This 1st December is Romania turns 100. I propose to show our gratitude to Romanian posters by pressing S

This 1st December is Romania turns 100. I propose to show our gratitude to Romanian posters by pressing S.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I rather G, for Gypsy

transylvania je hungaria


literally nobody cares


Kek, my grandma's house is older.

wasn't Romania united in 19th century?

I can't wait to be nuked.

Based & redpilled.
Gypsy thieves are still gypsy thieves. Just beacause they moved into a country built by Hungarians, Székelys and Germans, that does not make them Europeans.

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Ohh, tank you!

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When are we splitting them? A common border with Hungary would be sweet.

What's the point of a made up nation anyway? Romanians can't provide a map of Romania that is older than 150 years when they magically spring up... makes you think.

Happy Birthday Chad

they celebrate when they stole land from hungary in 1919
>Alba Iulia
why dont you subhumans celebrate it in a southern commie shithole you call city, dont bother us transylvanians with your noise.
>Just beacause they moved into a country built by Hungarians, Székelys and Germans, that does not make them Europeans
True, we push for a independent Transylvania free from the claws of B*karest

Those are all-terrain support vehicles. They wouldn’t stand a chance when faced with a gattling gun.

Notice how the Carpathian Mountains divide Romania into two. I wonder what that means.

Pic unrelated

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Are you one of those fuckers organizing that fucking pogrom at Alba Iulia in the weekend? If yes I want to shit in your mouth.

Our message is clear we do not want you here in Transylvania, we are not the same people. Go parade in your shithole B*karest

Pfu futuvan gura pidarilor

Gypsymania should be nuked into oblivion with Ukraine.

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Moлдoвa мaи пpecyc дe тoaтe

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The moment Romania signs the UN agreement for expansion of antisemitism and right-wing propaganda you will all be fucked. Step down before the DIICOT slams in your doors.

Ayy lmao, my sides.

Transylvania + Moldova vs Muntenia/B*karest

you cannot backstab us again, we will be prepared

I know nothing about Romania but can’t wait to nuke.

Attached: 6CB6954B-0ABA-4F52-81C1-9FC3673D7792.png (640x320, 112K) my sides too lmfao

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>r*ma-nian complaining about backstabbing
The ironing.

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I? Nope I won’t do shit because I don’t live in the area. I will watch it because you are all dumb and predictable.

thanks for the insulin

Fucking flag, show real one.

Yes it’s called parallel export.

When is Romania going to reunite with Moldavia

I am not r*manian you idiot
>thanks for the insulin
nice r*manian propaganda, if you listen to them, they will tell you they are at the center of the univers

Post ITT instead faggots.

((((This thread))) appeared immediately after the Hungarian thread was posted.

Slide thread much, GYPSIES?

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take your meds


Ukranian, Bulgar, Russian. Nigger pls what are you?

Chuck Norris should have skipped the botox.

We got no clue. However Moldova’s citizen are able to get Romanian citizenships too easily since 2001 but most just apply to get an EU passport these days and move away.


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Op,we all know your real flag,we understand why you're hiding it, Hungary it's a shithole

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Based and redpilled.

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You can talk when your country will show on a important map T. urk

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Stop whining about it laws arent respected in the country to begin with.

Gratitude for what?

Was your grandmas house inhabited by turks for the past 500 years since 1878, just like your country?


Based can you post your hungarian passport?


Ukraine and Russia are provoking each other into war while Romania is a critical junction point NATO in this and you brainless faggots organize a pogrom on Facebook with clear “”down with the government”” rethoric then you shitpost the whole net with it thinking SRI hasn’t tagged you already.
Laws will applied in your case. By 100%

Magyarul csak tudsz fasszomfütyje.

Once you see it

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>down with the government
We aren't #rezist fags
Badita ai grija

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The origin of the holy Romanians:

As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.

Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't left space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.

Source: Gesta Romanium

>pic related, ancient warrior of the army of The Romanian Empire

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How much you want to be they will not do anything.And I am not even a bozgor but I hate this country with a passion so I am all for them even lynching romanians too.

I chuckled because I was born in Rome.
4/5 needs to be more insulting for Romanians

>SRI hasn’t tagged you already.
Oh, and I tagged SRI fags in my city ;)
Have a friend whose gf has a mother that works for them, once you get few names you can make connections (they're pretty retarded for "intelligence" organisation, and midgets too, kek)

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S is actually for Spit on gypsies

No you are some 17yo underage punk.
Criminal liability stars at 14 here, not at 18 as the American movies made you believe. You will be legally declared an adult then processed in a trial accordingly. There is no upwards time limit for your hearing in the case of high treason, you can be questioned 4 days straight without letting you sleep a full 8 hrs. So 6 hrs of sleep and a meal and the next round starts until you will crack. And you will crack the first day.

>when Sergiu Nicolaescu starts writing fiction instead of historical scripts

i lost most of my romania folder with my old computer

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Private opinions are only constitutionally protected completely by the USA if they are expressed by the person PHYSICALLY present on US soil. By hiroshi stating all posts are the property of the poster you are practically a Romanian soap bubble floating above the USA.
Romanian law applies to you here 100%
This will be fun to watch on TV.

Maybe you are on meds? Looks like you should be.

No this is current protocol.

I wonder if Vee is lurking Jow Forums sometimes.

Oh no not romanian law, please anything but that how will I survive some fat neckbeard coming to my door to ask me to give a statement.Fuck off with your shitty threats I as an ethnic romanian support the hungarian minority movement and hope they will mass kill all romanians in Alba Iulia.

Yes you are clearly underage.

Try again sweetie.

Will this help dear Hungarian neighbor?

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Kek La Maxim
It's over
I believe you 100%
Asta de la tata o stii?
Sa prind un cacacel ca vine la mine si ma acuza de tradare, il zbor

Ai auzit ba? Porcule care esti! Sa cureti tara de tigani, bozgori si corupti, dupa mai vorbim
Sper sa ti violeze un tigan nevasta sau fica, sa vezi tu pe cine aperi si pe cine ataci defapt

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shut up gypsy boy youre nigger

Esti prost!

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suga pula

iți sug pula pentru 1k euro

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As a man and as a romanian it is really sad to see my fellows fighting each others in this thread, they could be hungarians or moldovians yes or just average romanian victim mentality who always complain about everything and do nothing in real life. This country is cursed with people without any kind of common solidarity. There is no country in the world with so divided people, soon it will be a buffer zone again. Im moving to Texas, bye all.

Deci pe plan potențial trădare, ultraj, calomnie, amenințare, instigare la aceste fapte. Ești frumos de tot. Am și jurist și polițist în familie te aștept cu drag.


wait, this map doesn't feature in the austro-hungarian colonialist pamphlet help this gypsy is oppressing me!!! Stop stealing my land!!!11

Oh wow un alt retardad de roman in strainatate.

Based and redpilled.

Oh look, another crappy commie thread

Oh please no, not you we can lose everybody in the country but not you.How will the world keep moving around if you go.

Any nazi marches like in Poland?

Wallachia was occupied. Transylvania and Moldova were vassals as I recollect.

Since when Etisalat allow to post on Jow Forums?

More like paid off football hooligans and drunken peasants with brown skin.

You can make it, if Rusia adopt an aggresive external policy you guys will restate solidarity, but as people said, "nu faci nimic fara pistolul la cap". This is how you are guys, Im ready to give up on degree at uni and sart a new and simply life as a barman or farmer in Texas. I couldn't find any way to help you, sorry, may the God forgive me.

Stiu ca ai bozgore :^)
Unexpected but well received
Too expensive tho, do another offer

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Yes from the hungarian side, God bless thier hearts.
This place is 100% fake. 1 autist on 50 proxies.

Congratz Romania, you are one of my best friends, I wish you 1000 more years of celebrations.

Romania isn't even a real country.

I was being ironic to the extreme, the level of stupidity you posses if off the charts, I doubt you have a degree on anything.Also hope some cartels will fuck you over after all Texas is spic territory.Oh and make sure to no come back after you will see how amazingly safe USA is, I hate you people that return the most.

I hope Russia invades your shithole on your anniversary, so they can spend Christmas Day in Serbia.

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