Fuck, it's heavy. The heaviest matter in the universe. I would not be surprised if I'm in some galactic ekklesia in the far future. At this point, anything could and much will happen.
Can I be held to the God standard?
if you mean the 10 commandments then yes we will all be held to that standard unfortunately many will not live up to that standard myself included
can't wait
What is this existience? Why are we left here with so many questions about who we are and where we came from? Haunting questions that tear the mind to pieces and humble anyone who dares to grasp at the fibers of understanding. Why are we made to suffer?
I believe in the second death. The second death is that for millenia men have called men women when men can't cut it, but now men choose freely to be called women. The second life ( rebirth ) has always existed, since civilized family but the second death is only beginning to really grow.
Lol I have this pic on my phone kinda freaky ;) but I see all this religious stuff as far from reality, that's not to say it isn't true though
Good night anons, Don't watch too many scary movies, and remember that you're mom gay.
All religions are precious jewels on the golden string of divinity. -Samael Aun Weor
The word “religion” derives from the Latin root “religare,” which means “union,” The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yug” which also means “union,” At their base, the different traditions of East and West describe the same goal: union with Divinity. Religious traditions provide the map that one must follow in order to reach unification with the Divine. Every religion seeks to express the same core knowledge. But one needs the right tools in order to read the map. With the right tools and their proper use and aspirant of any religion or tradition may enter into direct experiential knowledge of the Divine. It can be seen, then, that there is truly one science, one path, but appearing with different names and faces. (For narrow is the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and they are few who find it. Matthew 7: 13-14) In Greek, the narrow path is called Gnosis, which means “knowledge.” In Hebrew, the same narrow path is called Daath, which also means “knowledge.” This path is represented by the famous Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis. And the clue to entering into the direct experience of God can be found through understanding the symbol of the Tree of Knowledge. Genesis, the Judeo-Christian teaching of creation was written as a means to pass down the knowledge of the Great Arcanum to those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Its inception was influenced by both Eastern and Western traditions in order to provide humanity a Key contained in the foundation of all the great religions of the world.
>Genesis is a key to Arcanum
Please elaborate
This is all before the modern era. The opposite path, the conglomeration of evil has just as much sway in people's minds. Lust mimics love and has for long enough to gain the power necessary to say lust is love, and you can clearly see that. If you don't watch the horns, what you don't see can hurt you. In the end people all are just trying to be God, but imo we should characterize this as an energy that is usable like tao or whatever.
Anyway, I don't know which way the world will go. Maybe it will be hell on earth, maybe heaven or somewhere in between. It's complicated.
The Creation of Humanity
Although the modern bible is greatly disfigured, it is nevertheless infused with the ancient secret doctrine. However, the many levels of meaning hidden in the Hebrew letters are not visible in the modern language versions of the bible. For example, the very first words of the Bible, in Hebrew, are: Bereshidt bara Elohim. The common literal translation is: “In the beginning, God creates...” But the Hebraic translation, found in The Zohar, reads: “In wisdom, Elohim creates...” Elohim is a Hebrew word. The root El is Hebrew for God and is masculine. The feminine form of El is Eloah, which means Goddess. Elohim is plural, thus meaning Gods and Godesses, male/female. In contrast to the familiar image of a bearded old man, God is established in the first three words of the bible as androgynous, containing both male and female.
(Androgynous Shiva, Ardhanareshvara, Hinduism) (Male-Female Creator, Ometecuhtli, Aztec). The word Elohim has many meanings; in one sense it refers to Angels, the governors of creation. These Divine Beings are male/female, in the image of their creator. This is clearly illustrated in most ancient images of Angels, showing them to have the attributes of both man and woman. In the Bible, the angel who oversaw the creation of humanity is called Jehovah Elohim. (Jehovah Elohim formed man from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7) Jehovah is another important name of God, not to be confused with Yahweh. The name Jahovah, or Jehovah, is comprised of four Hebrew letters: Iod, He, Vav, He. Yod/Iod or Jah, can be translated as “male” or “phallus,” Adam. Heva or Heve, is “female,” “mother,” or “uterus,” Eve. Even the name Jehovah contains both masculine and feminine forces. (God created man in his own image; in the image of Elohim created he them: male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27) The Elohim, the Angel, Jehovah, formed man in his image: androgynous. And so, as recorded in the esoteric heart of all great religions, humanity, symbolized by Adam, was once androgynous, containing both male and female.
Tf is this dumb alien shit.
it's gay thats what
This is highly interesting and I wish you'd continue
The Word
The Old Testament, or Tanakh, outwardly appears to be basic spiritual instruction in the form of stories and histories. Yet in truth, it is a vehicle of the Secret Knowledge. To better understand the origins of the Judeo-Christian tradition of Genesis it is necessary to take a brief look at the life of the author, Moses. Although of Jewish lineage, Moses was raised to be an Egyptian Pharaoh and was trained in not only the hidden wisdom of Egypt, but also that of his native Judaism. The civilization of ancient Egypt is among the longest lasting in the history of humanity and an accepted custodian of immense knowledge in the ancient world. Judaism was directly influenced by twoof the oldest civilizations on record, those of Sumeria and Babylonia, civilizations famous for their mystery schools. Schooled in the hidden teachings of these ancient traditions, Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible in Hebrew and in code, as was the tradition. Thus every story and name contained within the books of Moses hides a deeper meaning. As it says in the mystical Hebrew book the Zohar… "The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only at the garment- that is, upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not. The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers."- The Zohar. The Bible is symbolic. The characters and events of the Bible are a cloak that veils the real message. This inner knowledge has been hidden or, in the case of Christianity, rejected entirely. The Bible, like all great religious books, has been interpreted literally. Even Jesus of Nazareth taught both a public and a secret doctrine. (To you (disciples) it hath been given to know the secrets of the reign of the heavens, and to these (others) it hath not been given… Matthew 13:11).The Bible has undergone repeated editing by those without any knowledge of its secrets.
The Garden of Eden
(Jehovah Elohim planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom he had formed. –Genesis 2:8) Eden is a paradise of perfection. Eden is symbolic of the innocence and happiness that was once the natural state of humanity. The humanity of Eden was pure, knowing only goodness and virtue. As reflections of God, humanity embodied the seven virtues of the soul. (Altruism, Right Action, Chastity, Humility, Love, Happiness for Others, Temperance) Although the Eden of Adam and Eve never existed in the three-dimensional physical world, according to esoteric wisdom there was a physical place called Eden that was located in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. A mystery school by the same name was founded in this place by the Chaldeans. But this was not the Garden of Eden of Adam and Eve. According to esoteric wisdom there exists seven fundamental dimensions (Do you not know how Allah has created the seven heavens one above the other… Koran, The Nuh, 71.15). The ascent and descent through these realms by the beings that inhabit them is represented in The Bible by Jacob’s ladder. The Bible states that when Jehovah Elohim created Adam, he placed Adam in the garden of Eden. Esoteric wisdom states that this is the fourth dimension, the world of vital energy. In Hebrew it is called Yesod, which means “the foundation.” Thus, the androgynous ancestor of humanity existed in a more subtle level of nature. That is why modern anthropologists know nothing about our true origins. Though happy in its innocence, humanity (as symbolized by Adam) needed to grow spiritually. Thus Eve was separated from the body of Adam. Jehovah Elohim took one of the hermaphrodite man’s ribs, then closed us the flesh. Then Jehovah Elohim made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the hermaphrodite man. She shall be called woman for she was taken out of the man.
This process of separation, presented symbolically in the Bible, was gradual. The human hermaphrodite was separated into two sexes, male and female, so that they may see themselves better: to know themselves. Since that time man and woman have sought to reclaim their missing unity, which is the root of the craving for sexual connection. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they shall be one flesh
The Two Trees
And out of the ground made Jehovah Elohim to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, …with the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. –Genesis 2:9
There are two trees that are given specific importance within the garden. These two trees are symbolic, not literal. The Tree of Life is an ancient symbol that is universal in meaning and is found in all the cultures that have held the esoteric knowledge. This is the same tree that Moses found burning on Mt. Sinai. This is the tree under which the Buddha Shakyamuni found enlightenment. This is the World Tree of the Mayans, the Tree of Life of the Aztecs, the Great Nordic tree Yggdrasil that supports existence in its powerful boughs. In the mystical tradition of Judaism, the science of the Tree of Life is called Kabbalah. But this wisdom is universal and can be found in every great religious tradition, although it appears under many names. (Kalachakra -Tibetan Buddhist). The science of the Tree of Life is a map of the universe and of the human soul.
Just as the Tree of Life maps the macrocosmos, the expansive universe, so too does it map the microcosmos: Man, the reflection of the universe. Thus the wise recommendation etched in stone above the entrance to the famous Oracle of Delphi: Man, know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and its Gods… The Tree of Life symbolizes the structure of the soul and the structure of creation. Its roots are in the highest realms and its branches and leaves are all the worlds and the many beings that exist. This tree gives forth fruit: life, sustenance, and wisdom. In the Bible, Moses wrote that Adam and Eve were free to eat of the Tree of Life. This means that Adam and Eve were free to feed themselves with science of the Tree of Life, the science of God, Kabbalah. And as the Tree of Life also symbolizes the soul, Adam and Eve (humanity) were allowed to enjoy the benefits of abiding in a state of perfection, with an awakened consciousness. A fully illuminated consciousness is represented in the tradition of the Christmas Tree, a symbol of the Tree of Life as passed down through Germanic esoteric traditions. Possessing an illuminated Tree of Life within means that one’s inner senses are fully opened and active, providing a direct relationship with God. Of this tree Adam and Eve could freely eat. But there existed another tree in Eden: the Tree of Knowledge. (And Jehovah Elohim commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden you are free to eat, but as for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you must not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die (spiritually). –Genesis 2:16-17). It is clear that the Tree of Knowledge was forbidden to Adam and Eve. Yet, they were tempted by the one thing in all of paradise that was denied to them. Knowledge in Greek is Gnosis, and in Hebrew: Daath.
Daath is the hidden sphere found in the Kabbalah, which traditionally is never spoken of or revealed. Daath, Gnosis, is the science of the Great Arcanum, (The Holy Ark, From “Arcanum”) that secret knowledge that has been hidden from humanity for ages. However, close examination of the use of the word “knowledge” in the Bible gives strong indications of the nature of Daath or Gnosis. (Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son… - Genesis 4:25, And Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived… - Genesis 4:1, And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived… -Genesis 4:17, Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man… -Genesis 19:18, Four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male… -Judges 21:12, Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? –Luke 1:34, The maiden was very beautiful, a virgin whom no man had known. –Genesis 24:16) It is clear to the observant reader that knowledge in the Bible relates to sexuality. Hence, the Tree of Knowledge, Daath, Gnosis, is a direct reference to sexuality. What then is the purpose of this reference to sex and its role in the fate of Adam and Eve?
The Caduceus
When humanity was physically separated into two sexes, man and woman still carried within them the reflection of their creator. Thus within every male there still exists a female aspect and within every woman exists a male aspect. By this level of meaning, Adam and Eve symbolize the subtle energetic physiology of the individual. Adam and Eve as polarized energy are represented in the ancient symbol of the Caduceus. (Male Aspect -Biblical: Adam, Hindu: Pingala, Kabbalah: Od, Female Aspect –Biblical: Eve, Hindu: Ida, Kabbalah:Ob). Popularly associated to the Greek god Hermes, the symbol of the caduceus is actually visible in the records of countless ancient cultures from around the world. (Aztec caduceus born from fire, Persian, 2600-2200 BC, Egyptian , 2000 BC, Greek, 600 BC, Indian). The two serpents have always symbolized the masculine and feminine energetic channels that wind up the spinal column. As they are energetic, not physical, a scalpel will never find them. Their root is Yesod, the foundation, the sexual organs, and they are fed by the sexual energy. These two channels of energy are called Ida and Pingala in Sanskrit. In the Kabbalah they are called Od and Ob, and in esoteric Christianity they are called Adam and Eve. In the Bible they are also called “the two olive trees” and the two candlesticks sticks standing before the god of the earth.” (Revelation 11:4). The two serpents wind up the spinal column of the physical body. The spine is most often symbolized by a staff or a rod. (The Staff of the Creator, Egyptian). The spine is the staff of the Master, and the central column of the human temple. The column stands upon the foundation stone: Yesod, the sexual energy. The spine has 33 vertebrae, symbolized by the 33 years of the life of Jesus of Nazareth and by the 33 degrees of the Masons. (George Washington, Master Mason).
On either side of this rod, the spinal column, are two serpents. Pingala is the masculine aspect, Adam (Solar). Ida is the feminine aspect, Eve (Lunar). It is the energy of Eve in our psyche that pushes for procreation. (Tibetan Buddhist Mural from the Lukhang). When Eve is tempted to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, this is a symbol of humanity desiring the fruit of sexuality: children. Until this time, humanity was not allowed to have children on their own: they were not allowed to eat that fruit. (And the serpent said to the woman, “You are not going to die, but the Elohim know that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad.” –Genesis 3:4-5) Tempted by the serpent, human beings chose to procreate of their own will. In their innocence, however, they did not realize that the Laws they were given were for their own good. Learning to procreate without the guidance of the Elohim led to the discovery of the orgasm.
The Forbidden Fruit
The tree of knowledge, or sexuality, was present alongside the other aspects of existence. It is even recognized as an important presence in Eden, alongside the Tree of Life. And in the tradition of the Kabbalah, these two trees are said to share the same roots. However, unlike any other tree in Eden, Adam and Eve were only allowed to enjoy the tree of knowledge without indulging in its fruit. …for as soon as you eat of it, you shall die… While in Eden, Adam and Eve only knew divinity and innocence and thus inherently respected the laws of creation. In their innocence, they were ignorant of the consequences of indulging in the fruit of sexuality. Tremendous energy is harnessed in the sexual act between a man and a woman. It is in this coitus that humanity has the God-given capacity to create. Man as the active force, the reflection of God the Father, woman as the receptive force, the reflection of God the mother, and sex (Creative fires, The Holy Spirit) as the force that brings them together. These are the three forces that give rise to all of creation, and this is the foundation of the universal symbol of the Trinity. (Christian: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jewish: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Hindu: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Egyptian: Osiris, Horus, Isis) The trinity is a unity of three; three that express as one; but in order to create, this one divides itself in two; male and female. (Male: Father, Abba, Shiva, Osiris, Female: Mother, Aima, Shakti, Isis) This is the mystery of the Holy Spirit, the fecundating fire of God, symbolized in India as Shiva-Shakti, the creative and destructive power of God. One of the most sacred symbols of Shiva, the Holy Spirit, is the Lingam-Yoni, the intersection of the phallus and uterus.
The same symbol is found on the other side of the world, in the Alchemical tradition. The force that powers all creation, on all levels of existence, is sexual energy. Sexual energy is symbolized by fire, by water, (Jesus displays his mastery over the sexual waters by walking on water) and by light. (The halo of light illustrates sexual purity). Enlightenment is born of the sexual waters. The Sexual Fire is the power of creation. In the tradition of Alchemy, the sexual energy is symbolized by Mercury. When we strike upon the foundation stone, the rock, we find the waters of life. (Moses strikes the stone with his staff). The ancient ritual of Baptism is a symbol of the transmutation of sexual energy, the source of salvation. The waters of life flow from the Tree of Life. All life is born of the sexual waters. The power of creation, harnessing the force of that electric energy, implies a great responsibility. At the time of Adam and Eve, sex was only practiced in the temples under the guidance of the Elohim. Gabriel and his legions of angels were guiding humanity in this holy ritual, as indicated by his recurrence in the Bible announcing the arrival of children. Gabriel is the regent of the moon and directly influences all forms of conception. At certain times of the year, the husband and wife would travel long distances in order to be instructed in the Sexual Mysteries. This is the long-forgotten root of the modern practice of the “honeymoon.” Thus the Angels supervised this Holy Sacrament and guided a single sperm to meet an egg in the precise moment needed to engender a deliberate and divine child. The wasteful expulsion of energy and semen through the orgasm was not, and is not, required to create a child.
This is, in fact, the hidden meaning of the term “immaculate conception.” Immaculate means “perfectly clean, without moral blemish.” (When a man has an emission of semen, he shall bathe his whole body in water and remain unclean until evening. – Leviticus 15:16) (The sexual energy should never be let out. – The 14th Dalai Lama). To indulge in the fruit of sexuality means to spill the sexual energy, to orgasm, to taste the divine energy that illuminates the soul, in order to feel physical sensation. Thus the energy used to maintain the physical and spiritual vitality of the individual is expelled through the orgasm.Adam and Eve, as a symbol of men and women of the ancient past, ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, or the Secret Knowledge of Sexuality: they abused the sexual energy in their own bodies by having the orgasm, and therefore they broke the most fundamental rule they had been given. It is very important that the tremendous energy that gives mankind the ability to create be used efficiently, because it is connected to the same energetic force that sustains the individual’s own vitality. It is well known that the sexual energy is intimately related to the health of our psyche and our physical bodies. Not only is it necessary for sustaining physical vitality and thus the five physical senses, but also the vitality of the seven superior senses that unites mankind to the Divine. (The Seven Chakras, The Seven Churches) (Seven Chakras: Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhisthana, Muladhara, Seven Churches: Laodicea, Philadelphia, Sardis, Thyatira, Pergamos, Smyrna, Ephesus) Without the sexual energy the soul atrophies, breaking our connection with God. (Samson is blinded) When we expel the sexual energy, we expel the energy that fuels our inner senses. This is why those who fornicate, who expel the sexual energy through the orgasm, cannot perceive God directly.
The orgasm is symbolized in the poisoned apple given to Snow White. While sweet to the taste of the physical senses, it is poison to the soul. Eating it results in unconsciousness and an eternity of sleep. The universal story of maidens and virtuous heroes falling asleep (Brunhilde is made to sleep –Norse mythology) is an allegory illustrating the sleep of the consciousness, the state in which the human being loses the direct personal knowledge of God and the higher realms of nature. This is why the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was forbidden to eat. Before the abuse of the Tree of Knowledge, sex was treated with the utmost respect and the orgasm was unknown to mankind and unnecessary. Husband joined wife in the sexual act according to the Laws given to them by Jehovah Elohim. They enjoyed the Tree of Knowledge, sexuality, but did not eat of its fruit. This was the genesis of the distinction between good and evil. A humanity that knew only goodness ate of the forbidden fruit and discovered animal desire, which always leads to suffering and pain. (The decline of the Roman Empire). This is the Pandora’s Box or Vase of Greek mythology, which when opened releases the agents of evil into the world: fear, pride, shame. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And Adam said, “I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” Through the discovery of the orgasm, Adam learned to be afraid, to be ashamed. As promised by the tempting serpent, humanity gained new knowledge: the knowledge of suffering.
Thank you
this again faggot you can't just leave out the 4 because it doesn't interest you as much as 369
Haha I didn't even notice that.
Good stuff