Daily reminder: "capitalism has some faults" is not an argument that proves socialism is good (and won't solve those...

daily reminder: "capitalism has some faults" is not an argument that proves socialism is good (and won't solve those faults anyway).

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daily reminder: "socialism has some faults" is not an argument that proves capitalism is good (and won't solve those faults anyway).

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Could both of you instead of being in a circle jerk just propose one of those issues and your proposed solution?

Capitalism already has mechanisms in place that solve most of it's problems on it's own. Even Marx admitted as much in his own writings. Do we have 5 year olds working in coal mines any more? Do we have a minimum wage (albeit not at the perfect amount for some right now, but still exists and still rises on a regular basis from state to state)? Given time, capitalism finds and neutralizes it's economic or societal problems. Socialism has no such mechanisms in place due to the fact, proceeding capital flight, Calhoun's Social Sink takes place every single time. It's the same reason you have 20,000 physics majors in Cuba with Ph.D.'s forced to work apprenticeships as car mechanics and change oil on vehicles for a living. There is literally no way to defend such a retarded ideology at all. What other proof would you like?

Socialism failed every time and it's failing even today. It sucks, move on like everyone else.

I want countries to be more like Norway or Sweden, and less like Somalia.

>Duuuhh I want to be like the two socialist countries out a million that are barely surviving and still only a few years from collapse
>Instead of that other socialist country that's the norm for a failed state rife with mass murder, genocide, rape, and literal slavery
You do realize somalia is a perfect example of socialism's failure as they are, in fact, a socialist state right? How fucking stupid are you nu-pol idiots? Fantastic job showing just how brainless anyone ascribing to leftist ideology is. Thank for you for contribution, now eat a bullet please.

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Awesome, thank you. And on top unless someone challenges

Even further, naming those 3 specific countries, how can your diseased brain avoid the fact that socialism barely works in white, homogeneous societies (Norway and Sweden) and will never in a million years work in a non-homogeneous where blacks represent a large portion, or even the majority of the population (Somalia)? Knowing those facts, those very real facts that you can easily look up yourself today, right now, how in the living fuck could you ever think that would every work in a country like the US? Somalia only has different tribes with the same skin color, the US has entire demographics of millions all entrenched in their own respective tribalist communities who would never give ground to the others but you still think socialism would be a success. How does this work in your brain exactly? I'm seriously fascinated and would like to know just how deep your cognitive dissonance runs.

It should work, so it will. Society tends to get more progressive over time, look at legalization of weed, prohibition of alcohol, the right to vote, the right to own slaves.

We need socialism for interactions with genetically/ideologically close people (family, religion, race, etc.), and capitalism for interactions with genetically/ideologically remote people (i.e. between nations or strangers). Where to draw the cutoff is a personal matter.

Capitalists generally advocate practicing socialism according to the natural order, with "welfare" readily provided to family and friends, and increasing degrees of competition at further levels. This is natural, evolved behavior, and it makes sense from an optimization standpoint.

Socialists claim that this welfare should be extended to strangers (or the genetic/ideological equivalent), in the name of their naive adolescent wet dream of world peace. There is no logical reason to stray from [brutal] Darwinian evolution, but socialists either can't stomach it or are otherwise too retarded to understand evolution properly.

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Third position now.

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I believe life is so much more than just sticking your dick in a hole and popping out kids.

All you have are buzzwords m8, nothing more.
>Duhh society gets more progressive
This is inherently not true and just another fake factoid you licked out of your professor's asshole. What are monarchies and how did society function before them? Who reigned over the majority of them? You are the cancer of uneducated, fart-sniffing, faggots who think you're educated but don't know dick about history. You can't refute any of the actual points I've laid out ITT, you don't even know which countries on the globe are socialist or not, you're useless to any actual discourse here because "politics" to you stops with "hurrdurr muh weed and alcohol maaaan." Prohibition of alcohol was about the stupidest fucking example on the history of the planet you could've probably used to cite "the progressive agenda" at all. Prohibition was founded and started as a leg of the FEMINIST movement and it failed miserably because as any dumbass can see today we're STILL DRINKING FUCKING ALCOHOL. You little tranny faggots have tried to co-op the word "progressive" just like the rainbow flag and the word has lost all meaning. Progress is getting colonies to mars. Progress is finding ways to use nuclear fusion for free energy. You stupid kike niggers think progress is arguing about what's between your legs and what victim you want to play today. I'd spit in your fucking face if I saw you in the street. You have no knowledge of history, cause, effect, ramifications. Basically you know nothing and you shouldn't even lurk here. If we had mods worth a shit they'd boot you off this entire goddamn site to you wouldn't infect anyone else with your brainless dribble.

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Didn't fail under Germany despite sanctions.
Cubas still standing despite sanctions for the last 60years

If energy is free doesn't that mean that the cost of living would go down and governments would be able to make strong social safety nets easier?

monarchies got more progressive over time, drifting away from the Roman Church, allowing freedom of religion, more power to parliaments and councils, etc. you are clearly uneducated and low IQ.

You are objectively wrong about that though

Germany is under EU control, I wouldn't say it didn't fail.

Did you miss the entire point of that post you enormous fucking idiot? Obviously you did. "Progressives" AREN'T focusing on things like nuclear fusion or colonizing the moon because dipshits like you and your purple-haired freaks have tried to subvert and re-define progress to mean stupid, meaningless shit like gender-neutral bathrooms, or trans rights, or faggots in california being able to pozz each other with no legal ramifications. Tying up massive resources, capital, and energy into stupid shit and mental patients that want to cut their dicks off instead of focusing on ACTUAL progress for the human species. You are dumb as a fucking rock and every one of your posts just proves it more and more.

Nazi Germany was Socialist no matter how the left want to be revisionist.

2008 Bail out in the trillions were the biggest social welfare checks given.

that's why global communism is the true path to human progress and scientific achievement.

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Fission exists right now and if all governments decided to start building nuclear power plants it would cheapen energy and allow people to live better. Colonizing the moon is stupid, Antarctica could be colonized easier. Massive resources are given to killing people in the Middle east and other countries not giving a basic income to US citizens. I don't care about the culture war issues and didn't talk about them until (you) brought them up.

Only National Socialism is good. Both socialism and Capitalism are Jewish bullshit.


daily reminder: capitalists don't require that argument against socialism, as there are a number of powerful arguments rebuking centralised economic systems such as the pricing dilemma.
However the strongest argument would have to be, that you're free to go and live out your socialist economies on your own, but instead choose not to because the examples often touted as successful socialism rely on a capitalist economies, meaning any hope you have for your utopia relies on using a previously prosperous system as a host, because of the second point which is that no socialist style centralised economies, and other fads such as the UBI are not self containing systems.
Socialism will never be instituted by its proponents away from the rest of us in a voluntary manner consistently with the philosophical underpinnings of capitalist thought, because it requires by definition more and more and more until everything is eaten up for a series of empty promises and ultimately, nothing.

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daily reminder: "both socialism and capitalism has faults, but socialism has a lot more faults than capitalism does"

If you're referring to Germany today, it IS failing and the only sectors that aren't are assets owned entirely by the US. I know it's a kike publication, but read a Wall St. Journal once in a month. The US owns 90% of Sberbank, Germany's largest financial institution since and nearly 50% of it's second largest bank. The US, for all intents and purposes, owns Germany. Nothing moves there without the US saying so. When Jow Forums says Germany sold out it's people to foreign interests, they're not lying, and I'm saying this as an American who actually benefits from us raping your little faggot pro-migrant pro-tranny shithole. Your leaders ran a once-amazing country into the fucking ground and we Americans took the opportunity to pick up the best pieces for ourselves. If you know shit about Germany or read any publication, you would know around February/March of this year their financial institutions were in meltdown mode. We bought it all and now own it. Modern down krauts are just pussies who've been taught they can't fight back and too stupid to handle their own affairs. Thanks for those banks, idiots. No need to worry about chinks taking over, America already owns most of your shit. You think Trump laughs at Merkel because he doesn't know what's going on; he laughs at her because he knows she can't do shit or we'd sink your entire country into another post WWI shithole with the push of a button. I wish half of you faggots with an "opinion" actually took time to read about world events, geopolitics, and financial power plays before you shit up this board with your nonsense. Germans are about as stupid as canadians walking around with their thumbs up their asses thinking more gay pride parades will fix everything, meanwhile we're buying all your shit right from under your noses.

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>Colonizing the moon
Know how I know you're an illiterate dumbass who doesn't know what the fuck's going on anywhere? Because you confuse mars for the moon. Don't bother posting again I won't read it.

but you aren't really "free" to test a socialist system's value in the real world if you know the capitalist countries will use their resources to undermine the government. That's not really a fair test of the idea's economic merit

read what you posted again. and try to relax and chill out if your interactions in real life are anything like your posting.

It is about love, and love follows a natural distribution. Imagine a world where a parent would let their child starve to death to feed a stranger. This is not a healthy society. In fact, this is the late stage of a dying society. Imagine the degree of oppression you would need to force this on people. It would be hard to suppress because it is a biological (evolved) instinct. This is all true of the higher degrees of socialism as well (e.g. protecting your own race above other races). It takes some inhumanity to forcibly suppress this instinct, while embodying it allows you to love by nature's design, and thus more deeply since you aren't fighting against human nature. How you could equate identity at the group level to simply sticking your dick in a hole is beyond me... I assume you've been completely demoralized and are unable to feel cultural or racial pride.

only a weak or very lonely person would take refuge in meaningless symbols of ethnic pride and ancient historical events that he had no hand in creating. Sign of a dying society indeed

The earth contains enough wealth to live on right now, with no children starving. Which is not what we have right now. The world is not a zero sum game. The problem is basically, the wealthy.

I know what I typed. It clearly says colonizing mars. You went off on some tangent about the moon. Take your meds you fucking illiterate nigger. You're wholly unprepared for this conversation and look like the 5 year old trying to sit at the adult table right now.

Sometime in the future, our genetically engineered descendants will send spacecraft to the stars, constructing Dyson spheres that harness the energy output of galaxies. What is a single planet to the inheritance of our descendants? But we have to deal with stupid ("political") stuff until that time.


shit tier logic. Socialism has a track record of success when implemented in white countries.


>collectives are weak and lonely

The problem is that people care about their children. This is not specific to the wealthy. There are plenty of middle class people who have made a good life for their family and don't want to give their wealth to poor people who aren't able to prove themselves within the current system. Forced welfare simply isn't a libertarian idea. The problem with socialism is that to implement it to the degree you want (mothering the entire world) you would need to genocide the upper and middle classes; basically anyone who wants to protect their family or values hard work will have to be eliminated, and what you're left with is the lowest class of society which is easily manipulated by the remaining oligarchy. Not to mention the fact that you've de-evolved the species by killing off the humans who had proved themselves to be the fittest under the competitive system. Evolution IS a zero sum game: It doesn't work unless the weak die.

I know you want to live in a world where everyone thinks like you, but this is far from reality, and by opening up your arms to the needy you will inevitably be abused by people who take your gifts AND THEN practice ethnic nepotism to your detriment. Better to just wise up to the reality that humans are more "animal" than you would like, before your nation gets devoured by its eager competitors.

One of the issue of socialism:
Since there is no reason for farmers to wake up early and work hard all day, not enough food is made and millions die.
Proposed solution:
The farmers own their crops and their harvest. This way, the personal situation of the farmer is dependent of the work he put in his field and enough food is made.

The 3 countries you named have capitalism. It just happen than two also have a state who dictate rules and one don't.
Somaliland, a country once part of Somalia have a state, and it is poor, corrupt and violent, but people here don't starve.

>Socialism has a track record of success when implemented in white countries.
Yea ONLY white countries, hmm......

Capitalism worked fine until libertarian neocon ideologies took hold in the 80's. Regulated Keynsian capitalism is the best we've managed so far.

Capitalism also work fine when implanted in white countries.
Really activate the almond.

yeh keep believing wests decline is the fault of poor powerless brown ppl