Global Warming is Real

Global warming is real, but not because of wide spread industry, holes in the ozone layer, overpopulation or some other meme reason.
The truth is God is going to flood this motherfucker again, because we've all devolved into a state similar to animals.
Have you made your peace with God anons? Will you be like Noah? Or will you be washed away with the degenerate filth.
The second great flood is coming. Consider yourselves warned.

Attached: 1880_to_2002_Global_Avg_temps.gif (302x226, 9K)

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No he won’t, that’s why we have rainbows.

>Global Warming is Real
wew lad

Lots of cancer going on in that post.

> warned [ x ]
> not warned [ ]
Do as you will faggot.

Attached: 1539453507972.png (840x611, 436K)

its real but not because of humans

Attached: 1539453947371.jpg (720x468, 84K)

and between 2030 we are going straight to the next ice age

what about the Super Grand Solar Minimum incoming over the next five years, OP?


Attached: 1539453882505.png (1370x533, 90K)

great we are all going to get flooded because women couldnt keep their legs closes and men couldnt keep their pants on

ok, maybe not five years. in our lifetime, though. yeah... fuck global warming.
want to jew as many people as possible? create a start-up centered around the issue. idiots will throw money at it. use the money to situate yourself near the equator, for when the time comes.

Global flooding is over. Global fire is next.

that california shit was man-made.
the planet is about to get cold as fuck.

And where does the excess water come from?

Atlantis - Alt-Land-Is - All land is ice.

It would take an act of God to rectify this situation.

wake up to yourself you globalist serbian $hill,

It is a worldwide taxation system. why will you not fight your owners you cattle stock?

sounds comfy to me

Chart only shows back to 1880. What do you have to hide?

i think the modern minimum needs a better name

fyi false prophets go to hell.

I hate most people today. Why shouldn't I root for global warming to wipe them out?

So you invoke God, but you disregard the part where God made the promise of never destroying the World again by flood of water? The next great culling will be done, when it is done, through fire, not water.