how does it feel drumpf supporters right now to support a movement that will die out, and be replaced by the only right form of economics and governance, communism?
How does it feel to fail
>commie spokesperson is a dumb-as-doghshit Beaner that previously worked as a bartender
>the goyim know shut it down and force-meme the spic female
It’s too early for a dirty communist to be up and shitposting. Verdict: fake and gay.
We're in an era of Leftists. The only question is how close are we to the point where they do enough damage that we swing Right.
I'm just wondering if in the current age where we can record history well, will we better remember the damage the Left inevitably always causes.
Will the future Left be more or less harmful as they are now.
drumpf retard that has no argument
>muh jews are evil
your fake and gay
no offense to gay people
I honestly feel sorry for her.
why because she is more successful than you