Ancient Greeks Discovered America

In the study, he indicates that the prehistoric Greeks knew that "west of the three islands and northwest of Britain" there was a "great" continent. Two years ago, another academia, Professor I. Mariolakos, identified the great continent, surrounding the great Ocean, as today's North America.

Dr. Tsikritsis states that, "even before the time of Christopher Columbus, there was a communication which began during the Minoan era and continued until the Hellenistic times. The purpose of these travels during the Bronze Age was related to trade and the transportation of pure copper from Lake Superior of Canada."

According to his findings it seems that after the first Minoan merchants, the Mycenaeans continued the journey, and, as reported by Plutarch, they sent Hercules to revitalize the presence of the Greek element, which had been diminished by the continuous miscegenation with the locals. Later, during the Iron Age, the interest in the region declined and until the Hellenistic time, it remained only as a conventional ceremonial tradition. So every thirty years some ships were sent to the areas that followed the worship of Cronus in order to renew the priest personnel.

The ancient text by Plutarch states that the dialogue coordinator, Lambrias, asks Sylla the Carthagean to narrate once more a story that he had heard from the servants of the temple of Cronus in Carthage. The story was originally told by a foreigner who was visiting the temple and came from the great continent.

According to Tsikritsis, who analyzed the data with the aid of a special computer program, "the information that is mentioned in the text confirms the description of a journey in 86 AD from Canada to Carthage."

Attached: Researcher Claims Ancient Greeks Made It to America Before Columbus.jpg (992x1987, 774K)

Other urls found in this thread:–-evidence-of-the-chinese-fleets-visiting-mexico/

The findings are summarized as follows by Tsikritsis:

1. The revealing journey determines correctly the distance from Britain to the island of Ogygia, with a boat that sails with oars for five days (880 km).

2. It mentions a great continental land in the area of which there were three islands (Greenland, Baffin Island, Newfoundland) that had the same distance, on the northwest of Britain (Fig.1).

3. It specifies that on the same latitude, we find the entrance to the Gulf of St. Laurence and the Caspian Sea, a fact that we notice if we expand a straight line (Fig.1).

4. It states correctly that the Gulf of Saint Lawrence is a little bigger than Lake Maeotis, present day Sea of Azov (Fig. 2). It mentions that the Gulf Coast was inhabited by Greeks since the very old times and after the expedition of the Mycenaean Hercules, possibly during the 15th century BC, the Greek element was revitalized after it reached a near-extinct point due to the constant miscegenation with the locals. (It is obvious that Hercules was not accompanied only by Iolaus, but it was rather an expedition of hundreds of Greeks that changed demographically the area of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, which they inhabited).

5. It determines a period of 30 years after which the journey started: when planet Cronus rose in accordance with Taurus. Astronomical evidence confirms that in the north latitude 47ο, during the 1st century AD, that period coincided with the end of May 86 AD.

6. When the journey home began, they stayed for three months on the island of Greenland in the north (60ο Ν), where the sun sets only for one hour during the summer solstice, between 9/6 and 9/7. This definition confirms that the island of Greenland must be identified with the underworld, where Cronus had been buried in a cave and was being kept there by Zeus.

7. The reason for these long journeys during the Bronze Age is documented by the pure copper, which was found in large quantities in the region around Lake Superior and the island Royale, both located in Canada. From this area, about 50,000 tons of copper were mined between 2400 BC and 1200 BC.

8. During the time of Plutarch, as he states himself, they did not carry copper but golden cups and urns, inside which they kept the provisions for the journey.

9. Finally, it is known that in the ancient times the Oracles were centers where they kept chronicles of geographical knowledge, and as a result they gave advice about the future colonization. Therefore, it is acceptable that since Plutarch was a priest in the Oracle of Delphi after 86 AD, he had this knowledge.

10. It seems that the journey home was made from the north; starting from Canada they went to Greenland (island of Cronus), then they reached Iceland and finally Britain. A confirmation of this route is the station-island which still bears the name Mykines, the most west island of the Faroes.

Finally, the research by Tsikritsis claims that a journey was made from Canada to Carthage in 86AD, and that the Minoans and other Ancient Greeks had reached North America before Colombus.

Attached: Ancient Greeks Sail to America.jpg (565x322, 53K)

Keep going....

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Ancient Chinese merchants knew of America. It inspired the planning of a Chinese expeditionary, ocean force. Those plans were scrapped by a jealous successor, but they were close to exploring the oceans based on merchants' fables.–-evidence-of-the-chinese-fleets-visiting-mexico/

Annex 25 – Evidence of the Chinese Fleets visiting Mexico

1. Maps and star charts
· Mexico appears on Waldseemueller chart (1507) before Europeans ‘discovery’

2. Chinese Records and Claims

· The land of Fusang, as visited by Buddhist priest Hoei- Shin in 499AD (see Bibliography in Needham, J. Science and Civilisation in China Vol. 4, Pt. 3, sec. 29, Cambridge UP, 1954, p. 542)

3. Accounts of contemporary European historians and Explorers

· Chinese body in tomb at Teotihuacan (NE of Mexico City) (Professor Niven)
· Chinese people and junks described by Europeans – Coronado, Acosta, Galvão
· Chinese merchants visited port of Quatulco before Europeans (Loayza).
· Father Luco account of official Spanish Inquiry (1573) into accounts of large white ships sailing to California.
· Sir Francis Drake captures ‘China pilots’ who have maps to take them back to China.
· Mendoza – “… desire for grain hath caused them [Chinese] to travel to Mexico…”
· Referring to Peter Tomkin’s book Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids it is said of Brasseur de Bourbourg that “… In searching through secret archives and collections, he found Mayan records of the arrival of 13 different expeditions that landed on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico before the time of Cortes. These landings are dated at the landing places known with relative accuracy…”
· Chichen Itza – A guidebook describes bearded man arriving in 10th century with tunic and sandals, jade artefacts etc. The Guidebook is written By Prof. Gualberto Zapata Alonzo Translated by Ms. Eta Trabing from Houston Texas – Kay Sumner/Willis

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-28 25 Annex 25 – Evidence of the Chinese Fleets visiting Mexico The Lost Empire (721x5336, 1.91M)

US confirmed as Atlantis.

The ancient ruins are simply 3000 years down and haven't been found!

Attached: Ancient Greeks Sail to America Great Lakes.jpg (286x223, 22K)

4. Accounts of Local People

· Nayarit legends “ships like houses” visited them before Europeans
· Montezuma – Aztec ancestors came from east by sea in company of a great lord (Ranking).
· Montezuma – people came from East on “floating trees” (Francis Chow evidence)
· A reader comments on the unusual physique and culture of Tarascans living in Mexico who had incredible lapidary skills and gold-working crafts – as though they had all the skills of the Chinese.

5. Linguistics and languages common to China and New World

· First Spanish found Mongol script written on paper (Ranking – Staenburg 325).
· Mongolian script – Phaspa – on wall of temple (R Wertz)
· Linguistics – Chiapas Tse-Tsal, Tso Tsil (R Banzo).
· Rafique Jairazabhoy’s work delineates Chinese influences in South America. Two recent books by Michael Coe and Douglas Peck about the Maya touch on comparisons of I Ching and certain aspects of Mayan astronomy. Quite separately, there are suggestions that I Ching and the Ife system of the Yorubas from Nigeria are also very comparable.(H. Bourne)

6. Shipwrecks, Chinese anchors and fishing gear found in the wake of the treasure fleet

· Chinese wreck – Playa La Ropa (Bahia de Zihuatanejo) and on coast (Acosta).
· Legend of wrecked Chinese Junk (Joel Fressa) · Part of ship wreck discovered in the Gulf of Mexico during the 1960’s close to Aranspass. It was dated at 1400 AD. (Charlie Daniel) Does anyone have any further information?

7. Chinese porcelain and ceramics found in the wake of the treasure fleet

· Chinese vase – Azacapotzaco
· Chinois tribe of Nayarit, Mexico – two locations in Nayarit close to the ocean where middens of oyster shells are reputed by the locals to have been placed in long bygone times by a tribe of Mexican “Indians” of Chinese origin.

yeah, I've read the studies but they are flimsy. Carbon dating 3000 year old stone tablets is not an exact science. Not to mention that the fact they are in greek Linear B(minoan) does not mean that the greeks stepped foot in america. Minoan Linear A and B was the lingua franca at the time.

It's really interesting nonetheless. We know for a fact the greeks had the means to traverse the ocean at the time, vessel, navigation and orientation wise.

8. Pre-Columbian Chinese jade found in the wake of the treasure fleet

· Chinese jade medallions and jade ear plugs – Teotihuacan (NE of Mexico City).
· At the great pyramid in Mexico, the jade in the eyes of the jaguar within the pyramid (the inner pyramid with the jaguar was older and the new pyramid was built on top of the older one) is Chinese jade. (Dr. Craig G. Johnson)

9. Artefacts, gems, votive offerings, coins and funerary urns

· Chinese figurine beside body in tomb at Teotihuacan (NE of Mexico City).
· A metal carving (bronze?) of a Chinese cart driven by a horse found in Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula in a small town called Bacalar. This same image has been seen in a number of works in the National Museum in Taipei – Leesie Mappes
· Reader recalls viewing a co-worker’s collection of artifacts from the state of Chiapas, Southern Mexico. He was shown two Chinescas – terracotta-looking figurines, 6 or 7 inches high with clear and distinctive Chinese facial features. He was told that that
Chinese junks had visited the west coast of Central America long before Columbus. The eyes of these figures were Chinese. (Dan Leigh)

10. Stone buildings, artefacts, canals and aqueducts

· Chinese statue – Teotitlan
· Chinese artefacts – Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Chiapas do Corzo, La Venta (L27; K094; M342C; L240; W269.
· Stone carvings Chichen Itza almost identical to Beijing – snake head fountains/drainage spouts (Zecharia Sitchin).
· Alexander von Wuthenau “pre-Columbian statues of Chinese at Tlapacoya, Guerro, La Venta (Fig 77 and p 210)
· The discovery is of a large stone and mortar ramp under the water off the beach north of Jalisco, Mexico. It is constructed in large blocks approximately 3 meters by 10 meters by one meter thick. The ramp is roughly 20 meters wide and 400 meters long. It begins in 5 meters of water and runs toward an extremely protected beach – more information to be provided soon.

Is idiotic posters here

But let me make this clear to you

Only Proto Europeans Swedes danes Norwegians And Greeks have ties to this

And no america is not atlantis, it in instead the continent beyond atlantis


Attached: unknown (1).jpg (1511x4851, 3.29M)

I think the Atlantis Islands were a bulge up of tectonic plates in the Atlantic. They probably tapped into the natural wealth of America to become so rich, and powerful. Pic related.

>Not to mention that the fact they are in greek Linear B(minoan) does not mean that the greeks stepped foot in america. Minoan Linear A and B was the lingua franca at the time.

This sounds pretty Greek to me,

According to his findings it seems that after the first Minoan merchants, the Mycenaeans continued the journey, and, as reported by Plutarch, they sent Hercules to revitalize the presence of the Greek element, which had been diminished by the continuous miscegenation with the locals. Later, during the Iron Age, the interest in the region declined and until the Hellenistic time, it remained only as a conventional ceremonial tradition. So every thirty years some ships were sent to the areas that followed the worship of Cronus in order to renew the priest personnel.

The ancient text by Plutarch states that the dialogue coordinator, Lambrias, asks Sylla the Carthagean to narrate once more a story that he had heard from the servants of the temple of Cronus in Carthage. The story was originally told by a foreigner who was visiting the temple and came from the great continent.

Attached: The Secret Destiny of America, Solon Vistits Temple of Sais, 7 Kingdoms.jpg (1761x1211, 906K)

Greeks & Nord Alliance

In the most ancient of days the Atlantians founded Athens, & Alexandria, and many other cities of the medditerreanean, This race of men is called the Paleo Europeans, - Dont be foolish

For they are not Indo Europeans but of I1/I2 Haploogroup, Proto Europeans

These Men, came not to found only Athens and Egypt, but also Other areas of Europe, Scandinavia, Austria, Serbia, Morroco, Basque, Sardinia. A race of superior whites, of which the Nazis saw as ubermench, despite that race being a minority in Germany, and they have lackluster understanding of it,
They did however recognize That the Georgian skull type was found in all of these superior men,

A bigger skull with a brow ridge and a flat back of head, 30% more brainsize than that of an Indo European

Lets compare The Ancient Hellenics and the Ancient Nordics of Scandinavia, but do not be confused, anglos and germans are but Indo european migrants, goat herders,

In my ancient Tongue of Goth the Name of Erik is common, and its ancient Term of Erikir, Ericus, Erikerur and even longer versions lost to me, In Ancient Hellas You have Erichthonius, The legendary Son of the Founder of Athens,

Both of similair name due to both People having the same of heritage Namely Atlantis

>'' This I infer because Solon said that the priests in their narrative of that war mentioned most of the names which are recorded prior to the time of Theseus, such as Cecrops, and Erechtheus, and Erichthonius, and Erysichthon, and the names of the women in like manner. Moreover,''¨

Sadly Today Hellen brothers your land is not filled with hellenics but with Turks, the Roman empire meant the last of the brave were sent to die, All what remains is isolated islands with still a Nordic Hellen Majority, But atleast for the patriarchal side

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Fuck you Copper harbor, the pits left over from the copper mining and Island Royale are all US clay. This is one of the things I love studying living in Wisconsin but the redskin niggers always block any real archaeology with their muh sacred ancestor bullshit

Here's cuts from an old Freemason book where they trace Egyptian religion back to the Mayans.

Attached: Sacred Mysteries Maya Chan America Egypt India.jpg (1251x995, 526K)

No you misunderstand the great society was in America and they discovered the rest of the world.

As a follow up the oldest blue eyed genetics were found in Florida and the person was of Haplogroup X.

How the fuck has nobody posted pic related?

Attached: Solutrean_Atlantis_Civ.jpg (4132x3151, 2.19M)

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Attached: Solutrean_macro_3.png (2608x2800, 963K)

>oldest blue eyed genetics were found in Florida and the person was of Haplogroup X.


Attached: Tectonic_plate_boundaries.png (775x429, 83K)

Sounds like Iceland

And they confirm the Clovis Comet in Greenland

Attached: Greenlandcrater.jpg (600x534, 120K)

Or Norway/Finland which were probably not understood to be connected to Europe proper.

The ancient Greeks could not cross large bodies of water, they had to sail close to coastal waters for any long voyage. While it's possible they explored much further out than the Mediterranean (Herodotus describes a circumnavigation of Africa by the Egyptians with great accuracy in his Histories), they could not have crossed the Atlantic in their triremes.

These have it in there, I forgot what the actual site is but even Wikipedia confirms its of X Haplogroup from when I last looked at it.

Sounds like complete bullshit. Nothing indicates the bronze age Minoans had either the knowledge or the craft seaworthy enough for trans Atlantic crossing. As for the Hellenistic age ffs thats not some mythical past we know nothing about. There plenty of source material from the time. You would think someone would mention the great ongoing trans Atlantic copper trade before now.

>The ancient Greeks could not cross large bodies of water, they had to sail close to coastal waters for any long voyage.

The study says they had ocean going vessels.

Windover Bog Florida had 168 well preserved blond people found in a mass burial.
Injuns and the Feds hid all that evidence.. These people and the Moundbuilders were white folks, thousands of years before Greeks even existed.

Attached: Michigan Copper ship.jpg (321x157, 17K)

Looks more Viking than Greek and far too sturdy to be Minoan.

The study makes no sense. Ongoing trade of copper from Canada? Why? Crete was renowned as a source of copper, to the point that early Minoans had copper piping and elaborate structures with copper detailing.

They only sailed to England for Tin.

Definitely not greek. Not a bireme or trireme and any smaller style ship could have never crossed open waters (triremes themselves barely could)

"The research indicates" framing is bullshit.
Either there is TEXT which can be quoted and put out there as easy as pie (and has been known for centuries since little new Greek and Latin text turns up outside inscriptions) or there is archaeological evidence. Where is the evidence?

Phoenician actually. Long time before Vikings, Minoans.
The Phoenicians were from North America and shipped copper from North America to the Med.
North America is the legendary Atlantis.

Phoenicians are literally Jews and they derive from the Levant.

>Phoenician from North America

come on user, don't be dumb. Phoenician are semites, the fuck they'd be doing living on a continent literally months of travel away from any others proper civilization?

Years with stops on islands to replenish food stores

No the Phoenicians first shop was on the Island of Rhodes.
They colonized onto many other islands and shores. Israel and Egypt also. Shit they even traded for all the Lebanese cedars to built bigger ships 7000 years ago.

Yes. From the Levant.

Again this is absolute bullshit for plebs. The "Professor" examines fucking Plutarch (one of the well-known and studied of ancient authors) and "the computer" tells him the esoteric meaning.
Plutarch: "The Athenians sailed to Rhodos"
"Professor's computer giving REEEL meaning": "the Greeks went to Nova Scotia"

I don't buy it. The Phoenicians didn't use craft any more advanced than other Mediterranean people and they didn't become a sea power until after the Minoans. At best you could claim Carthage did some exploring of the Atlantic but that was later still and seemingly down the African coastline with their primitive ships.

Semites are desert dwellers.

How did they learn Ship tech? Jews dont like water.

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Sure they colonized into the Levant also, but that doesnt mean they were from there. Their first colony was Rhodes. Not the Levant.

Also Plutarch was Roman and was many steps removed from firsthand Greek accounts

>Dr. Tsikritsis states that, "even before the time of Christopher Columbus, there was a communication which began during the Minoan era and continued until the Hellenistic times. The purpose of these travels during the Bronze Age was related to trade and the transportation of pure copper from Lake Superior of Canada."
The first industrial revolution happened in the Bronze Age (Age of Heroes) when Nephilim walked the earth before humanity collapsed. I wouldn't be surprised if they got to America

Just to add to OPs

>Fijians are not pure Polynesians, their oral history talks about traversing the sea like many Polynesians but where there’s is different rather than north to south there’s is west to East, some haplogroups on the island support this by showing Kenyan, Mozambique and of all things Cameroonian heritage.

>Kilwa coins found in north Australia

>Chinese vases found on Islands north of Australia’s coast

> rock art of African origin found in Western Australia

>rock art of Indian origin found in Australian caves

>abos build stone houses using rudimentary Dutch technique and pluck beards in a Dutch style.

> Polynesian canoe building techniques and languages similarities found in Queensland abos. Murri islanders, loris and Maori’s share some linguistics

>world’s oldest astronomical stone circle found in Victoria Australia.

>abo haplogroups discovered in South America, oral history tells of population much land and being hunted by more advanced pale yellow skin people.

>African boab trees all over Western Australia suspected to be brought by boat

>some northern abos tribes use specific technical words very similar to Portuguese meaning not only contact be cultural sharing took place between either caravels or natives trading with other natives in places like East Timor.

There’s a lot of oral history about this stuff, it’s just lack of physical evidence. Interesting but essentially speculation

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This proves that there is at least one lost civilization
How is not the biggest thread on Jow Forums?

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Oral history is not speculation.
New Zealander tribe elder woman proved their tribe was a decendant of Aryans from Persia and she had also dna from amerindians of Peru. I don't recall her name.

Maori admit they slaughtered them when they themselves arrived to the islands. Much of the Face tattoos are Cetic too.

holy fuck, please stop this is so fucking dumb. Why not colonise Corsica, Italy, Malta or any of the fucking coastline in the fucking Mediterranean sea before Rhodes, of all places?

You're not even making the slightest lick of sense, fuck wit.

>Kilwa coins found in north Australia
Nothing really exceptional, since the area of Java, Brunei, Malacca and Mahajapahit has been known to be a center of trade for aeons. They probably traded locally with the abos present on the coast.

You fucking LEAFs need eradicated by nuclear leafblower I swear.
Canadians like you need to spit teeth to ever learn anything.
I dont know why they chose Rhodes first, but they did, and its not in the fucking Levant tyou Chink tier Canuckistani.

and you're the humongous retard who get insulted we don't give credecence to your utterly retarded theory that the fucking phoenician, a SEMITIC people which is well known to be from the fucking middle-east, had their intercontinental empire that spanned from North America to Europa and decided that the best spot to make a colony wasn't one of the thousand of fucking isles that were in the way, but Rhodes, a good thousand km into the fucking Mediterranean sea JUST BECAUSE.

Just stop, please.

Also outright stupidity isn't bait, just for your info

And thats why the day of the Rake is needed.
They started as the Atlanteans, and colonized many places over thousands of years, shipping millions of pounds of raw copper from North America to the Med.
Eventually all good civilizations get over run by useless, sheep like people like you Leaf. The oldest Laws ever Written, were the Laws of Rhodes.
Fucking Canadians will never care to explore actual history. There is a reason to hate Canada.


do you know where Rhodes is?

>because scrawling lines on a face can't be done independently by two peoples in different places and look somewhat similar. Wow great evidence

Americanists have been saying this for decades. Classicists ignore the Old Copper Culture because it doesn't fit the narrative. The OCC clearly was a source of material for Mediterranean wealth. Phoenician merchants even had America on a coin map.

Attached: PhoenicianCoin.png (366x252, 35K)

Pretty amazing if true. The Greeks have a lot to be proud of.

Phoenicians founded much of Southern Spain like Cadiz aka where Colombus departed from most of the time

we wuz greeks

kangz were doing coke
peanuts were in china
chickens in south america
there's been trade between the old and new world for thousands of years

Attached: OCC.jpg (503x644, 55K)

True or not all that really needs to be changed until proven further is to say Colombus REdiscovered America. None of this changes what Spain & Portugal accomplished for the world at the time