Is mass race mixing the only way to end racism?

Is mass race mixing the only way to end racism?

There are questions you must ask yourself.

Why am with a person of the same race in the modern age? In an age where I can travel and work anywhere in the world? Am I inadvertently contributing to racist beliefs about "purity"? Why haven't I basked upon the glory of interracial marriage?

Well Jow Forums?

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Kill all Jewish and israeli children

the only way to end racism is to remove any race that isn't white then no one can be racist because no other races exist

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In 100 years, when everyone is brown, the lighter brown people will still be racist against darker brown people. It already happens, light skinned niggers hate dark skin niggers

My dick won't get hard for non whites. I'm not racist but I think my dick might be.

Halfcast here im rascist still.

>Halfcast here

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im gonna fucking snap at thots

im dealing with cousins which are thots, they're so hypocritical and illogical it's fucking insane

they're soulless literally

No such thing as racism. Race mixing is genocide. There is nothing positive about it.

>no other races exist
In white countries, yeah. That's the way to do it. Homogeneous nations means no racial strife, ever. It is the ONLY way to prevent it.


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