>How come everyone wants to come to white countries but nobody wants to go to brown countries?
>Why does the whole world wear suits and speak English instead of speaking Spanish and wearing Ponchos? It's not really about colonization because English is the most taught language in the world.
>How come science, medicine, music, and technology's accepted forms in the modern age all originated and are most furthered by white people?
What are some other ones?
Questions that shortcircuit lefties
>questions to short circuit pol
Where's the wall?
> if race is a social construct how can i be a racist?
>How come everyone wants to come to white countries but nobody wants to go to brown countries?
"because white people stole the brown countries' resources"
>Why does the whole world wear suits and speak English instead of speaking Spanish and wearing Ponchos? It's not really about colonization because English is the most taught language in the world.
"because white people invaded other countries and forced their culture on everyone"
>How come science, medicine, music, and technology's accepted forms in the modern age all originated and are most furthered by white people?
"because white people steal all the jobs and education for themselves and don't give brown people a fair shot"
you're not going to "short circuit" their brains, they have (stupid) answers to all these questions and you'll never "win" an argument, it will just descend to chimping out and you getting surrounded by a gang of sophist thugs
>"because white people steal all the jobs and education for themselves and don't give brown people a fair shot"
They've had preferential treatment for decades now
None of these short-circuit anyone. They answer racism, cultural appropriation or colonisation to all of them.
>brown people cant stop white people or into social engineering
>"The object of oratory alone is not truth, but persuasion."
>Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay
>"Facts don't matter"
>scott dilbertman
>if there are an infinite number of genders, how come the gender pay gap only looks and male and female earnings?
And what is this racial quotas you speak about?
You will never convince rhetorical thinkers with dialectic. If you're arguing with them it means you've already lost.
>How come science, medicine, music, and technology's accepted forms in the modern age all originated and are most furthered by white people?
You're such a fucking faggot. Things black people have created: Jazz, Rock and Roll, Blues, Rap, watermellons, Mandella effect, backflips, ebola. List goes on, get educated.
On this forum we do have people spreading misinformation. But once you confront them with facts, they go away like a bunch of cockroaches when you turn on the light. That tells me that there is value in using the truth to confront others. Truth naturally wins out.
Judaism and Islam can only survive in a society were lies are enforced.
>if black men are so good where is your dad?
>if diversity is so good how come we only implement it in white countries?
>isnt it horribly racist of us to not share the benefits of diversity and focus on implementing it in africa first to make up for slavery?
^ are the stereotypical answers, and he's also right that you won't move a single head by asking those questions.
If you want a good question, try this:
>Why should we all be in the same political union, despite having massive, disparate beliefs about how we should conduct our lives?
>Why should a person who lives in rural Kentucky have any say at all in how someone who lives in urban California lives their life? And vice versa?
>Because white people invented the concept of race to justify oppressing others.
Your question inherently accepts their assertion that "racism is evil". You will never win by arguing in your opponents frame.
Based Engrish teacheru
Anonymous kashmiri mosaic image boards are not real life.
>they should after their history of oppression and slavery
Seriously, logic doesn’t beat feelings with them
They can’t make a public spectacle of you on an anonymous board, that’s way. Any other medium or in public, you’re screwed