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And it’s beautiful

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wtf i love fake news now

nigga is woke as fuck

rip cnn

they've been trying to take down our nigga for years. it's time to stand up for him.

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>Trump supports Israel
>The left goes against Trump no matter what
>The left becomes raging anti-semites because orange man is a nazi
>eventually start to actively call for the destruction of Israel and the Jews to oppose Nazis

I can't even comprehend the level of genius Trump is.



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>I can't even comprehend the level of genius Trump is.
Beyond comprehension.

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I hate Palestines too though

Nah, you're a JIDF shill. Can't wait to watch you retards die on livestream/

No I hate fucking both.

Muslims and kikes should both get nukes.

Blacks simply don't give a shit about jews, look up how the black israelites treat them, fucking hilarious

Your sister is gonna get pregnant by a Palestinian and your bloodline is gonna turn Muslim. All this is gonna happen while you get conscripted and shot in the fucking face when Israel is invaded. Haha.

meh. he thinks jews are white

>I will support complete leftist degenerate retards, as long as they are against Israel

The absolute state of stormniggers

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marc is BHIpilled and knows that the real jews were black

This. Even a broken clock is right twice a day as they say. And he's a commentator; Wake me up when it's an anchor.

>will support complete leftist degenerate retards
Implying nazis are not leftist degenerate retards

I knew you were a Muslim.

It's like one of those movies where the mad scientists creation turns on him.

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I thought CNN were supposed to be cucks?


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>Call out for another Jewish genocide

Not being aware that the first one was a sham.

>The left becomes raging anti-semites because orange man is a nazi

This timeline man. Glorious.

Fuck off faggot, Semites are the spawn of Satan and all deserved to be purged from creation

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Is that the faggot that went full butthurt after cnn cop told him niggers are prone to violence.

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that guy will never be on tv again right jew?

It's ok too hate both


This, real non-kike white nationalists are pro palestinian because it symbolises the future of whites if nothing is done.

They will never utter his name publicly on tv for the fear of other Wakandans sypathizing with him. He is the hero Wakanda needs.

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Based, everyone check out the video, the JIDF shills have thumbed down the video en masse, lets give it some likes

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Funny to see stormcuck wignats go all "Le based black man" everytime some nigger says something about Jews.


Based Kangs Rise Up

bout to watch it now

Jow Forums must realize that blacks must be weaponized against the jews. Make them read muh Malcom X.

Also: Death to Israel, America and all of the jews.

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Sorry I can't side with Jews or muslims. I hate them both so much.

hmmmm hmmmm

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Can't we just kill all the Jews in US?

Fully agree
Blacks need to learn that Jews are NOT white, that fact alone could change the whole world overnight
Think of the potential
Even most white people dont know Jews arent white
>but its just a religion

Judaism is a religion, Jews are a race.

America is a jewish creation
This. The same as well with the muslims

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No, it's a white man's creation because we wanted to separate from the commonwealth.

We can't help Jews infiltrated. We could be great allies if you kill the Jews here.

No. Freemasonry is judaism. it's not for the "white man"

I gotta say im impressed by this man
He clearly either did not get the memo not to talk about Israel because hes black and they figured he didnt need it
Or maybe he got the memo and looked into why they say not to criticize them and accidentally swallowed some red pills in the process
Either way its a win for goyim everywhere

The country of the most based white president,
Teddy Roosevelt disagrees.

Roosevelt was jewish himself. Roosevelts were jewish slave traders. America must and will be destroyed, thank the Gods.

Nigga literally said he just got off the plane from Palestine prior to the speech and was boycotting Israeli water so he was thirsty
>gotta love it

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Apparently Gaza only has electricity 4 hours a day?
The fuck?


Coming from a literal brown socialist country.

Portuguese people in fact have high percentages of jewish blood. The first synagouges in the US were bulit by sephardi jews from portugal and the netherlands. But that doesn't make the fact that the roosevelts were jewish disappear.

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high levels of enlightment

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we gotta meme the fuck outa this guy and get the kangs stirred up
like someone said the media probably wont touch this much cause they know nogs will be sympathetic

Mr. Hill goes even further and states:
>Donald Trump is not an exception of American policy regarding Israel

very much based. Cool Kat Mr. Hill

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I love how he says not one single "hateful" or "racist" thing and the kikes simply call THE TRUTH anti-semitic
Thats the world we live in, the truth is anti-semitic because the truth is kikes are the shittiest people on the planet
The notion of "white people believing they are the master race" is LITERALLY just the kikes projecting that onto whites, thats LITERALLY where the notion that the Nazis believed that comes from
The Nazis never believed they were the master race, that is a black and white LIE

Mr. Hill also states that:
>the radical left is always on top of the main issues in the country, from economy to political isses, but siminlgly forgets on purpose on the Palestinian issue

>The golem is finally turning on its master.
Niggers vs Jews, comfy news.

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Professor Hill also states:
>Optimism is immature (...). We cannot stand here and be optimistic. We must take action.

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Freemasonry is the practice of the Kabbalah for Jews and influential gentiles.

jewish Kabbalah based on the Talmud

I'd disagree. The Thulean Society did see an Aryan Master Race in the future, and Hitler was its embodiment. HOWEVER, the Thulean Society was just the other side of the same Shekel to the Talmudists' belief in the Jews being the Master race.

WTF racewar now!

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Not disagreeing here, and I would add that there is certainly Hindu mysticism involved in it. Pretty suspicious that you aren't allowed to utter the name of Jesus Christ in a Masonic Lodge.

It is said that there are several Kabbalahs. The jews however had to usurp the Kabbalah and make a adultered one for them

Wait what? Was this on air? I don’t knew who’s jewing who anymore

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They simply believed they were superior in the ways that science and history has PROVEN to be true, but they did not believe they were a master race beyond everyone else entirely
Its been highly distorted by Jew propaganda

where did you hear that?
is that something Masons themselves say or just some conspiracy?

Yes there is also the Hermetic Kabbalah

I think that they are allowed to say, but they think that they was still a false prophet

it's over

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do you have more info about this?

Funny to see the jews flip out everytime someone tells the truth.

officially masons say they do not have any specific religion but that a mason just can NOT be atheist
many masons absolutely are Christian idk what you guys are talking about honestly

based black man

>did meth
>dressed up as women
>into extreme bdsm

Most of Protestants are Freemasonic. Specially the hihgher hierarchy:

good shit, kek

Making Professor Dr. Hill a meme would be extremely beneficial for the african-american population

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good effort

They dont have mamy possitive memes that paint them in a good light. They need this, we should give it to them. Meme repartations now!

at last i truly see

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WTF I love CNN now

based black man

>state violence in Syria
damn, he was doing alright too.

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>black nazis
This timeline my god

Okay, s we kill the country and found something better over it. Need a clean slate anyway.

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what a time to be alive

>tfw we will end up in the gas chambers of black nazis
>tfw this is the final redpill

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