What did (((they))) mean by this?

What did (((they))) mean by this?

Attached: 1543415865206.jpg (779x1024, 293K)

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This exact thread and title was posted yesterday around this time. Slide thread designed to subvert and distract discussion.

Go onto YT there are loads of people that decode Economist covers. A lot of this shit doesn't get connected until months later when the false flags it pertains to come about.

why is the art flipped but the titles not?

jews are schizos

Davinci would reverse stuff to hide his thoughts and inventions.

thanks Yankee, very cool!

tired of their shitty programming.

>responding to refugees

If the article is longer than 2 words ("Fuck off"), it isn't worth reading.

that's 80% of Jow Forums atm. too many insecure kikes and nonwhites will waste an entire evening cancering up this board.