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Trump can really learn a lot from them
Daniel Bennett
Brayden Bell
I like to imagine they're a boy band. i can see the smoke raises behind them as the crowd goes wild.
James Russell
Nobody seems to mind that they have an ethnostate.
However, they are murderers, and I since the Indian government isn't doing anything to punish them, I say we declare them outlaws and go in and wipe them all out. Probably start by softening up the population numbers by air-dropping some measles and small-pox blankets, some infected pigs with bubonic plague fleas, and some hookers from Africa with AIDS, syphilis, and other venereal diseases.
Hunter Nguyen
to be fair, they were only defending themselves with their version of the stand your ground law.
Alexander Flores
Imagine the pleasure of disembarking on such an island with a bolt-action for a weekend with a mate. It could be done.
Hunter Sanders
Their immigration policy is perfect. If every nation copied them, we would stop the immigration crisis in its tracks, wipe out the caravan and any others trailing in their footsteps, and reverse demographic genocide both in the short-term and long-term.
Dylan Collins
Holy fuck, Chaim, Just stop.
Ryan Peterson
>However, they are murderers
You must believe the border control in your country are guilty of assault with deadly weapons for using tear gas on the caravan then.
Wyatt Watson
Their immigration policy is to let India protect them.
Two guys with rifles could genocide their entire culture if they wanted.
Grayson James
But their GDP is like zero. They need immigrants to boost their economy.
Nathan Fisher
Their immigration policy is to shank and poke the people invading them until they're dead. It's quite perfect and would be a great tool in fighting internationalist scumfucks and their toys.
Wyatt Hall
it's like if we saw an alien spacecraft and immediately shot a bunch of nukes at it
Josiah Johnson
>unwanted alien spacecraft that was repeatedly warned not to go there by the galactic federation, the local planetary space force, the media, the locals...
>and then got shot
David Myers
If colonisation was so bad, how come Indians aren't lining up at the border to defend it?
Owen Mitchell
>Sentinel nationalists
>Strong borders
>Zero migration
>No kikes
Lincoln Rivera
Based island niggers.
I want to air drop a huge cache of sniper rifles & ammo on them.
Mason Evans
21st century so far...
Extremist Muslims: fly plane into building killing over a thousand (and forever screwing flight as mode of transport), blow up a night club full of people, blow up trains, reenact scenes from GTA at public events, shoot up a bunch of cartoonists...
White Right Wingers: "Bloody Muslims trying to oppress everyone with their bullshit. We need to tighten out border control."
White Left Wingers: "How dare you judge an entire people based on the actions of a few."
-----some time later-----
Some Christian Guy: "Hey, undiscovered tribe would you like to check out my favorite book?"
Undiscovered Tribe: kills him.
White Right Wingers: "LOLs"
White Left Wingers: "Bloody Christians trying to oppress everyone with their bullshit. Good on that tribe for tightening their border control."
Sebastian Rivera
Just drop some pamphlets on Karl marx and feminism and watch their society crumble.
Kevin Myers
We can learn much from the little niggers of that island
Noah Turner
Christian Reyes
false equivalency and genuinely retarded
Jack Thompson