenomenon brought about by the internet and reaction against Bush-era Protestantism and Creationism, neither of which should affect your Catholicism for shit. In fact, all of the "arguments" put forth by meme atheists have been disproved by theologians more or less centuries ago.
>Occult Catholicism series
>straight up names the Jew

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Do you think snakes can talk?

i seek God and like the morality and culture

Become a pagan, Catholicism is for closeted pedophiles and spousal abusers

Soros can

If you seek God then you should first do the meme and cliche thing, which is to invite God into your life, and into your heart. Jesus said that if he knocks on the door, and anyone opens it, he will eat with that person.
Open the door to Christ, open your heart to him. It is also written, that he who seeks God, will find him. It may only be a matter of time. But I should caution you as well, that a Christian life is not an easy one.

The next question I would ask you is this, have you read the scriptures? Have you truly read them on your own, out of your own interest?

the catholic religion invented by roman bishops in 325 AD. it is a syncretism of the dominant near eastern cults which uses Jesus Christ as a central figure in order to unify them. the four gospels are just made up, one each to satisfy each of the four major cults

I was raised going to catholic school so i'm super familiar with scripture but i haven't sat down and read it by myself

Do you see "God" as merely an abstract window dressing of a culture that is protected against decadence, or do you wish for a greater metaphysical truth?

>super familiar with scripture
let's test that with a random pop quiz

Which gospel was written for the Jews, and which gospel was written for the Romans?
Which prophet experienced the vision of the Valley of Dry Bones?

if you were catholic as a child, it will come back. Remember how you believed and felt it.
Start praying.
You might turn full christian and be woken.

bump. I want to begome Catholic too. Christianity is the way. I had a pagan phase but it feels like a dead end.
Protestentism is a no go. How can there be a supposed "1 truth" in the Bible and then continue to make hundreds of denominations?

Our Lady of Guadalupe:
>It's 1531, the Spanish have just crushed the Aztec empire 10 years ago, and Catholicism is off to a rocky start in Mexico, with many of the people there resisting its spread
>A poor native named Juan Diego who owns nothing much more than the cloak he uses to carry goods and sleep in, is at the summit of a mountain one day by happenstance, and allegedly the virgin Mary appears to him
>He is told to come back and meet with her a few more times, and tell the Spanish bishop there what he has seen
>They obviously don't believe him
>Long story short, on December 12, 1531 he goes to meet the virgin Mary again on this mountain.
>She tells him the he should take flowers from the mountain in his cloak as a sign to the bishop that he is telling the truth
>These flowers are totally out of season, so it sort of makes sense to Juan Diego
>He does it, and when he opens the cloak, the flowers supposedly disappear and reveal this image emblazoned on the cloak.
You're probably thinking this sounds ridiculous, but wait
>There is no underdrawing on the image, it was "painted" perfectly the first time on rough cactus fiber with no beginning sketch
>the stars on Mary's cloak in the image match the exact position of the constellations on December 12, 1531, but reversed as if one were looking down on earth rather than up at the sky.
> If you fill in the blank spaces and superimpose an image of the night sky onto the rest of Mary, the constellation corona sits on her forehead (signifying her queenship), virgo appears over her heart (showcasing her pure, virginal heart) and Leo sits over her womb/loins (showing that she gave birth to the Lion of Judah, Jesus.)

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Read Aquinas argument from motion then read the gospels. Look at statistics concerning conservative christian happiness, income, divorce rates, and fertility rates. Realize that following the truth of Jesus is condusive to a productive, righteouss, fulfilled life. Then find your local Catholic church and start attending latin mass.

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read ecclesiastes

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You got to get a priest to fuck you really good in the ass and you'll become a believe again.

>OH GOD!!!
>OH GOD!!!
>OH GOD!!!

>the skin color of Mary on the image seems to shift colors from an Aztec woman to a white woman as you move closer to it
>This is because the fibers create a color distorting effect found in butterfly's wings, ect.
>It signifies the coming together of the Indians and white men to serve a new God, Jesus Christ.
>Mary stands in front of the sun and on top of the moon, both formerly Aztec deities, showing her superiority to them, yet she herself is bowing in prayer to one above her
>This becomes a powerful symbol for natives and begins converting millions
> At the very time schismatics are tearing people away from the church in the old world, the Lord has created a path for millions more to join in the new world, all due to an image and encounters the mother of God had with a humble peasant indian man.
Praise the Lord

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Because Catholics Jews .the faggot Protestants give Israel to much power

wew lad

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Paganism is a dead end because literally everything we know about it was recorded by Catholic monks.

>meme white supremacist flag
>worship the least successful European cultures rather than the most successful, cultured, educated and dominant European cultures.


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dont fucking bother. The gates of hell have already overtaken the Church. With Vatican II you can either 1. believe the Church can change its doctrines over time (a condemned heresy), 2. believe that Ordinary Magisterium is fallible and Vatican II could thus be in error (condemned heresy) or 3. Believe that the Popes since then are all fake and gay all the while denying the perpetual succession of the Papacy from Peter and that the Church could be in error about it's Pope (condemned heresy). It's fucked basically.

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Mel gibson

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Well it may be worth it for you to take the time to read the scriptures. This will allow you to read about Christ, and begin to understand the nature of what he did.

You should feel free to read the old and new testaments. You can start where ever you find the most interest. But I recommend starting with The Book of Mark.
Mark is good because it will be the easiest for you to read, and it is the shortest. If you feel like getting into more detail, you can read Luke and Matthew afterwards.
After reading Mark and perhaps Luke/Matthew, I recommend reading Acts, or Colossians.

Now for the Old Testament, which you should also read...there are a few books that are ratheradvanced that you can delve into, but you might have a hard time understanding at first.
The Book of Isaiah and the Book of Daniel are both fairly advanced reading, and there is prophetic language involved that you'll have trouble understanding. Fun fact, Isaac Newton obsessed over biblical prophecy.

So my next question you know why Jesus had to die for our sins?

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s a former Catholic
who became athiest
and recently returned to God
Why insist on Catholicism?
Especially if as you say, like myself, you believe the pope and his bishops to be false?
Christ said "where two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be"
Worship him as he would have you

just go to the nearest catholic church and tell the priest you want to become catholic. after you join up then you can shop around for a good church.

I will pray for you user

I was in a conversation with a prottie about salvation a little while ago. I think that our views of salvation are much more honest to what the bible actually teaches. I told him that I hope he was saved, however when you say "saved" you are spreading a heretical notion of salvation if you consider yourself to already have been "saved." You are not saved, you are BEING saved. Right now, as you live, with each breath you take, you are either growing closer to God, shedding your sins in a state of grace, or you are walking farther from Him, segregating yourself from His graces in a state of mortal sin.
Furthermore, You do not INSTANTLY receive eternal life by accepting Christ. It is a process. That is a big part of what this life is actually for. You have just taken the big first step to being with Him forever by accepting Him. You can always opt out of this decision, and if you die in a state of mortal sin where you have opted to stray from Him, you will not receive eternal life. Saint Paul himself wrote of how he must be cautious of losing his salvation despite having gifted the faith to many.
Lastly, it is true that no one is perfect, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, we cannot save ourselves by works or without faith in Jesus, and He is the one name by which all men are saved. This is all true, however, our works do play a role in our salvation. God cannot deny Himself, and He cannot deny His just nature. Suppose that your son broke the neighbors window. You can choose to forgive him, but to be just to your son, and as to strengthen him against error, you would be obligated to ask of him to help repay the debt in any way he can, even though you yourself have already paid his debt to your neighbor in full, and will compensate for him where he falls short.

We are called to perfection by Christ. And he gives us the grace to sanctify ourselves and meet this bar eventually

Listen to this, you can not sit through this without physical or emotional response.
This demonstrates the truth of the Catholic Faith.

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and imagine if they never did write anything down? Catholics preserved pagan literature.

How did Vatican II objectively change Church doctrine as opposed to just changing its manifestations? Vernacular Mass logically couldn't be it because the first Christians obviously all didn't speak Latin.

Read some medieval/early modern literature Like the divine comedy, Piers Plowman, the Pilgrims Progress. include some treatise and sermons too, like Meister Eckhart, St Augustine etc. I fet that it helped me understand what the nature of Sin is, and what the Christian message is.

All these anti-Christian posters trying to stop a man from bettering himself just goes to show how real the devil is.


There needs to be a teaching authority on God, or else people will just use Christ as a hollow shell for their own selfish ends. For examples, see Joel Osteen's prosperity gospel and Chelsea Clinton saying it's "unchristian" to disapprove of women killing their babies.

That's some fantasy life and persecution complex you got going on there buddy. Yeah, this is the one thread on Jow Forums where people are big fat meanies.

It's irony. God wishes that people would believe and accept him.

Satan thrives when people think he doesn't exist at all.

Latin mass is literally a vernacular mass changing the preaching from its Original Greek preachings to Latin as the early church attempted to appeal to more of the roman population. The only strange thing about Vatican II was how the priest's position during the mass was changed. Priests used to have their backs to the congregation whilst now they face the people they preach to.

Gotta worship pleasure and larp about worshipping semen drinking gods

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But the pope does that as well
The Gospel is the authority
"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. And the word was made flesh"
Feast on the Word

Why are you all such pussy ass cry babies and insist on hanging out on Jow Forums?

In Vatican II the catholic church officially became jewish, but it really started in the 16th century when they allowed usury

Yeah. Me too. Catholicism has been infiltrated by gay priests. Needs a purge. But the doctrine remains true.

In the same way that Jesus taught others must be taught the truth of God. If I hear one more christian of convenience lecture me about how Jesus was a nice man and would've wanted us to love the gays and turn the other cheek to abortion I'm going to lose it.

Why are you such a huge faggot that you resort to an ad hominem when you get blown out? Sage nigger.

Out of curiosity what specifically do you find wrong about Vatican II.

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>But the pope does that as well
You don't have to personally agree with all of the idealistic shit Francis says to be Catholic.

The pope isn't some kind of fucking king figure whose every word becomes a documented part of Catholic law--the ***only*** time the Pope's statements are 100% resolute is when they are ex-Cathedra, which almost never, ever, ever happens and even if it did it would be on a theological point rather than anything objectively political.

Pointing out Satans guiding hand in your malice has nothing to do with crying my anonymous friend.

Vatican II did not change doctrine or dogma, and changing the mass didn't make it invalid. However, it was an obvious attempt by the Luciferians to "modernize" things. Every bit of modernization is an attempt to chip away at the church.

Remember user, the enemies of the church never wanted to destroy the church, they want to control it. They think that if they can somehow take over the Vatican that the "gates of hell" have prevailed. But....the Catholic church was never defined by the institution of the Vatican.

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All post-Vatican II and priests in open communion with the church are apostates, so no need to go to mass. For confession find a priest ordained before 1968 who shares your beliefs and rejects the canonization and idolatry of John Paul. Instead of attending heretical mass pray the rosary five times daily.

Catholic baptism leaves an indelible mark upon the soul, you are always a catholic

The church is pagan
Including deification of the Virgin Mary
Praying to saints
and the use of graven images
not to mention the changing of the Eucharist as a symbolic act of endocannibalism
definitely NOT Kosher

tbqh the only shit I'm even really worried about is the upper Vatican hierarchy itself. Most of the actual gay priests and pedo shit occurred decades ago with most of the offenders now being dead, and I anecdotally feel like the newer generation of clergy is becoming more and more traditionalist.

I don't know why all the liberation theology shit came out of South America in particular though

>Out of curiosity what specifically do you find wrong about Vatican II
Nostra aetate

ok, they just accepted jewish domination then

For starters religious liberty which was considered a heretical position before. Basically before Vatican II, the Church taught that people don't have a right to practice non-Catholic religions as that was sinful and that state should enforce Catholicism on its people. Vatican II changed that and promoted everyone having a right to believe what they want in the name of "ecumenism". Also the Catholic Church cucked on the Jews and viewed the Catholic Church as part of the universal Church rather than it BEING the universal Church as Catholicism originally taught.

Jesus WAS the teacher
the Gospels were his teachings
Do you need someone to interpret His words to you the way THEY want you to hear them
omitting what does not suit their agenda?
Or changing them to be gender friendly?

My church is pretty traditional and my priest complains about Vatican II quite often. But yeah every 'hip' and 'modernized' progressive protestant church in my area are dying out. Devoid of young people they're populated by very few old boomers while every part of these prog churches are slathered in pride flags.

Just read up on that.. jesus thats pretty fucked.

Did you learn the english language or math on your own or did someone teach you. There is nothing wrong with having a teacher help you with difficult questions and interpretations.

>worshiping Jewish things
>worshipping a sand nigger

that is pretty much what they did at the council of nicea. i believe that jesus christ existed in the flesh and was God. the bible however is fake. it is a politically motivated syncretism. I dont know how anyone can, in good conscience believe that it is the word of God. It was literally written by roman bishops in 325 AD

>Basically before Vatican II, the Church taught that people don't have a right to practice non-Catholic religions as that was sinful and that state should enforce Catholicism on its people
Reacting to political modernization isn't heretical. You can argue that it's a shittier policy, but subjective governmental shit doesn't make Church teaching wrong.

Also pre-VII Catholic countries didn't "enforce" Catholicism insofar as the Jews in countries like Spain and Poland.

>admitting you don't have any arguments
>hoping we'll just shut up instead

Plebbitors really need to lurk more.

To be entirely accurate. Vatican II didn't change doctrine or dogma. It changed liturgy, but didn't make mass invalid...the real curse of it was the modernization effort.

What Vatican II changed, was attitude. It was the first time that corrupt bishops were able to get together and acknowledge that their liberal modern beliefs could be pushed forward, because they had greater numbers than ever before.

Attitude changed, the sinister faggots who infiltrated the clergy. Luciferians and pedophiles recognized that they could push for more than ever before. So, now there is a war in the clergy. There are good priests and bishops, waging a war against the corrupt luciferian pedophiles. This is the way it is now.

>but i haven't sat down and read it by myself
Thats because most Priest and Churches teach you not to read the bible alone in your home. Youre suppose to recite the Rosary and thats about it. You sure youre catholic? Meditating on the mysteries is also something thats mandatory.

Furthermore, the Church believes in the union of the Jewish people with herself as an integral part of Christian hope. With unshaken faith and deep longing the Church awaits union with this people. At the time of Christ's coming, "a remnant chosen by grace" (Rom 11:5), the very first fruits of the Church, accepted the Eternal Word. The Church believes, however, with the Apostle that at the appointed time, the fullness of the children of Abraham according to the flesh will embrace him who is salvation (see Rom 11:12, 26). Their acceptance will be life from the dead (see Rom 11:15).

As the Church, like a mother, condemns most severely injustices committed against innocent people everywhere, so she raises her voice in loud protest against all wrongs done to Jews, whether in the past or in our time. Whoever despises or persecutes this people does injury to the Catholic Church.

Invite kek into your life and he will answer. You have chosen the god of cuckoldry. You should be ashamed.

Mathew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

they will pay for their cuckoldry by working for catholic charities for all eternity while we feast in valhalla with the frog God, Jesus and Odin

You are supporting a kike subversive faggot every time you donate to your church. How does that make you feel. You voluntarily support this cuckolds existence for no reason other than you are a faggot.

Also the Mass is very changed in the New Mass and resembles a Protestant service. If you have been to both you would know right away. Heres a video of one Only Priests administered the Eucharist and only priests read Scripture. Also the congregation takes on some of the roles of the altar boy. Also only certain types of music were allowed and the laity is much less active. It's much more contemplative rather than just constant noise from the laity. There are still places that do it though the Church allows but persecutes it and keeps it as underground as possible so you can still find some but you might have to drive like an hour or so to get there and often the Churches that do celebrate it do most of their Masses in novus ordo.

Feels good man

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Calling someone a devil is not adhominem? And you faggots have no argument. Jesus is not an argument. He's just your idol.

A simple summary of the Jews situation can be understood by reading Zechariah in the old testament

"They shall mourn for the one whom they have pierced"

catholic pill: they changed the sabbath as a mark of their authority over all ecclesiastical matters
catholic pill: they are the continuation of the roman empire
catholic pill: they ditched the 2nd commandment
summary, catholics are an abomination of desolation the same they've been since the dark ages and the dark ages will happen once more after they reunite with america to enforce sunday worship globally which won't happen until the jews and the muzzies btfo eachother and the roman catholics slip themselves atop the Jewish pedo / organ trafficking empire the way they did rome.

>the jew cries out when he is called by his name
Bro you came into the thread shitting about talking about getting fucked in the ass by a priest . Please go clean the cheetos off your fingers. We were talking about the doctrinal changes of Vatican II. You didn't provide a critique or an argument you just acted like a sperg.

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>Welp the pope said guns aren't fun, guess I should forsake two-thousand years of tradition and philosophy and turn into an edgy Varg fan who listens to shitty metalcore

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whatever happened to:

"They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."