26yo coworker dates with 17yo intern

So, we have this cute 17yo intern working at my workplace lately and suddenly, one of my 26yo coworkers starts to date her. She says she never had a bf before so it comes off as somewhat desperate from her. Am I kinda the only one thinking such a relationship isn't normal or even healthy? Most of my coworkers seem to agree with that opinion, at least. To top it off, that coworker of mine is the manipulative kind of person, so my bells are ringing.

Attached: dating-a-coworker.jpg (792x456, 204K)

let em enjoy it faggot as long its legal

It's neither normal nor healthy (which is why it's not normal), teenagers will change drastically from 17-22 and will do a lot of growing that a 26 year old man, if they were one of those 'condition the girl' types-- which are common on Jow Forums if we take them at face value (assuming they don't have to chloroform their right hand just to get some wank action)-- could easily impede or influence to generate an outcome.
Older men dating teenagers is usually a sign that they lack the fundamentals of maturity that allows them to mesh with people who aren't teenagers, or into dating teenagers.
I've seen them in real life. I've seen how they act, what they do, where they end up. It's not pretty.

But yes, let them be. Getting involved will only damn you, not them. If he wants to make retarded choices, let him.

You're just jealous he's going (already) deflowered her and you're not even going to get to sniff the coochie.

Dating old women sucks though.

Women who are 30+ are in a hurry, they wanna have everything now, and they have decided you are going to be their last bf and that you are getting married with in 2 years.. and they don’t even want to use protection because ”maybe i get lucky and have a son”.

Yeah they suck. They ruin all your life plans, force you to spend your money on them and a new big house, car etc for the family instead of doing fun stuff,

Unless you're in a third world shithole, your workplace is bound to have policies against fraternising, never mind dating, amongst staff. Puts both the business and your 26 y.o. colleague at risk professionally as well as personally. Stay clear and let them sort out their own mess.

you're a jealous roastie right?
26 and 17 is absolutely normal. unless of course, you're a roastie that spent too much time getting fucked by chads and then can't settle down.

It's none of your business.
>Older men dating teenagers is usually a sign that they lack the fundamentals of maturity that allows them to mesh with people who aren't teenagers
lol wut. What do you think older people talk about that teenagers don't?

roastie detected. RAUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS

Because when she turns 18 it suddenly becomes normal and OK.

Fuck off, OP. You're blue pilled as fuck.

Forget for a moment about right and wrong, what can you actually do about it? Nothing. So don't waste your time.


It's cool OP, most of these fags say it's okay because they don't wanna be fantasy hypocrites who would jump at the chance to date a 17 year old regardless of how old they were.

It's really not your problem though. Honestly your coworker is a moron and is just asking for trouble when things turn sour. Fuck a 17 year old (if it's legal there) fine but date one at a 26 years old lol no.

>jump a 17 year old
Man, I can't wait to hear about how she's posting about it on social media, and then follows up by complaining about Logan Paul or Pewdiepie.
Fuck, teenagers are so goddamn rad. I want to date the shit out of them. I need it.

I wouldn't even fuck it. Lord knows you dip it and they'll get cherry syndrome. Great, just what I wanted, to babysit someone else's misfired money shot.
Fucking great.

>I can't wait to hear about how she's posting about it on social media, and then follows up by complaining about Logan Paul or Pewdiepie.
>What do you think older people talk about that teenagers don't?

No it's not healthy
Yes it's normal
And no it's not your business, and no 17 year old is going to let someone tell her who to date
She's making a mistake, but it's her mistake to make

>not 18yo
lol what a pedophile

why dont you worry about your own life OP?
even if she is desperated, why does it affect you? its their choice, she is not a kid neither. and even if it isnt healthy or end up being a failed relationship they both learn a lesson, specially her.
theres >never< a reason to get inside a relationship and by the sound of it you are not her friend, just another coworker. Let them be and as I said, worry about your own life first.

It might be a red flag in general but it's not extreme and in a particular case maybe they're compatible, since you know them personally you'd have a better idea perhaps. Not to rationalize it too much though, and taken with the fact that she's a virgin that makes me a bit uneasy for her.

Unless the dude is also a virgin

he's a scumbag and you should tattle

Funny, I dated a 36yo guy beeing 17 yo female. Great time and even back then the older women which know of it were jelly and told me it was bad and unhealthy. Fun times. Now I'm still happily married and settled with 26years. Get fucked, woman naturally want older men. That how it was all of eternity. You only don't want it to be normal to still get some dude while having hit the wall. Pro tip: Get an older guy young and you get both of the pleasures.

My common sense is tingling: you're being jealous.
Next time, be more proactive.
Don't act like cancer.

incel anyone?

Not normal or legal in many places. Her brain is almost decade away from being fully developed, she shouldnt be with someone who has a fully developed brain; that's like taking sexual advantage of a retard because they're easy pickings. She's still a developing kid and this guy is being a creep. I'd report it if I were you

Younger women like older men, older men like younger women. Shit, even younger men like younger women. Shit, even younger WOMEN like younger women.

How far has society fallen that we pretend nature is somehow not normal?

>females who revel in being dumb young sluts
You are your own punishment, really

What about the part when he dies when you're not even a senior citizen left? Are you a happy gold digger who doesn't really care about the dude, or are you now left to spend 25+ years alone because you fucked daddy

Fucking this. When I was 13 my first boyfriend was 16. I thought it was cool as fuck being with a high schooler. My husband is 5 years older me and we’ve been going strong for 8 years now. He appreciates how attractive, unjaded, low maintenance, and young I am. I appreciate how mature, wise, strong, level headed, financially secure, experienced, and just all around how damn cool he is. Only people that have ever had a problem with it were old jealous bitches who want him for themselves, and butthurt losers who wanted me for themselves.

>picking a older spouse is beeeing a slut
Whateve you have to tell yorself, post wall roastie.

He has my best years till his death and doesn't need to have a old and wrinkled woman at his side. And if he dies with 90 I too will be old with 70. He has a better life with me than with a old hoe. And I love him more than a desperate wall-hitting ham sandwhich just looking for someone to attach to for kids.

Yeah, pretty much. But they wanted to be free and sleep around for all their good years, so now they haveto pay the tool.

what he's doing is arguably illegal, since he arguably has a position of power over interns