Cattle die

Cattle die,
kinsmen die,
you yourself will die;

I know one thing that never dies
the fame of a dead man’s deeds.

Attached: varg.jpg (600x756, 209K)

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the only history that will be recorded in europe will be muhammed's life story in 100 years time


>fame of a dead man’s deeds
>never dies
It dies if you don't even have writing invented.

Lol the man who invented the thing is irrelevent. It's the thing he invented that matters. You think because one person thought of it that he'll be the only one? You will all be forgotten in time

that you, Kristian Vikernes?
nice larping outfit

Jews will write whatever they want about you when you're dead, and a few years from now people will only remember whatever (((they))) wanted them to remember.

I want to piss in Varg’s mouth.

oral tradition
learned men

His only reason for fame is his pre-prison music. if more people knew about the retarded shit he spouts today he would have more haters than fans.
Worked well for the pagan Europeans, right?

yet another vagina mouth thread. how original

If written records had existed, the christians would have burnt them anyway

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All are mortal men, but fair fame will never fade
For the man who wins it

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Is there a bigger cuck? He literally believes his wife ””””remembers”””” shit. He complains that our history is misled and made up, but has NOOO fucking problem making his own shit up (for shekels, ofc). But you kinda can see that even himself doesnt believe the shit he says. Sad, really. We dont know shit, and we wont know shit until every church is destroyed and we dig under them to find more stuff, simple as that. And there is no garantee we will find anything by doing so. But ofc, we should desteoy the churches regardless, they have no place in Europa. And that IS a fact, so there I agree with him. Also, I fucking hate viking larpers. Our history goes back 10.000 years and beyond, not fucking 1000 years ago when 80% of europa already where christfaggots. Rant done

Beowulf's story wasn't written down until ~900s

And that will die too in time. nothing is permanent

Christcucks wrote long epics about pagan kings

Your deeds become so powerful even your enemies are forced to tell them

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I'm starting a gofundme to buy varg a lifetime supply of ExLax so he can stop looking constipated in every photo.

Looking for historical knowledge of a life system based on genetic mastery and knowing oneself is completely assinine. It's like saying we have to "discover" the right diet by dissecting a caveman.