I still don't really know if Christianity is the white man's religion or not...

I still don't really know if Christianity is the white man's religion or not. I mean it eas created by Middle Eastern Jews, yet Jews hate it and it kept Europe strong for thousand years.

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*hits bong once* “duuuuuude Jesus and the disciples would have looked just like osama bin laden back in the day”

No, sorry “dude”, Jesus and the Jews were white. The reason why Jews today are “evil” is because they are the ones who refused to convert to Christianity. It’s not because of their genetics or (((evolution/social Darwinism))).

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Jews hate Christianity. That means there is something good in Christianity that they fear. All their subversion of the West has been centered on subverting Christianity. The nose knows, there is a reason. Keep alert. Celebrate Christianity, be boldly Christian. But do not forget what came before or who you are. Keep that in your heart as well.

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>Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef from the middle east was white


The christianity we build upon is more based in the roman-greek culture.

I wouldn't put it past Jews to support both sides of an argument to see which is more profitable.
Like having stocks in Coke and Pepsi.

Race has not place in Christianity. The only thing you should care about when it comes to other believers is the foundation of their beliefs based on what is revealed in scripture.

*no place

Only on the less important issues like thots and fags have the jews opposed Christianity. Flooding niggers and spics into our countries is just anti-white not anti-Christian. Also all controlled opposition jewing has been Christian in nature. The jews like having a Christian "right wing" minority that they bash in the media to get other normal fags to become left wingers. Politics is all about race for them. The reasons why they hate Christianity is that a. they associate it with goyim since all the goyim that they have historically encountered for centuries are some variation of Christian or Muslim which is a Christian offshoot. Thus if they hate Christianity rabidly in their own community it keeps them amongst themselve by preserving their difference from the goyim. 2. They hate Jesus because they see him as a fake and gay messiah who preached heresy and let goyim join his church, though that last part was mostly Paul. The most clever Jews however like Christianity because it is useful for them and push other Jews to stop hating it so much when there are now MUCH worse goyim running about. It gave them control of the banks because banking was banned to Christians. It set up a cultural foundation where the idea of (((human rights))) can prevail etc.

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Europe seemed plenty strong before it

this is why we must discard Christianity they would rather let Europe become full of Christian shitskin savages than let Europe be White and non-Christian.

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>The reason why Jews today are “evil” is because they are the ones who refused to convert to Christianity.
So do a lot of us on this planet and we're not evil. No, it's because Roman Christians created and evil foe religion called Talmudism.

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its starting to look like christianity was started as a countersemitic thing to get jews to stop following their (vile barbaric) religion. that became quickly subverted by jews and so that plan didnt work and actually got used against gentiles.

at the end of the day, it doesnt really matter either way bc the books of that religion dont match european DNA. probably dont match anybody's DNA.

what's important to realise about religion:
- when you die you reincarnate, so the best religion is the one that prepares you for that.
- there does exist one true (and only one) religion, from which all knowledge comes and it originated in India, and so did Europeans.
- Semites (blacks, arab, jews) are not from Indian lines, they are from African lines (Semitic literally means "from Africa"
- the content of religion is only relevant insofar as it yields knowledge of consciousness and reincarnation

the name of your religion will come in time but traditionally religion does not have a name bc its just part and parcel of culture

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you're so right ! thanks based ameribro

I've never read anywhere in the Bible where it says we must open our borders and let everyone in. It does say we should respect our governments, and pray for our leaders.
Arguably, the people voting for these policies are Godless liberals. The EU Parliament itself denies Christ and is implementing a Marxist agenda.
Like every other aspect of life, Churches are also being infiltrated by liberals that think they can pick and choose from scripture, have free will and can ignore the bits they don't like.
Having said that, I'd much rather live next to Christian Arabs than white Muslims.

Imagine if the Middle East was populated by people like this in the video.


It always ends up getting interpreted that way since the Bible says nothing against it and promotes a basic idea of ethnic equality. Also since it tends to attract women and demands total loyalty having a right wing based on preserving Christianity over nation ends up getting effete weak men in power which can be easily manipulated by jews abd they just roll over and never fight back. Also liberals would not exist if Christianity didn't exist as modern ideologies such as communism and classical liberalism developed from Christian ideas about all men even the lowest of the low or nation wrecking parasites as having massive inherent value due to being valued as such by the omniscient omnipotent eternal God. Without that cultural foundation classical liberalism and communism would never have gotten popular or even dreamt up.

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It also kept out the Muslims for a thousand years. Weird how that turned out.

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Judaism 2.0

No it was mongols that did it. Also the Arab Muslims lost their early steam rapidly after Muhammad died and were a joke from then on. They were useless after their early generals armies and the effect of surprise. The only Muslims that could fight Europeans were Turks but the Crusades did jack shit to stop them and even weakened Byzantium massively with the sack of Constantinople in 1205. This let Turks into the Balkans as the Byzantines became too weak to fend them off in the long term. Constantinople itself fell to the Turks in 1453 and their rapid expansion into the Balkans immediately ensued. The Crusades in the Middle East were an utter failure.

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I don't know where you are getting your ideas from or if they are original interpretations of scripture, but you raise some interesting points.

>It always ends up getting interpreted that way since the Bible says nothing against it and promotes a basic idea of ethnic equality

The Bible is very clear on this:
Galations 3:28
It always ends up getting interpreted that way since the Bible says nothing against it and promotes a basic idea of ethnic equality
Romans 2:11
For God shows no partiality

Context is important of course - these verses are referencing believers.

>Also since it tends to attract women and demands total loyalty having a right wing based on preserving Christianity over nation ends up getting effete weak men in power which can be easily manipulated by jews abd they just roll over and never fight back.

I couldn't disagree with you more on this point. The Bible does teach us to respect the government, but those of us living in democracies get to choose. Bible reading, believing Christians overwhelming elect right wing governments over left wing goverments. The "manipulated by jews" part is interesting - I think this is more a charateristic of Cultural Marxism infiltrating universities and corrupting the liberal arts disciplines in particular.

>modern ideologies such as communism ... developed from Christian ideas
Ah, no. Marx was a Jew.

>classical liberlism ... developed from Christian ideas
No - this is an extension of the enlightenment and actually opposes any religious influence whatsoever.

>thread is talking about christianity
>the post (((you))) replied to is talking about christianity in general
>your image recognizes that christian countries were constantly at war with islamic forces to the east despite intra-european conflicts
and yet you try to strawman about the crusades. typical "muh crusades" pilpul from a leftist.

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>Context is important of course - these verses are referencing believers
There are plenty of nigger believers.
>I couldn't disagree with you more on this point. The Bible does teach us to respect the government, but those of us living in democracies get to choose. Bible reading, believing Christians overwhelming elect right wing governments over left wing goverments. The "manipulated by jews" part is interesting - I think this is more a charateristic of Cultural Marxism infiltrating universities and corrupting the liberal arts disciplines in particular.
statistically it does attract women which I already posted. And less masculine men is a logical corollary to the stats. Also you are talking about cuckservative parties NOT right wing. Cuckservative parties do jack all on immigration and simply stall the liberal agenda while giving military aid to Israel and fucking up the economy so Jews can get more shekels and more political power later. Republicans and Tories are still cucks.
>Ah, no. Marx was a Jew.
Sometimes Jews use Christian ideas. Sometimes they put annotation in Bibles instructing the goyim to fight for israel. Marx was selling his shit to convince goyim to accept voluntary slavery not to convince other Jews, who would join communist movements anyway since its good for the jews.
>classical liberlism ... developed from Christian ideas
They borrowed Christian ideas as well. They pposed religion since they thought it was not creating the equality that it morally should. This morality stems from Christian thought.

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fucking retard if you live around muslims you will constantly fight them. They are very hostile. The Crusades in the Middle East were not a success it is a fact.

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>There are plenty of nigger believers.
So? What is your point? Or are you just a racist and don't like that God extends his Grace to all?

>Republicans and Tories are still cucks
I think the Republican party has been overrun by Zionists and neocons. I don't know much about the the Tories. The conservative party here in Australia wants to halve immigration and withdraw from UN treaties relating to it. I don't really see what any of this has to do with Christianity though.

>Sometimes Jews use Christian ideas
So are you saying Marx read the Bible, and came up with a cunning plan to create his manifesto afterwards?

> Sometimes they put annotation in Bibles instructing the goyim to fight for israel
Citation needed

>Marx was selling his shit to convince goyim to accept voluntary slavery not to convince other Jews, who would join communist movements anyway since its good for the jews.
Again, I don't see what this has to do with Christianity. Communism is a Godless ideology and is opposed by any true Christian.

>They borrowed Christian ideas as well. They pposed religion since they thought it was not creating the equality that it morally should. This morality stems from Christian thought.
Again, citation needed. Its another Godless ideology.

> Sometimes they put annotation in Bibles instructing the goyim to fight for israel
Citation needed
Scofield Bible now go rib out your bottom ribs and suck your own dick shlomo.
>Again, citation needed. Its another Godless ideology.
John Locke, the first truly liberal thinker, actually justified greed by saying that God gave the earth ro men for human use and therefore taking an unowned resource makes it yours. The only exception to that is yourself which is owned by God so he opposed suicide and shit like that. Society back then demanded people be Christian especially Gentiles and learned men were well versed in religion. Also Locke wrote much in support of Christianity. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke heres a link for more info.
>Again, I don't see what this has to do with Christianity. Communism is a Godless ideology and is opposed by any true Christian.
Again Marx adapted Christian theology and idology, which being a learned man he was aware of. And in terms of economics it is eerily similar to communism read Acts 4:32-37 and Acts 5:1-11. pic related has more points of commonality between Christianity and communism.
>I think the Republican party has been overrun by Zionists and neocons. I don't know much about the the Tories. The conservative party here in Australia wants to halve immigration and withdraw from UN treaties relating to it. I don't really see what any of this has to do with Christianity though.
The Zionists and neocons in the Republican party are there because Evangelicals vote for them. The Tories said they would honor Brexit which would give Britain some sovereignty regarding their immigration policies but never did that. Neither did the Republicans in my country who said they would stop voter fraud and build the Wall. None of that ever happened and they let the Democrats get away with winning the 2018 midterms. Just because cuckservatives promise to halt immigration doesn't mean they actually do it once in power.

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>Scofield Bible
Here's a hint - when trying to argue about the corruption of a document, its customary to give the chapter, verse or page number for the reference to your evidence.
Maybe you are referring to the Scofield Bible being the first one to include the original texts with their English translations?
You specifically claimed "Sometimes they put annotation in Bibles instructing the goyim to fight for israel".
Can you back it up with a reference - you know, the specific annotation that urges this?
I'm beginning to think you're ignorant of the scripture, and your criticisms stem from hate and misunderstanding rather than considered opinion.

>go rib out your bottom ribs and suck your own dick shlomo.
I see we're dealing with an intellectual giant.

Here's a direct quote from the ESV version of the Bible - specifically Titus 1:10-16:

For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach. One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, not devoting themselves to Jewish myths and the commands of people who turn away from the truth. To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work

I think the commies would love that one.

Happy to engage in an intelligent discussion of ideas, but you've shown yours to be shallow and baseless, so I think I'll withdraw the field here.

It just needs to have teeth, wherever you lean. Too much of certain kinds of nature "blissing out" can soften you as much as the softer side of Bible reading can. Yet both can also fiercely stand ground, whoop ass, and take ground. Christian morals are good but really are only a Jew foil, as said above, unless serious people in the system enforce the values and draw the lines.

>Here's a hint - when trying to argue about the corruption of a document, its customary to give the chapter, verse or page number for the reference to your evidence.
Maybe you are referring to the Scofield Bible being the first one to include the original texts with their English translations?
You specifically claimed "Sometimes they put annotation in Bibles instructing the goyim to fight for israel".
Can you back it up with a reference - you know, the specific annotation that urges this?
I'm beginning to think you're ignorant of the scripture, and your criticisms stem from hate and misunderstanding rather than considered opinion.
Now i know you're a Jew. The Scofield Bible did not edit the text. Instead it had annotations that supported shit like the statehood of Israel. Scofield on Genesis 12:3: which reads “‘I will bless them that bless thee.’ Scofields annotation: "In fulfillment closely related to the next clause, ‘And curse him that curseth thee.’ Wonderfully fulfilled in the history of the dispersion. It has invariably fared ill with the people who have persecuted the Jew—well with those who have protected him. The future will still more remarkably prove this principle.”

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And it's cuck slave morality pushes away serious people as it repules masculinity and attracts femininity. So you have effete men in charge and they get pushed over.

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