Women have no incentive to not be whores during their 20's

>Dating columnist reveals how ‘Sex and the City’ ruined her life

>I want to be a different role model from the one I got. Two months ago, I started seeing someone I never would have dated 10 years earlier. Back then, I wasn’t looking to get married or seek a lifelong partner, and that was a mistake. This man is a very reasonable choice, and I’m at a place in my life where reasonable is very sexy.


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>Roastie realizes she made bad decisions
>The article
Hope the guy is enjoying the leftovers from probably a hundred different guys.

If malethots stopped fucking whores, whores would die off
Women are literally incapable of thinking. Ok? They are whores because it's what men want (supposedly)
The only solution is cultural.

>love fist ruined my life
shit thread, OP

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> I never would have dated 10 years earlier
It's beta bux time!!!

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She really knows how to make a guy feel special.

This. Say what you will about Le Based Nigger Patrice O’Neal but he was brilliant in the dynamics of how women use their sexuality as power and we men are the ones that have the real power in setting the value for vagina. Women innately have no ability to attract a suitor other than using a carrot-stick technique with us; her pussy as the carrot. It’s not us who objectify women but themselves that use their bodies as objects to get what they want. Have women work for you.

the fuck

>And then I asked myself, “is there a way to make money doing this?”