Inter racial ads

If you consider men and women, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and other.... there are 25 total combinations of possible couples that advertisers can choose from. 20 of which would be inter racial. So why do advertisers chose the black male/white female combo so much?

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The interracial ads weed out the weak women who don't care about heritage and the power that it possesses. A huge amount of power is transferred to those who keep themselves in order.


You tell me. Such pairing is pretty rare, yet it's pushed even on services such as OpenDNS

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Because blacks are the minority women love the most?

Because of color contrast. Having a black and white person in an ad pops more than having two white people

I wish some marketing person could chime in. If companies really wanted to show diversity, you would think they would include more variety of intervracisl couples in their ads.

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Who owns and runs practically every facet of mass media and entertainment (to include advertising)?

Who has openly admitted to attempting to systematically destroy western culture?

Who has tried to subvert Christianity and Chrsitian values from the very birth of the faith?

Hmmmmmm.... who could that possibly be?????

This could be... maybe marketing people in these companies are so not racist that they only consider the artistic aspect of the ad.

all white women with black guys with an occasion white male a black female especially in magazines
its not for us though its for the younger generation who dont know any better

It is literally just color contrast

Listen to the way porn stars talk about interracial scenes, the topic of contrast is always at the top of the list. As a visual medium having two people of opposite colors pops out more than two people who share the same skin tone

Holy fuck is today is your first day here? Take your fatass back to redddit or whatever site 4channel brought you here.

>It is literally just color contrast
Explains all the WMBF adds

—Most degenerate magazines are made in Am*rica
—Therefore the easiest inter-racial couple would be a BMWF couple.

How fucking stupid are you? Are you a roastie? You have to be... can you show l us your tits?

Boycott these brads.

Don't fall for the convenience jew and cook for yourself faggots!

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Ask Q.

Come on... show us your tits! It's the rule here. I know you can't do that on your favorite redddit page, but now you're here!

There is also the element of racist on the part of these ad companies that while claiming to be progressive, still largely associate masculinity with dark skin tones and femininity with lighter tones. These companies also implying that black people and white people are polar opposites and thus controversial. If they saw all people as equal you would see more combinations of genders and races.

in Canada at least i notice basically every sort of interracial couple in the ads

Where I lived in America it wasn't rare. The real mystery is why there are so few white male + asian female or latina ads. Black male white female is not rare but all racemixing white white males is suspiciously absent in the Jewish media.

sadly, no one that needs to read that will ever do
way above their heads

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> t. brainlet hasn't read OP link
that combination is overrepresented

I’m glad, we don’t need any more white fish racemixing

In what world would this fucking happen? jesus

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>It’s colour contrast goys
>you’re just paranoid racists

it's to make fun of white people. Historically it was the black people of the US that struggled the most with racial acceptance and were literal slaves at some point. so they push this idea because african americans were always the most hated by whites, and had the least power until recently. as a middle eastern man, i'm offended that they aren't doing arab/white woman ads. islamophobes nog

you are a paranoid racist

Because, as seen in this board, it creates fuzz

I'm still waiting for her to post tits. You KNOW it's a roastie redddit poster.

Its clearly anti-white male.

I've noticed it too OP, consider that Latinos now are a larger demographic than blacks even in America this interracial push is exclusively black male/white female. From morning shows, to advertisements on TV, it's everywhere. It's a wonder that Latinos aren't represented more than blacks on national television/sitcoms/advertisements because it's more demographically accurate. What we are seeing is perception management and it's a form of social engineering. You would think America is 40% black males and 40% white females if you lived in a cave and watched TV. This is one step below forcing interracial coupling by mandating it, as extreme as that sounds. I myself am a HAPA so It's very clear to me what TYPE of interracial coupling our social engineers want.

>being this narrow minded
Your big Arab brain doesn’t seem to understand that woman are twice as likely to succumb to advertising ploys (why most ads are directed towards them) and when you put the white female with a black male to the point of normalization it begins to take hold of the psyche making you think ‘this is normal’. It’s Jewish tricks through and through.

Quit being a race mixing degenerate

but this is literally the american dream. The daughters of europe being defiled by the descendants of the slave negroe. Americans beat their mutilated dicks to this every day and cheer on the coming muttopia.

this shit is worldwide..

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Because the niggers who made those ads are probably jealous.

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Lmao thanks kike you got me. If you want to see colour contrast you could use native Americans and white people or any other 2 groups, why is it consistently wfbm. Why is it rarely (less than 5% of interracial ads) white male black female? I mean the contrast is the same, isn’t it?

I don’t think it’s just colour contrast; if it was they would even occasionally use pakis/pajeets, who make up a far larger minority here, yet we still use exclusively blacks. There is just something titillating about the BMWF combination, the fact that it manages to trigger and draw added attention is just a bonus for marketers. Not to mention that it is the most realistic.

Was anyone in the thread where some other leaf cuck tried to claim that the colour black is "masculine" and white is "feminine"? It gave me a good idea of the headcanon they need to believe for their worldview

literally addressed this in a previous post that you can read

Lighting a shot with both light and dark skinned people in it is a pain in the ass.

because it makes people mad, it turns heads, attracts attention.

quintessentially british post

Cultural conditioning. It's not common now, but it will be.

It's always about pushing an agenda, they want to break the white male and female relationship by making race mixing seem normal.

No. Try and make me faggot.

Because black men are the pinnacle of masculinity. They are nature's peak creation moulded and perfected in the genetic cauldron that is Africa. Men of other races and ethnicities don't even come close.

They do use Indians in alot of ads as alot of them tend to have money these days. Same goes for Asians on the west coast.

Using BMWF is literally the company using racist tropes to get the attention of white women who are brought up in a culture where black men are looked down upon yet simultaneously praised for displaying masculine traits. Getting attention is the entire point of ads

Since 1980, the total percent of interracial marriages has risen from 3.2% to 8.4%. Of new marriages, the rate rose from 6.7% to 15.1%. In 2010 the most common intermarriage was white/Hispanic, at 43.3%, other mixed at 30.4%, white/Asian at 14.4% and white/black, the least common, at 11.9%

The inevitableness of gradualism.

Show your flag Israel, you cannot say anything when you're too scared to show your own flag.

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>Interracial scenes

Funny you brought that up. Porn stars, who are just glorified prostitutes and thus the absolute lowest form of life on the virtue hierarchy, STILL need to get paid more to do an interracial scene. Even with the lucrative payments some won't do it. It says a lot about what white females actually think on the matter.

It’s conditioning.
>BMWF just looks good, we should make every ad to do with couples based around this anecdote

They don't want to piss of white women because they still rely on their betrayal vote
These ads are mostly to piss off white men

Wars are engineered.

That's because white women don't marry their nigger bf's

Women are slaves to their own appearance, and trends. Magazines for the fashion world equate to billions if not trillions in revenue from female consumers. Shows, fucking handbags, dresses, whatever... they see it, they see it glamourised, they know if they have one they will be envied by their peers, and they want it. It's an extremely successful formula that plays directly to women need to feel attractive, and better that her peers.

Since they slipped the white female black male into mass media you can see the jump in interracial couples on the street, and in the clubs. In days gone by this would never have tolerated by white men, but now it is a crime in many countries to speak against it, and certainly to take any action.

This surely is the end of times, and at this rate the white race will go out with a whimper not a bang.

You going to show us your tits or what?

>roastie roastie makes a postie
>roastie roastie so nice and toastie

They need to get paid more because of American cultural racism. In the U.S. a girl who does interracial scenes is less likely to get calls for shoots where they would play something like an innocent teen. Many porn stars from Europe actually complain about this American attitude as in other countries, a whore is simply a whore and you don't have white knights get mad if Elsa Jean gets BLACKED

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Women are easily manipulated, white people are the least group preferential. So white women is ideal to manipulate for race mixing in theory.

Funny enough they actually don’t do it much. Most (((white))) women we see with black men are Jewish.

Can you spot the brainwashed cuckold displaying as much cognitive dissonance as he can?

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Since the abolishing of slavery there was a popular racist propaganda campaign that black men lusted after white women. In fact, the drug Czar who made pot illegal back in the 30's stated that it was dangerous because it would make white women lust after black men. In the cultural consciousness, the idea of white women being sacred and black men being subhuman has borne lots of strange fruit. From lynch mobs to interracial pornography.

It's taboo to metaphorically let the fine china out of the cupboard so the servant boy can play with it, in some people's minds. If you think that metaphor is crude and racist, you should hear how offensive and over the top most people in the fashion/design world's conversations are when it comes to marketing.

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I think you're just imagining things.

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Thats the most retarded thing i've heard. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about when it comes to marketing, its goals or strategies.

You heard the man
Show us those flabby jugs you call breasts, it’s only the rules.

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Great article. Very comprehensive.

>Just four mega-corporations control the vast majority of all advertising agencies. The Omnicom Group of New York, WPP of London, Publicis of Paris, and Interpublic of New York

This is the root of the constant bmwf over representation in advertising. These corporate cucks collude to promote IR pairings in advertising. They have conferences together about "diversity" where they speak openly about it and say shit no normie would ever believe. It is not some carefully analyzed strategy that sells a higher percentage of sneakers. It is social justice leftist anti-white propaganda pure and simple.

Because black women are so ugly.

Its not a racist propagand campaign its a fact. Blacks know deep down they are inferior and to get a ego boost and feel superior they target white women. In their mind its "if I can't be the white man then I will fuck the white mans woman, that'll make me equal"

aww angry insecure whitebois

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Jow Forumsforgets that WMBF marriages are by stats the most successful.
The bleaching of the Negress Is an American tradition.

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most of these add are made by "sociologist" or "film maker"

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Whites in general are easily manipulated and the most cucked. Whites will throw each other under the bus faster than any other race. Zero loyalty to one another.

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Like 95% of women don't care about virtues. Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

I've said it before: it doesn't make sense from even a marketing standpoint to show WFBM.

Jews, Asians, and Indians make more than blacks and have more disposable income; why target black men? Why is there very little targeting of black women, by contrast, as well?

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lol ashamed of my country, i hope it is not a school text book.

What is the end game? What happens when there are only mulattos left because all the white women abandoned their race and no whites were procreated?

>I've said it before: it doesn't make sense from even a marketing standpoint to show WFBM.
Marketing fag here
It does make alot of sense because there are studies showing that marketing has very little effect on peoples spending habits and its more about exposure (getting more people to see it)

the interracial ads arent to sell products user...

>Most (((white))) women we see with black men are Jewish.
I love it when their propaganda ends up poisoning themselves

>Jews, Asians, and Indians make more than blacks
All three groups generally speaking have an inferior physique compared to the average black man. The ads are intended to depict a virile strong man with a woman. The black man is the best candidate in that scenario compared to men of every other group

If it's about getting more exposure, then why is there such a push for one pairing over, say, WFWM? There is an intentional changing of the races in adverts which should indicate they want to market to a certain demographic more, correct?

You and your people are going to fucking hang, kike.

>The bleaching of the Negress Is an American tradition.
This is not something to be proud of.

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>west is fully pozzed with interracial garbage
>movies that pander to this shit sell badly
>meanwhile in japan
>they make anime about Aryans
>DragonBall Z is an Aryan anime about an actual master race
>its more popular among "minorities" than any other show in the world
>DBZ sells like fire
I almost want to laugh

>can't prove me wrong just muh flag

asians are literally the opposite of the west, they seem to embrace the superiority of white aesthetics

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>If it's about getting more exposure
You misunderstand, marketing is about exposure and it doesnt matter who is selling it really

The BM/WF thing is the main issue, its brain washing

>The BM/WF thing is the main issue, its brain washing

That's what I'm essentially getting at. That intentional pairing doesn't make sense from the marketing perspective since there are more affluent markets to target. So, there is something more behind it.

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>The white race will go out with a whimper
Literally thank god
Im gonna be fucking blondeez alot
I fucking love this timeline


Whats not to understand. Black wealth is rising. And in 50 years time there will be billions of us and minor amount of you. The wealth in the west is slowly being transferred to blacks and asians.
The next 20 to 50 years is going to be irl

Like i said, youre both missing and hitting the main point

The product will sell itself and the BM/WF is the main selling point. this is whats being marketed

And the really shitty part? its not meant for white women, its meant for white men
Its meant to make you afraid to approach white women and when you get rejected youre supposed to think she wants nogs