40 anti-riot police called as back up in Paris for this saturday
84% think the movement is necessary and justified
40 anti-riot police called as back up in Paris for this saturday
84% think the movement is necessary and justified
Reminder that this is not about fuel prices, or taxes, but how taxes wealth is not properly redistributed in France.
Protesters are mainly white rurals
Shit is gonna get interesting.
>80% in favor of the movement
>20% approval rating for Macron
>70% of French people want a referendum about migration policies
>80% raise in government ministers salary
>0% raise on the minimum wage in January
>2% raise for electricity taxes in january
>Macron and his cronies saying that everything is fine and they will keep going in the same direction
>Fuel is too expensive ?
>They should buy new cars
yes, he really said that
fucking macron
And new windows for the house
Parisian here, nothing will ever happen because Paris is too pozzed to give a shit about white rurals
I do dream about a destitution of Macron tho.
But it has to happen within a year. Because after that it's essentially presidential election time and nothing will change.
Call me naive if you want but I feel like the only way for this movement to produce results is to form an independent POLITICAL entity that will run for the European campaign. Otherwise it's just gonna be noise slowly dying out just like les Bonnets Rouge, Nuit Debout etc
>At first, Macron refuse to bulge on the fuel tax. His offers, including a “super prime” bonus of €4,000 when you buy a less-polluting car, were judged out-of-touch – a lot of the protesters can’t afford to buy a new car, even if they want to.
HAHA, I had my doubts but this is hilarious, it's like this dude wants to be killed.
he's literally asking for it
>form an independent POLITICAL entity
And become as cucked as the rest.
As of now, the powers that be see these protesters as cucks who will eventually go back to their rural shitholes. Might as well give it a try don't you think?
Or what do you think should be done?
Remember how some fags here were pushing macron as the stealth /ourguy/?
Fucking laughable.
Take over a Norman castle and declare yourself an independent duchy. No balls.
But not a fucking peep about being over run with stupid niggers by treasonous politicians
nice, but shorter is better
"l'essence est trop chère ?"
"qu'ils conduisent des électriques"
God save France and curse all globalists
>become as cucked as the rest
that's pretty much the case already
yesterday, there was a yellow vest speaker that found nothing to answer but stuttering when youtre el crif told him micron's ruling wasn't a dictature, because he wouldn't even be allowed to talk under a dictature
or another one, at midday on lci, found nothing to answer to a raie publique en marche parliament member reproached him not to want to pay anymore taxes (yeah, totally crazy, when tax pressure is at 70% of earnings, right?)
the only thing that may work is rising entropy, again and again
Chaos brings change
Don't believe in macaroni lies, he rose the taxes on work, he just lowered one.
proof that there is no niggers in rural France maybe
% raise for electricity taxes in january
You don't know half of it. The tax money is directly given to EDF as various subsidies and to cover their very, very generous retirement plans. We are talking in billions per year.
Fuel taxes are a tax on the whole economy , energy , food, basically everything is moved by the price of fuel
It´s like a tax on living , and you keep letting govenments spend more and more and they will rise this tax more and more.
Eventually you end up like us working 230 days a year to pay taxes and being basically a slave.
The keynsian welfare ponzi system is doomed to collapse.
>the powers that be see these protesters as cucks who will eventually go back to their rural shitholes
On the contrary. The government and BFT TV are trying to pull some "yellow vest representatives" out of their hat to corrupt them and try to send people home
These "yellow vest speakers" are government plants. One of them got exposed as a media tool already. Nobody in the movement even knows these people
The core of the movement is distrust to organized political parties and unions.
posting ultra-boomer
>These "yellow vest speakers" are government plants
most likely
like most chimpouters last saturday were cops dressed as "civilians" and burning the barricades people were raising (they even wore the same full face breathing masks as cops shock troops)
I really hope something kicks off in France. Memes aside, I love you guys.
Love you too Brit.
We have been competing for centuries but this battle is bigger than us.
One of them, I already forgot the name, spent a lot of time on BFM TV and said "I'm not calling for a rerun this Saturday". But in the region where he comes from nobody has seen him at any of the protests. And his linkedin account had suspicious ties.
But people aren't getting fooled by these tricks anymore, the real news travel too fast online
he can't afford his monster drink anymore and he is very angry about it
Greek are better than us at this
>vote Macron
>be mad that Macron does what the promised
Its like people dont even inform themselves before voting
>butane canister bombs
damn dude, they weren't fucking around
>mfw tax evasion cost us between 80 billion and 120 billion every year
during the campaign, he quoted pompidou (former president) saying he wanted to stop buggering the French
he did promise to do a watermelon transition (green outside, red inside), though
anyway, le pen is even more economically leftist than micron...
Have you seen Marlen schiappa deepthroating macron's dick once again this morning Haha that fcking whore deserves the marie antoinette treatment.
Biggest puppet i have ever seen in politics.
The absolute state of this government
They think they're being subtle with their attempts to manipulate the people
she's mostly there to pursue the communist long march through the institutions, anyway
100% sure he will win euro elections this spring.
We are retards.
And he would have probably won the next presidential elections but Jacque Attali said the next president will be a woman
And when Attali says something......
Yeah that bitch is pathetic. The feminazi robot. Everything bad is white males. Except Macron, Macron is perfect.
I'd take a jab at germans and Merkel but it seems your people actually like her, what the fuck is up with that?
The thing about Macron's campaign was that he promised everything and it's opposite. The MSM went turboshill before he even presented a program, he was fucking everywhere at all times.
micron isn't exactly a male
so there's that
Its not that people like Merkel, its more about people being scared of the "extreme" left and right, so they prefer to stay in the middle. Now that this middle in form of SPD / CDU crashed pretty hard, people (mostly young students) are voting greens, because its a "feel-good-party" (Disregarding the fact that greens proposed that small criminal acts shouldnt be prosecuted because all our jails are full, but ask any green voter if he is aware of that).
Also the "we-have-always-voted-for-CDU/SPD boomers" who will never change their ways.
French cops beat up an old lady protester. I thought the cops in france were right wing?
Yeah they push the ones that they have dirt on so they can destroy/manipulate them easy.
I bet we will find out on bfm most of the chosen spokesmen have ties with far right groups or shit like that.
>french acting like niggers
Nothing new here.
Riot cops are faggots. They just want to beat people up, they don't care what color and age.
>bonus of €4,000 when you buy a less-polluting car
>Cheapest electrical car is about 20.000 euros for a fucking Citroën lunchbox
>Asking this of people who have trouble putting aside 100 euros at the end of the month
He seriously is asking for it.
So when do you actually get off your arse and do something meaningful. You know the protests won't do shit, so why not hit the (((elites))) where it hurts?
Yeah and he thinks he's right and the people is wrong.
When he talks to the people he doesn't try to find a solution, he takes a condescending tone and he "explains". He doesn't understand that no explanation is needed, that we understood everything already.
From day 1 I thought he was going to be another 1 term president but at this rate he may not even get to the end of his term.
Yellow vests are hitting the wallet already. A lot of road radar have been covered or even destroyed. Some important building blocked, sometimes with manure.
Funniest is when YV opened a bunch of highway toll barriers and told drivers "go on, it's free". One highway company is trying to ID all the cars that went in for free, to ask the drivers to pay up.
>the people: enough with the bullshit taxes, we can't even afford to survive anymore
>macron: so let's talk about the environment some more
He really is.
One time the firefighters were protesting and they still beated the shit out of them.
Plus, the 4000€ bonus is only available for people who don't pay the income tax. Meaning 20% of franches that have less than 900€/month. It's a fucking joke.
There is two ways:
>Protecting the environnement is important, so no VAT on electric cars
>Protecting the environment is important, so more taxes, but don't worry, if you are a good boy I will give some of this money back.
>Muslim gunman ends free speech in France
>hold up pencils and talk about solidarity
>Macron raises taxes to fight climate change
>violent riots
Go yellow vests !
Problem is people are well aware only a small fraction of this tax money will go toward protecting the environment.
Just need to push more. I know I am not there, but I will be if it gets worse. I am still young and fit at 25/28 years old.
You really helped everyone here with your greentext, shitskin.
No, all of the 3 billions per year will go to the environment budget. Problem, said budget was cut by 3 billions this year. What a coincidence.
The refugee budget also rose by 2 billions.
>Comparing terrorism and taxes
Bigger split than jean claud vandamme
But the taxes don't go towards the protection of the environment
Speaking of peages...
That was far-left and suburb shitskins infiltrators, as well as government agitators
When are you frogs going to become Vichy France part 2: electric boogaloo?
>cucked and led by Germany
This is Vichy 2.0
You know what I mean, national socialist France not cucked by the jews and filled with shitskins
It's going to take a while but we're on that path
Leftist class warfare oriented subversive detected
Honestly Vichy France part 1 from what I stand wasn't hardly as bad as I was originally led to believe
>talking about wealth redistribution is leftist
What if I told you that the State diverted all the tax revenue on racial suburbs and nothing on white rural areas ? Here, nationalist already understood that the only way to win this fight is talking with leftist btw.
you are a fucking bot
It wasn't one large death camp but taxation without representation is never well received. But yeah if we compare to the current situation it was pretty alright. I bet there was a lot less than 1000 "unmotivated" assaults daily.
It's an european fight if you didn't notice, chauvinistic prick
Defend your local culture as a european one, not as a french one, France is debunked now, everyone serious knows that it's a vessel against european culture
>France is debunked now
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
yellow white still the same France...PUSSIES
and you're a fucking retard
the leftists precisely are the ones wanting them and making them come here
and they're attracted here precisely because of leftist gibsmedats
gibsmedats funded by the commie tier 70% global tax rate
if we're in this shit, it's precisely because we let the leftist take root so much
fuck that shit
and fuck yours too
Trust me, considering my first ancestor in the new world (after whom I'm named) was in the continental army during the revolution, I understand the whole "taxation without representation" thing
What part of national-socialist did you miss?
Hide your butthurt Pierre and realise that France had its only legitimate move through the monarchy
Riot cops are like this everywhere.
the back of the head, obviously
that's where the bullet goes, in leftist monkeys
because a good leftist is a dead leftist, no exception
thanks friends
Try making sense any time.
Why do you hate French people?
So, the movement is getting stronger? I want happenings
>Why do you hate French people?
I only hate most
and that's because they're irredeemable, retarded, lazy, leftist parasites
Violence and destruction is how you get things done user..
if we're pussies, what does that make of you?
Why don’t France burn Paris down? Maybe macaroni will finally listen
shut the fuck up boomer
What do you plan to do about it?
Why burn a city when you can just hang a few people?
>Thanks to chinese gene editing these kind of women will become a normality.
I wish I would be born around this time so I can enjoy such marvels.
French republic is at its full force right now. You want to protect this. Germans aren't our ennemies.
redpill against leftism, until I'm fed up of it and retire to some less leftist place
>French republic is at its full force right now. You want to protect this.
>Germans aren't our ennemies.
I never said they were.
Because you will never get your hands on anyone as long as police is barricading you out burn the city is easier to accomplish and will open every ones eyes
Who's gonna pay for your retirement?