>”Muh silent majority!”
This is what Trump supporters stammer when they can’t think of any other response to a reasonable argument.
Or to the fact that 60% of Americans disapprove of Trump.
>”Muh silent majority!”
This is what Trump supporters stammer when they can’t think of any other response to a reasonable argument.
Or to the fact that 60% of Americans disapprove of Trump.
As the boomers die out, so does the Republican Party.
This.. and with increased immigration it will favor us democrats, too. The Trump thing is just a last gasp from dying white trash.. their time is over soon.
It's almost as if democracy dies after an influx of foreigners
multiracial democracies vote based on ethnicity
Thanks for the nice table to shove in Ben "it's not race it's ideology" Shapiro types. Your table shows if you care about ideology you best start caring about race
It's more like democracy is the perfect type of government to control the masses. It's perfect, make them think they actually have choices so they think it's all fair. Its hilarious
>The Trump thing is just a last gasp from dying white trash
I bet in 2030s you'll still be saying this.
>S-So what that the GOP candidate won the White House here in 2036, they're days are almost over...
But the conservative Republican ideology is racist.
This is borne out by decades of examples.
>60% of Americans disapprove of Trump.
Where are you getting this number from?
Once the democrat party becomes the main party and Republicans die out, it too will split. There will never be a majority mindset in a multicultural society. Especially one as big as America.
Its the same fucking rhetoric from 2008 user. These retards will be screaming the exact same shit for years to come all while gun ownership are expanding and leftard still screeching.
19000 responses. Kinda low don't you think?
Are you brain-dead or just delusional? How do you think a majority non-white nation is going to vote?
>As the boomers die out, so does the Republican Party.
Cuckservatives need to go. It will be a two party system of Democrats and European Nationalists in the future
Keked. Thanks.
The GOP is retarded. They have no idea what they're doing.
>The same goes for a huge portion of the population.
who the fuck cares about niggers and spics you retard
Hillary, are you still sucking Jim Comey`s dick.
>whites voting majority Democrat literally ever since fucking Truman
Kys faggot shill.
I don't know, who did Brazil elect?
Nice Bullshit anecdotal OP go suck a bag of cocks.
>literal white children entering, in the middle of, or spending an extended time in college votes for free shit
>minorities vote for free shit
>those established in their career vote for not funding free shit for those who don’t work and want something for nothing
Not surprising at all
He’s not wrong, technically 58% disapproval based on anything I’ve dug up
And that's a good thing
That said, it’s still a (((poll))), nobody gives a fuck about approval ratings other than the media and the opposing party for shit flinging
they will start to turn based as they watch their brethren ruin the lands around them, they will notice as whites decline so does the quality of life
The Republican Party is already dead and Trump killed it
Source or GTFO
Both parties are Jewish controlled the two party system is a false dichotomy.
Your democracy maybe. I vote so fuck off.
>exit poll with over 10K responses
>”it’s anecdotal”
Choke on a dick faggo
>Having seen donations to their 'foundation' collapse by 90% since they failed in their bid to regain The White House, The Clintons decided a 13-city paid speaking tour was in order to scrape together some coin.
60% of nazis elected hitler too
Source: www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-28/clintons-face-empty-seats-trump-trashing-speaking-tour-kicks-coughing-fit
>Spiggers will start to empathize with White people.
Never going to happen. They will just laugh at us for being dumb enough to let them in. They don't give a shit about civilization dying. They don't give a shit about it.
Also with a majority of women votes, who just got their voting rights.
Hitler was never elected. kys ameriMutt
>Civic Nationalists will defend this
>Lost, still mad about it
Poor redditbot.
And you niggers wonder why we have the Second Amendment.
>communist education
MFW my father’s lawyer just plead guilty to lying to the Senate but I said many of the same things.
>bring in non-Whites by the millions, give them everything they want, and persecute White identity
As if the Republican party wasn't already killing itself.