Free Healthcare: NOT IN THE jewSA!

Can someone explain to me why, despite most Americans wanting it, we can't have free healthcare like everyone else?

And can someone please explain to me why you think the Jews have nothing to do with it and why you think you haven’t been programmed by them to be against it?

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Too many niggers & spics

Are you really this low-IQ?
You realize COMMUNISM BAD takes the same amount of braincells as ORANGE MAN BAD right?
As a matter of fact it’s less words you have to process, so...

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Communism was BAD 100 years before orange man appeared on the scene.

Nothing’s free

>free healthcare
Please tell me who has "free healthcare."
Being automatically substracted from your salary is not "free"
But yeah, brainwashed burgers are just too stupid to for healthcare and to care for their health. Both things.
They would defend the system that constantly fucks them in the ass with their very lives and wellbeing.

NEETsocs are just commies in cool uniforms

>They would defend the system that constantly fucks them in the ass with their very lives and wellbeing.
oh wait they do
>inb4 samefag

The US can't have free healthcare because we have to pay for everyone else. Even foreign medical companies dump their costs on the US patient. When you pay $500,000 for a pacemaker in the US, someone in Europe gets one at a very steep discount.

>Jews don't want free healthcare how can one person be so retarded

According to the Jews, the Cohens are supposed to provide the free health care.

US healthcare is a scam, and the people making the money control the Democrats.

Because, like everybody already mentioned, nothing's free. I, for one, would prefer not to be losing out on money that could be used to improve the economy.

Ever look up the article, "Why I want to die at 75" by Ezekiel Emmanuel (brother of Rahm Emmanuel, both sons of a famous Israeli terrorist bus bomber) who was one of the main architects of Obamacare?

You should.

Why are you faggots replying to this bait? Just sage and hide. Jesus Christ you must really be autistic if you can't tell that this is obviously bait

We can't afford it. We have over 300 MILLION people (+illegal aliens) and we are in 22 TRILLION dollars in debt. We are for some reason the world police and all those places have Tax-Healthcare not free health care.

>most Americans wanting it
Let me do a poll on this. I'll call up the trash of society and see if they're down to receive gibs. Then I can keep using a falsified statistic for eternity in the attempt to force upon the population something that only benefits the non-contributors and the bureaucracies put in place to operate the machine that I of course will be driving.
Better question : why do you hate America so much? We are a country of choice and personal responsibility. Socialism is only desired here by those who aim to take advantage.

It's not free.

Because nobody should be forced to pay for other people's problems.

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>anything I don’t like to look at in my glorious echo chamber must be bait
Estimated IQ: 84

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yeah it's all eugenics crap but the sheeple won't wake up

free healthcare is a meme, we are waiting impatiently for NHS to finally collapse so we can finally get quality healthcare
meanwhile we are going for private treatments to Poland, Czech Republic and even Turkey
anything free is worthless

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Is that from personal experience

The insurance industry employs a large part of the population with cushy 70k-300k make work jobs, putting them out of business would be another shoa.

Yeah, but it's hilarious because he's so Jewish he came up with data to pin point the monetization of a person's life based on age and the statistical probability of what a person might contribute back to society at that age and what the value would be.

It's all part of the stuff they fed into the IBM WATSON computers to figure out who gets to live and who gets to die. It's beyond some kind of science fiction dystopia novel.

We already have free healthcare retard, if you make less than like 2k a month you're covered by the state 100% for everything so long as you apply. People with money should be able to pay for their own shit, people who don't have money already get free healthcare. What don't you idiots understand after seeing the situation in other countries with universal healthcare? Stop trying to fuck everything up.


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Heealth care, life, is a right.

Who pays for it if it's free.


>free healthcare
Literally fucking kill yourself dumbshit nigger.

You are the retard.

People working part time or were working full time but lose their job can not get covered by the state.

there were many jewish nazis but expect the brainwashed useful idiots to keep their eyes wide shut

Based Estoniabro

Wrong, not sure what state you live in, but everyone here has AHCCCS who makes less than about 25k a year. It's not dependent on hours.

omigawsh you mean the US government collaborated with the NAZIs?

>be 'merican
>get circumcised
>pay for it

when will mutts learn

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give government complete control over healthcare is giving complete control of healthcare to the Jews. why on earth do you think the leftist Jews are pushing it so hard?
paying more shekels for an inferior product.

free healthcare isn't free, it's gouged from the middle class and most certainly not the rich.

"Free" healthcare works where the populations are already healthy.

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please educate your ignorant ass, thanks.

I fucking hate fat people.

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gibs me dat health mufuga!!!

They eat themselves to death and then expect me to pay for it.

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>Communism was BAD

Where did you got this info? ah i see, from the mainstream media

Who needs another Operation Gladio up his ass? Is it you?

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Because nothing is free you fucking kike. You and your Federal Reserve will find that out one day.

What’re you complaining about, you had facism

of course they didnt bcuz they wuz jooooss hail hortler


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Free healthcare isn't necessarily a communist idea, that is stupid.


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Yeah it is. It's what their kohanim are supposed to do. And it was never "free" but rather they were supposed to be supported by the rest of the community in order to free the healers from a profit motive.

But that's like actual heeb stuff, not babylonian talmudism.

this, thats stoopid where would we get muh roadz

>knows communism

oh ok

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We should understand americans being so obsessed against any form of socialism. They are 56% white and they have to work dubble in a sane commune society

>I still have to work everyday and pay ridiculous prices for gas
>i get punished for working

To be fair, Americans are so unhealthy that free health care would bankrupt you faster than the military industrial complex.

What the hell is a commune society? Is that like the one I worked double in with a bunch of friends in college to pool resources and abuse the system because I was almost the only one with a steady job?

Or is that like my family where I sometimes work double because, well, it's my family.

communism is the opposite of communes it's all orwellian double speak


It is not a question over whether or not to use violence... there simply is no other way!

We've been bankrupt for a long time now, people just don't know because paper/digital money is so cheap to make.

>What the hell is a commune society?

Germany, Italy and most of european countries where social commune societies. We'll become like you in near future. Society is getting wrecked/alienated by immigration

They want you to sign in to put you on a list of people who are potentially “problematic”

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Oh shit.

>Can someone explain to me why, despite most Americans wanting it, we can't have free healthcare like everyone else?
do you really want more free stuff in a country full of spic-niggers, chink-niggers, white-niggers and actual niggers?

Why do you want to pay for others that are only leaching from the system.
public services like public healthcare etc only work in white only countries that are shaming welfare leachers (aka white trash)

I would not want Medicaid or Veteran Affairs coverage at any price.

My cat and dog get better treatment at a better price than I ever have.

I can explain it very simply. There is an artificial restriction on doctors in this country.

The American Medical Association (a union) artificially restricts the number of doctors in this country using the Residency Program.

As in every system, when you artificially restrict supply, prices skyrocket and service becomes progressively worse.


Oh, you mean something similar to what we over here call "Scandiavian Socialism" like what once made Sweden the shining example of what things could be like?

Indeed, you can't expect that to work if you have a slime-mold of 3rd world outsiders there to exploit it.

it's a slave morality system meant for the weak and lazy in the context of a non-homogeneous country.

It's not that great.
I currently have an ear infection. Tried getting an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow but they don't do that, only in the day and it's pot luck whether I can beat Benita to it before she takes all the appointments for her kids.
And when I do see the doctor I'll have to pay £20 for the prescription anyway.
Rather than just buying the antibiotics directly.

Has the internet been of any use for you to see if you can do something about it on your own? I think, just as with people not even really knowing how to change a tire anymore, that the solution is going to need to come from people being able to take care of simple things with their own abilities rather than relying on a gigantic system to basically help them pull up their underpants all the time.

>implying residency is for an arbitrary amount of years

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It's really hard to buy stuff like that here directly, all the reputable online chemists require a prescription. And I wouldn't want to risk importing plus I want it fast because my ear hurts :p
Oh also for added fun, my doctor's has opted out of the online booking system (the third version FYI at god knows what cost)

You can't have nice things, free things and, niggers in the same house.

That is why no.

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Residency is for 2 years and it is mandatory, you can not become a doctor without going through residency.

The number of residencies per year has not grown since the 70s. Medical schools turn down more than 50% of elegible candidates because they can not make more graduates than there are openings in the Residency Program.

Communism literally is being ruled by Jews. That's why all the goyim starve to death pennyless in the freezing cold. While being worked to death.

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Well, I wasn't talking about being able to get your hands on antibiotics directly (although if that's what you really need you might wonder if there's a way to get some for your dog or whatever like that, since it might even be better stuff than you could get from your doc if you looked into it). But the thing is antibiotics aren't always going to be the magic silver bullet going forward, so you'd want to see if there's some other way to deal with it in case one day the antibiotics available, if they are, won't be able to do the job.

Catch my drift?

Imagine wanting to gamble your health by being forced to accept the cheapest doctor government contract money can buy.

I want the right to opt-out and get a doctor I trust. Explain why i can't have that.

>"Scandiavian Socialism"

It's just normal socialism. It only happens that scandinavia wasn't enriched

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If the left could focus on ANYTHING we would probably have free healthcare already for better or for worse. But what do they want?

*Free health care
*Open borders

Yeah, let's just offer free health care to everyone in the entire fucking world so a nation of 300 million that already has an overtaxed, understaffed health care system where most doctors and nurses already have to work overtime to meet the demand of boomers too fat to walk who ride a scooter into the doctors office along with 200 pound goblinas and 300 pound le-as (the dash don't be silent).

Let's bring the hordes:
*A billion ebola dead body washing aids infected africans
*A billion overweight south and central american peasants
*A billion poojeets who think that the toilet is haunted and have god knows what kind of 1800s tier diseases with post 2015 mutations
*A billion camel fuckers who will come for health care and flip shit because their nurse isn't dressed like a ninja

We'll just turn the US into a free clinic for the entire third world. We have UNLIMITED resources here including trained medical staff. If we run short we'll just send 80 IQ sub humans to medicol records collidge and they'll fill in the manpower gap, anyone can be trained to do any job, right?

But wait, there's more. If the DSA acts now they can also throw in:

*Universal basic income
*Guaranteed federal jobs
*Free medicol records collidge for all, le-a get her digree in medicol records.

How to pay for it? We'll cut the military budget even though that will only pay for ONE of these programs, we won't need the military anymore because anyone who wants to attack us we'll just invite here and offer them free shit.

t. Assblasted aspiring resident

Well, that's the technical term that our elite Lefty thinkers use for it, which is kind of legit considering it hasn't really worked out except for that general part of the world. And these days they're out there giving talks and holding conferences because it isn't working anymore and they're grappling with having to admit that model probably isn't going to work again.

Considering how much other dysfunctional socialism there is in the world, I wouldn't go around calling that "normal." Don't forget that the USSR was a union of socialist republics. Some people thing that was communism, but it wasn't. That was a union of soviet socialist republics.

- Free police , or you pay them every time they come to your home?
- Free firefighters, or you paid them everytime they put out a fire?

- Free healthcare? NO WAY

Thankfully i live in a country where if you go to the public doctor you pay 7 euros and if you have cancer you pay nothing.

Forgot to add, aren't most of burger doctors in fact (((doctors))) ?

Yes, it comes out of the Rockefeller family (agents of Rothschild) where you have to belong to a secret club that allows you to have a license to practice, and then you get kicked out if you don't play by (((their))) rules and follow (((their))) standard of care and sell enough of (((their))) harmful counterproductive drugs.

That's after you spend a quarter of your life in trauma-based mind control and taking out (((loans))) that you need to play the game in order to be able to pay back.

Woman Discharged From Hospital, Left Out In Cold

The TV news literally advertises places to go to keep warm when it gets cold. It's not the job of a hospital to heat up all the bums and rejects who can't figure out how to not die in the winter.

She was discharged from the hospital with nothing but her hospital gown. But since for you this is the way a hospital should treat people, I done talking to you.

Have you gunz and grab them well , that all you have.

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What was so wrong with her clothes that she didn't get them back before being discharged?

Do you know how expensive it is to stay in a hospital? No sane person wants to be there any longer than necessary. In addition, it's the best place to go to if you want to get a sickness you didn't already have. Where's your fucking head at?

And fat people. I consider fat people to be worse than ordinary niggers. Also faggots require absurd amounts of health care because of their degenerate behavior.

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>it isn't working anymore
that's what you get when you open borders

>the USSR
if you were less autistic they would not spend most of gdp on army but in other better things. What are doing now btw

>free healthcare
Its not free. Im not paying more tax so niggers that eat mcdonalds everyday can get heart meds and not change. Im not paying for elective procedures like trannies cutting their dicks or or whores getting implants. Im not paying for assholes to keep their invalid spawn alive.

You're blaming the USSR's military budget on how the US didn't like them? This is reaching further into the toilet than a Polish toilet cleaner.

forced generosity is not moral

hmm, 'universal healthcare' wants me to pay for transgenders getting their parts cut off, obese people getting bypass surgeries, and half the population that wants to kill me for my political siding.